Dishwasher tablets: which are best, how to choose the safest

Tablets for dishwasherwhich is better to use? And in principle, is it possible to replace them with some kind of folk remedies? These questions are asked by many owners of home helpers, without whom it is now difficult to imagine modern kitchen. The assortment of this product is very wide, and only practice of use will help to choose the best option. This practice was studied by the HouseChief editorial staff. An overview of the most popular brands and useful information are in this material.

Read in the article

  • 1 What is the composition of the tablets
  • 2 How dishwasher preparations work
  • 3 Why do some tablets dissolve poorly?
  • 4 What are the best dishwasher tablets: analysis of popular brands
  • 5 Criteria for choosing a dish detergent
    • 5.1 How many layers are needed
    • 5.2 Component quality
    • 5.3 Price and release form
    • 5.4 Terms of Use
  • 6 How to replace pills

What is the composition of the tablets

Almost all tablets consist of three main components: the detergent itself, rinse aid and water softener.

Dishwasher tablets: which are betterPHOTO:
The detergent in a convenient disposable package will effectively clean the dishes from dirt
Manufacturers add their own additives to these three components, the task of which is to give the product additional properties.PHOTO:
Manufacturers add their own additives to these three components, the task of which is to give the product additional properties.

Among such additions you can find the following:

  • fragrances and perfumery fragrances;
  • anti-foam and anti-corrosion additives;
  • enzyme preparations for the breakdown of fat;
  • acids, alkalis, phosphates.

It is worth knowing if the tablets contain toluene, paraben, formaldehyde, sodium and emulsifiers - it is better not to use such a remedy, it is dangerous to health.

Related article:

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easierDishwasher Salt: main functions, principle of operation, composition, packaging options, leading manufacturers, popular brands with reviews real consumers, recommendations for selection, use and self-preparation - in our publication.

How dishwasher preparations work

There is no secret here: the tablet instantly dissolves in water, saturating it with the necessary components. The dishes are washed with this compound, and then rinsed with clean water. The more active substances wash off fat, the easier they themselves are then washed off with water - the better.

The situation when the detergent remains on the dishes is unacceptable: it will certainly get into the foodPHOTO:
The situation when the detergent remains on the dishes is unacceptable: it will certainly get into the food

Why do some tablets dissolve poorly?

The unpleasant situation when the tablet partially remains in the machine after a full cycle has its reasons:

  • the product has expired;
  • you have loaded too many dishes into the machine;
  • the pill compartment is clogged;
  • too weak water pressure;
  • malfunctions in the mechanism of the device;
  • the tablet is pre-wet and dried;
  • the product has an insoluble coating that must be removed before use.

What are the best dishwasher tablets: analysis of popular brands

For convenience, we have presented the data in the table. Here you will see price comparisons and popular models.

Product nameprosMinusesAverage package price for February 2020, rub.Rating by marks (on a 10-point scale)
Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Protect the machine from deposits and limescale, do not scratch dishes, relatively cheapDo not dissolve completely, have a pungent odor159


dishwasher tablets Elly

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Low costIneffective against dried food, stains549


dishwasher tablets AlmaWin

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Washes away fresh dirt wellDoes not wash away fat well, leave streaks117


dishwasher tablets Snowter

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
They work in any water even at low temperatures, dissolve well, have an affordable priceLeaves streaks, does not clean old stains279


dishwasher tablets Econta

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Frau Schmidt
They give shine, do not have a pungent odorDo not wash off old dirt, contain aggressive substances373


dishwasher tablets Frau Schmidt

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Sun All in 1
Washes away any dirt, safeRequires addition of calcined salt during washing, strong odor, high price1682


dishwasher tablets Sun All in 1

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Minel Total 7
Effective for fresh dirtLeave streaks, poorly clean hard-to-reach places, high price829


dishwasher tablets Minel Total 7

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Clean Fresh
Protect glass and machine from plaque, give shine, intensively clean even old dirtLeave streaks and are difficult to rinse off521


dishwasher tablets Clean Fresh

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Frosch All in 1
Washes away any dirtLeave streaks in hard water587


dishwasher tablets Frosch All in 1

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Somat All in 1
They work in water of any hardness, wash away old stains, protect the car from scalePungent odor, high cost679


dishwasher tablets Somat All in 1

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Washes away any dirt, does not leave streaks, protects glass and metal from corrosion, gives shineStrong smell290


dishwasher tablets Fairy

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Top HOUSE 6 in 1
Protect metal against corrosion, glass against cloudiness, do not leave streaksNot detected221


