- Preparation for repair
- How to wash the whitewash from the floor after repair?
- Linoleum
- Parquet
- Laminate
- Floor tile
Many of us have experienced repairs in the apartment at least once in a lifetime. Therefore, faced with the problem: the more wash the floors after repair without divorce? Knowledgeable people of the older generation argue that it is easier to survive a natural disaster than repair. And the most hated stage of this event, of course, is cleaning the sexes after it. Without the use of special tricks it is necessary, gritting his teeth with anger, to wash the floor from whitewashing once or twice. We have put together the experience gained over the years, and the opinions of experts on how to clean the floor from whitewashing. Thanks to detailed recommendations, this problem will cease to exist for you.
to the contents ↑Preparing for repair
The most important thing to do before starting repair work is to protect all surfaces from dirt and dust. Remember that it is always better to prevent pollution than to suffer from the consequences. Therefore, before the beginning of dirty construction works:
- Maximize the space to be repaired from furniture and other things.
- What you can not endure, you should wrap it in a stretch film.
- The floor is preferably covered with a polyethylene film. Fix it on the skirting boards with paint or usual scotch tape. Instead of a film, you can use old newspapers, covering them in two layers.
Important! Rags for these purposes it is better not to use, because through the fabric the dust will still penetrate to the floor.
- Glass on windows can be pre-treated with a concentrated soap solution. Thus, after the completion of repair, it will be easier to wash them.
How to wash the whitewash from the floor after repair?
If the floor still could not be protected from dirt, then you need to think about how to clean it without damaging it. When choosing the method of cleaning, it is necessary to be guided, first of all, by the type of floor covering, because what is suitable for tiles can be completely contraindicated for parquet.
to the table of contents ↑Linoleum
To date, whitewash is gradually coming out of fashion, but still many families whitewash the ceilings with good old lime. Lime, by and large, is chalk. Since the school I remember how difficult it was to clean the board after the lesson so that there are no white divorces left on it. What to do with the floor, which suffered from whitewashing the ceiling? If the floor is covered with linoleum, then one of the following tools will help to clean the floors after repair without divorce.
Soap dispenser
For linoleum, a warm soapy solution is best suited to wash the floor from the whitewash:
- Dissolve a small amount of laundry soap or dishwashing liquid in warm water.
- First, clean with a damp cloth dampened in soapy water, global dirt, after - go to remove the less noticeable.
Important! To avoid divorce, it is often necessary to change the water.
- After drying, carefully inspect the surface. If the divorce is small, then it is enough to walk a couple of times with a rag.
Sodium salt and vinegar
If, after washing the floors with a soapy solution on the floor, there are still stains, then try a method using table salt and table vinegar. Usually this method helps to eliminate white spots on linoleum:
- In a bucket of warm water, add half a glass of table salt.
- Stir well the contents of the bucket until the salt dissolves completely.
- Wash the resulting salt solution with the floor.
Important! If the area of the room is large or the pollution is serious, it is necessary to change the solution several times to a new one.
- Prepare a solution of water and vinegar: a bucket of water will need 100 ml of table vinegar.
- Wash all the floors with acetic water.
Vegetable oil and vinegar
Vegetable oil in the solution will help remove dry whitewash without visible damage to smooth linoleum:
- Dissolve the vegetable oil in a bucket of warm water in a ratio of 100: 1, respectively.
- This solution thoroughly wash the floor from the whitewash. If necessary, the water must be replaced.
- Mix 100 ml of vinegar in a bucket of warm water and treat the floor with this solution.
Important! Some housewives say that vinegar can be replaced with chlorine-containing liquid, for example "Belize".
A solution of potassium permanganate
A similar method of cleaning not only wipes the floor off whitish spots, but also disinfects it:
- In a bucket of water, sprinkle crystals of potassium permanganate until the water turns into a bright crimson color.
- With this solution, wash the stains from the whitewash from the floor.
- Finally, clean the floor with clean water.
Remove the filler, paint and glue from the linoleum
If in addition to whitening, you accidentally smeared your linoleum wallpaper wallpaper, putty or paint, then try to remove the thick layer of dirt with a small spatula, and remove the remnants of turpentine.
Important! When cleaning linoleum categorically you can not use gasoline, ammonia and other types of it. Do not rub the soiled areas with soda. The surface of the linoleum after such treatment will quickly burn out in the sun.
