The best beets

Like many other garden crops, the beets are divided into three groups according to maturation: early, medium and late. If you need beets for storage for the winter, the second and third groups are suitable for this. Early beet due to its characteristics is poorly preserved, but it is good that you can eat it at the end of summer.

There are not so many varieties of beets, and they differ greatly in shape: globular, cylindrical, flattened, elongated. For some reason, most gardeners prefer a globular shape, although all other species are not inferior to it.

When choosing the best varieties of beets for planting, it is worthwhile orienting on the domestic producer - root crops - "foreigners" are somewhat inferior to taste and yield to native varieties. Besides, not all foreign varieties of beet can fully grow in the difficult climatic conditions of Russia.


Red ball

One of the best beet varieties - "Red ball" .This is an ultra-early variety that ripens in late September. Roots of medium size, weighing up to 250 grams, rounded and flat. The pulp of the "Red Ball" is tender and juicy, dark red. Rings are practically absent. The variety is famous for its high yield, good commercial qualities, and a friendly return of the harvest. Keeping at roots is not bad."Red ball" is drought-resistant and cold, but with a significant lack of heat, its yield decreases. The variety is recommended for use in home cooking and all kinds of processing.

This is interesting: the birthplace of beets - India and the Far East.


Cold-resistant 19

The list of the best varieties of beet continues "Cold-resistant 19" .This is the medium-early variety. Harvest can be harvested in late August. Roots of medium size, weighing up to 220 grams, smooth, round-flat. Pulp of excellent taste, tender and juicy. You can use root vegetables for almost everything: in home cooking, for storage for winter and processing.

Advantages of the variety: excellent cold resistance, stable and high yield, resistance to color.

It's interesting: in ancient Babylon, beetroot was used as a medicine.



The best sorts of beets include Detroit .This is one of the most popular and common medium-sized varieties of beets. Roots of medium size, weighing up to 250 grams, round, without rings, dense red, with a smooth skin and the same size. The merits of this variety include good yields, the same size of root crops, excellent commercial qualities and good shelf life. Use fruits in both home cooking, and for processing and storage for the winter.



"Mulatto" - one of the best new medium-sized varieties of beets. One of the advantages of "Mulatto" is the preservation of the color of the pulp during heat treatment.120 days after planting, you can harvest. Roots of "Mulatto" are classical for beets of round shape, beautiful dark-burgundy color. The weight of the fruit can reach 350 grams. The variety is valued for excellent taste and good yield.

It's interesting: sugar beet appeared in the middle of the XVIII century as a result of intensive work of breeders.



Continues the list of the best varieties of beet "Cylinder" .The name of this medium-late variety was received for the shape of root crops - they are cylindrical, with a diameter of up to 9 cm, weighing 190-250 grams and a length of up to 16 cm. "Cylinder" is a clear example of the fact that root beets of other forms, not only globular, have high tastequalities. The flesh of this beet is sweet and juicy, full of red color. Gardeners note that the flesh of the "Cylinder" is more gentle than that of other varieties. It can be eaten raw, and thanks to the elongated form, the root is conveniently rubbed.

The advantages of the variety include high yield, excellent taste and good keeping quality."Cylinder" is resistant to almost all diseases.

It's interesting: at first people used only the leaves of beet for food, and the root crop was used for medicinal purposes.


Sub-axis A-474

Assortment of beet "Sub-A-474" with "speaking" name is better than the others for sub-winter planting. The crop is ready 55 days after emergence. It can also be sown in the spring, but in this case the maturation period is extended to 100 days. Roots under the variety "Podzimnyaya" almost do not differ from such varieties as "Mulatto" and "Holodostoyka".They are flat-rounded with a slightly rough skin. Flesh is dark red, juicy, sweet and tasty.

Advantages of the variety: high yield, excellent taste qualities, the possibility of podzimnego sowing and obtaining an early spring harvest, resistance to color.

It's interesting: from all the peoples of the world in ancient times, beets were most revered in Greece. The Greeks brought root crops as gifts to the god Apollo.



"One-size" is one of the best early-ripening beets. The harvest ripens in 80 days. Root crops will please fans of the traditional form of beet - round, with a skin of deep dark red color. They are quite large - their weight can reach 600 grams.

In addition to good yield and weight of root crops, the variety is good because there is one seed in the nozzle, therefore shoots practically do not need thinning.

It's interesting: beets have many useful properties, and one of them is cleansing the body of toxins.



It is one of the best varieties of beet "Egyptian" .This is one of the most popular among gardeners of early varieties. The harvest ripens 120 days after sowing. Roots have a flattened shape, their weight reaches 400 grams. Pulp is sweet and juicy, rich red-violet.

Beet variety "Egyptian" is appreciated for its high yield, resistance to drought and flowering, excellent taste and good keeping quality. Of the disadvantages is worth noting the fact that the variety is prone to defeat cercosporesis.

It's interesting: beets have one feature - when cooking, it practically does not lose its useful properties, like other vegetables.



"Bohemia" - one of the most popular among gardeners medium-ripening varieties of beets. The harvest ripens in 80 days from the time of emergence. Roots are round, burgundy in color. The pulp is soft, juicy and tasty, without rings. With proper care, the roots of "Bohemia" reach a weight of 500 grams.

The variety has many advantages."Bohemia" is resistant to many diseases and pests, it is not subject to rifling, does not need frequent thinning. Excellent taste and good keeping quality make "Bohemia" one of the best varieties of beets.

It's interesting: there is a beet and its record holder - in 2001 the British county was grown the heaviest beet. Her weight was more than 23 kg.


Vinaigrette Marmelade

"Vinaigrette Marmelade" is a popular drought-resistant cultivar of beets. Roots are round and round-flat, weighing up to 500 grams. Flesh is sugary, dense, intense red. With proper cultivation, "Vinaigrette Marmelade" for a long time retains an excellent taste, for which it is highly valued by gardeners.

It's interesting: beets are cultivated everywhere, even in the Far North.