Dishwasher tablets Top House 6 in 1

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Economical, good for washing old dirt, work in cold waterStrong smell549


dishwasher tablets Fasty

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Paclan brileo
Washes away any dirt, works in cold water, has no odorContains phosphates342


dishwasher tablets Paclan Brileo

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Meine Liebe
Washes away any contamination, protects against scale and plaquePoorly washed off368


dishwasher tablets Miene Liebe

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Perfectly dissolves, environmentally friendly, products can be washedNot detected276


dishwasher tablets Ikeep

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Cleans carbon deposits, protects against scale and plaque, does not damage glass, gives shine to dishesNot recommended for use with hard water, high price690


dishwasher tablets Claro

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
FeedBackAll in 1
Cope with carbon deposits, do not leave a smell, are suitable for hard water, dissolve wellHigh cost and the need to select a special washing mode640


dishwasher tablets FeedBackAll in 1

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Wash off any dirt, work in cold water, do not leave stains and streaksHigh cost, over-concentration699


dishwasher tablets Finish

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Filtero 7 in 1
They do not scratch dishes, dissolve well, wash out stubborn dirt, have an affordable priceSometimes they leave streaks on metal dishes268


dishwasher tablets Filtero 7 in 1

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
They work even in cold water, soften water, protect the car from limescale, do not smell, can be used for washing foodHigh price644


dishwasher tablets BioMio

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Protect against scale and plaque, wash off wellStrong smell304


dishwasher tablets Lotta

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Oppo nature
Eco-friendly, can be washed well in any water, protect against plaque and scaleCrumble in a box575


Oppo Nature dishwasher tablets

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Washes well, does not leave streaks, does not have a smellNot detected549


dishwasher tablets Ultimate

Dishwasher tablets: which are better, which are easier
Eared nanny
Protect against plaque and scale, products can be washed, odorlessContains phosphates254


dishwasher tablets Eared nanny

dishwasher tablets Eared nanny

Criteria for choosing a dish detergent

First of all, you need to carefully read the instructions for the dishwasher and make sure that it can work with tablets.

How many layers are needed

The name of the tool may contain numbers: 7 in 1, 5 in 1, and so on. We are talking about additional components to the three main ones. Remember that even three-component formulations can wash dishes perfectly. Of the really useful additives, it is possible to note means for glass opacity and for protection against scale and corrosion.

Experts say that the best choice is five-component formulations. Everything from above simply increases the value of the product.PHOTO:
Experts say that the best choice is five-component formulations. Everything from above simply increases the value of the product.

Component quality

Pay attention to the information on the product packaging. Remember that even the most thorough rinsing does not guarantee that the detergent will not remain on the dishes.

For allergy sufferers and families with children, you need to choose formulations that are free of chlorine, phosphates, anionic surfactants.

Price and release form

All tablets have a water-soluble coating. Some manufacturers additionally place the product in the packaging so that it does not accidentally dry out. In any case, these formulations must be stored in a dry place.

The price does not always indicate the high quality of the product. You need to critically evaluate the composition and be interested in user reviewsPHOTO:
The price does not always indicate the high quality of the product. You need to critically evaluate the composition and be interested in user reviews

Terms of Use

When purchasing a detergent, it is better to ask in advance how hard the water is coming from your tap. In addition, different types of dishes and types of contamination usually require different washing modes and chemicals. So it's better to have at least a couple of options: some for daily use, and others for special occasions.

For example, tablets with chlorine in the composition will help clean stubborn dirt from pans and pans, and wash cutting boards. Products with alkali and enzymes are suitable for daily use, and with active oxygen - for whitening ceremonial plates.

How to replace pills

If suddenly the pills run out, the store has already closed and you definitely need to wash the dishes, sometimes you can use folk remedies:

  1. Washing powder and soda are combined in a ratio of 3 to 7. You need to mix it with water until gruel and place in ice cube trays to dry.
  2. Powder for washing baby clothes is mixed with soda ash in a ratio of 5 to 1, a teaspoon of glycerin is added, the gruel is kneaded and shaped as described above.
  3. Citric acid, borax and soda ash are mixed in a ratio of 8: 4: 3. A little water is added. When the composition stops hissing, it is given shape.
But remember, these options are only good as a last resort. If you value your dishwasher, it is best not to overuse these products.PHOTO:
But remember, these options are only good as a last resort. If you value your dishwasher, it is best not to overuse these products.

And here's another original and very popular homemade recipe:

What pills do you use? Share your impressions in the comments!