The final step in cleaning linoleum from whitewashing
If the stains and stains are over, then you can try to return the coating to the former shine. To do this, floor the floor with a special mastic for linoleum, which is sold in any construction shop.
Important! Also for this purpose, suitable linseed oil or linseed oil.
to content ↑Parquet
Parquet is a very whimsical kind of flooring. He really does not like water, so it is necessary to approach the issue of parquet cleaning very carefully.
Vegetable oil and vinegar:
- Prepare a soft rag and cool clean water.
- To remove the bulk of dirt, wring out a cloth and walk on the floor.
Important! It is necessary to move from the far wall to the exit, so as not to stamp on the already washed place.
- Use vegetable oil, dissolving it in cool water in a proportion of 1: 100.Treat the parquet with a similar solution and you will easily clean the floor of the whitewash.
- At the final cleaning stage, wipe the floor with a weak solution of table vinegar.
Important! The rag must often be rinsed and strongly pressed each time.
- If pieces of putty or whitewash are stuck to the floor, put a wrung out damp cloth on them for a while, then wipe.
In the case of strong and adherent contaminants, a method using kerosene is suitable:
- In 5 liters of water, dissolve 100-150 g of kerosene.
- Wash the floor thoroughly with this solution. Divorce can easily go away.
Important! To get rid of the unpleasant smell of kerosene, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.
- Wash the floor with water and vinegar. Such an acidic solution will also largely help get rid of the smell of kerosene.
Remove the paint from the
parquet. Traces of the paint can be wiped off with white spirit, turpentine or cologne.
Important! Such funds must first be tried on an inconspicuous area of the coating. If no reaction has occurred, then it is possible to proceed with the removal of contaminants.
The final step in cleaning the parquet
If possible - wipe your parquet with a special tool Parquet wash & shine. It can be found in building stores. After applying a similar solution, the parquet will be covered with a protective film and will shine. For proper use:
- For 10 liters of water, dissolve 100 ml of the product.
- Wash the floor with a well-wrung cloth and allow it to dry completely.
Important! It is not recommended to use rough brushes, scrapers, abrasives and strong solvents to clean the parquet.
Cardinal measures
Perhaps your parquet was old, cracked and wiped. And that's why you did not bother to close it with newspapers. Then, for sure, whitewash and other construction mixtures were eaten in all the cracks. In this case, it is necessary to re-process it with a grinding machine and varnish. Costly and time consuming, of course, but you have a reason to turn old parquet into a new one.
laminate Laminate is a fairly strong floor covering. It is often found in modern apartments and is quite resistant to shocks, abrasion, the effects of temperature differences. Its similar advantages are explained by the presence of a special top layer, which is impregnated with special resins.
But, despite this, the laminate needs to be treated with care. When cleaning after repair it is very important not to damage the top protective layer, so that your coating has served for many years.
Laminate, of course, is not as afraid of moisture as parquet, but also overdo it with wet cleaning is also not worth it. Suitable ways to remove construction dust and whitewash are the following options.
Vinegar solution
Since whitewash is, in fact, an alkali, then you should get rid of it with the acid, which is vinegar:
- Stir 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 5 liters of warm water.
- Wipe with liquid prepared floor. Try to squeeze the rag well and rinse it often in solution. Water should be changed as it is contaminated.
Important! The best of your assistant in a difficult battle with dirty razvodami will become a rag from microfiber.
- After washing with acetic water, wash the floor again with clean water.
Sunflower oil and vinegar:
- Stir in a warm water( bucket) of vegetable oil in a ratio of 100: 1.
- Wash the laminate by squeezing the cloth well.
- Make a new solution: in warm water, add a little vinegar( a couple of tablespoons per bucket) and wash the floor.
- At the final cleaning stage, refresh the cover with clean, cool water.
Brine Salt
Sodium salt will effectively save you from whitening whitewash and dust on the laminate.
Important! When cleaning this way, do not overdo it with the concentration of salt. Otherwise, then it will be necessary to fight also with salt divorce.
For proper use:
- Dissolve half a cup of table salt in a bucket of warm water.
- Wipe the floor with brine with a soft cloth.
- Wash the floor with a mild vinegar solution, often rinsing a rag.
Important! You can use it when preparing acid solution with citric acid instead of vinegar.
Remove the paint, putty and foot marks from the laminate:
- If there are stains from the paint, try removing them with a white spirit and a soft cloth.
- Black footprints can be removed from the soles of a regular school eraser.
- Thick, sticky stains of the putty should be first damped by placing a damp cloth on them, then gently prying with a spatula, trying not to scratch the coating.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to treat the laminate with abrasive substances, metal scrapers, rigid brushes and strong solvents.
The final stage of cleaning the laminate
When you have mastered the divorce and dirt, you can walk through the laminate with a special Laminate wash &shine( it is sold in construction stores).This treatment will give your floor a shine and give a gentle fragrance:
- For 10 liters of water, dilute 100 ml of the product.
- Wash the floor with the prepared mortar.
- Do not flush the product with water.
Floor tiles
Ceramic tiles are materials used in construction for several millennia. In modern apartments it lies on the floor not only in the bathrooms, but also in other rooms. Its advantages are: excellent wear resistance, thermal stability, is not afraid of the impact of various household chemicals. Therefore, almost all the methods and tools described above for other coatings for floor tiles are also suitable.
So, how to wash the whitewash from the floor after repair:
- Sweep up the building debris.
- Wipe off contamination with warm water.
- Allow to dry the floor covering and inspect the floor for dirt.
- Remove large pieces of wallpaper paste and putty with a spatula.
- Remove stains with acetone, white spirit or other suitable solvents.
- With water-based paint can be handled and without special tools. Just wipe with a damp sponge.
- With divorce from whitening will help our basic methods, recommended by experts and experienced housewives.
Table salt and vinegar:
- Prepare a salt solution, observing the following proportions: on a bucket of water 5 tablespoons of rock salt.
- Wash the floor, often rinsing the rag and changing the water.
- Prepare the vinegar solution: add 100-150 ml of vinegar to the bucket of water.
- Wash your tile with a prepared vinegar solution.
- If there is no whitening left after drying, then simply clean the floor of the room with clean water.
Vegetable oil and vinegar:
- Add the usual vegetable oil in a bucket of water in the proportion of 100: 1.
- Wipe the floor with an oil solution.
- In a bucket of clean water, add 100 ml of table vinegar.
- Rinse the tile well, often rinsing the rag.
- Walk on the floor with a rag soaked in clean cool water.
Manganese mortar
This method also copes with whitewash whitewashing:
- In a bucket of water, gradually add crystals of potassium permanganate, stirring intensely until the water becomes bright pink.
- Thoroughly clean the floor, rinsing the cloth more often.
- Rinse the area with clean water.
Important! If you have wooden skirting boards, opened with varnish, then potassium permanganate can harm them. Therefore, before washing, seal them with paint tape or use another method of cleaning.
If whitewash managed to dry, then the old kind kerosene will cope with this problem:
- Add 5 ounces of water to 150 grams of kerosene.
- Wash the floor thoroughly with this solution.
- Difficult places rub sponge soaked in solution.
Important! During cleaning, open the windows to quickly evaporate the unpleasant odor.
- Remainder of kerosene from the tiles clean with clean water with the addition of vinegar( 1 glass on a bucket of water).
Dishwashing liquid
If the floor is not too dirty after the repair, you can wash it first with a soap solution:
- Add 1-2 tablespoons of any dishwashing liquid to a bucket of warm water.
- Wash the floor with a soapy solution.
- Wipe the tile with plain clean water.
The use of special tools for washing tiles
In construction shops there is a special tool for tiling HG "Polish, wax and dirt remover".Clean and shine with a similar industrial product you are guaranteed, if you act like this:
- For 10 liters of water, add 100 ml of the product.
- Wash the floor with a tile.
Also you can meet Deterdek-liquid, which removes all building pollution. According to the instructions, you need:
- Dilute the product in water 1: 5 or 1:10.
Important! The proportions depend on the degree of contamination of the floor covering.
- Apply the solution to the tile and leave for a few minutes.
- Thoroughly wash off the floor with clean water.
Have time for patience while repairing. If you use the cleaning recommendations given in this article, the process of washing the floor will not last a whole day and will not turn into "Sisyphean labor".In the end, you can always turn to a cleaning company that will do this unpleasant job for you. Everyone decides for himself - to incur some financial costs and instruct the cleaning professionals or back up and do it yourself and for free.