- Ways of water treatment in the pool
- Recommendations for the care of the pool
- Advice that may come in handy:
- Unpleasant moments arising from the operation:
In the modern world, everyone has heard about swimming pools and almost everyone has it in their private home orin the country. They are different: private, public, stationary, collapsible. And also there are different ways of water purification in swimming pools. In this article, we will try to reveal the topics: cleaning the water in the pool without chemistry, the fineness of the care of private pools, whether it is possible to clean the pool with our own hands, and also give advice and recommendations that will certainly be useful to you.
to content ↑Ways of water treatment in the pool
There are many ways to clean water in swimming pools. The most used and most effective ways will be discussed below.
Mechanical method
The basic principle of this method is its name, that is - it is based on mechanical cleaning using various manual devices and devices.
For this purpose:
- garden accessories - garden net, which helps to remove accumulated mechanical debris;
- brush - serves to get rid of various stains or dirt on the walls of the pool;
- special cleaning devices - a device that operates on the principle of a vacuum cleaner, which absorbs accumulated debris: foliage, down, parts of various plants and so on.
Important! There is another mechanical method of water purification in the pool at the cottage - the use of filters. They are of several types: sand, cartridge and diatom.
As we can see, there are many of them, and each person can choose according to his taste. To summarize, the mechanical method is, in fact, the purification of water in the pool by oneself.
Chemical method
This method consists in chemical cleaning and disinfection of water by means containing various inorganic substances. By cleaning water in this way at the cottage, you must adhere to such basic goals as:
- support of a normal pH level - at the level of 7-7,4;
- disinfection of water - getting rid of pathogens, for which warm water is an excellent habitat;
- destruction of contaminants that can not be handled by water purifiers.
What exactly can be used:
- There is such a tool for water purification in the pool, like chlorine. It can be presented in various versions: bleach, white, gaseous chlorine and so on.
- There are also drugs, which include a chemical element, such as bromine. Unlike the effects of chlorinated products, preparations with bromine do not leave a smell, and the effect from them is approximately the same.
- One of the most commonly used water purification means in the country is perhydrol. Quite often small ponds in private plots are treated with a solution of this substance, which maintains a normal pH level and has practically no sharp odor.
Important! Do not forget that this method is dangerous because of its effect on humans, since many people have different allergies to this kind of substance. Using this method of water purification, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the preparations before using, so as not to harm other people.
Electrophysical method
To use this method, it is necessary to have special equipment that allows to carry out water purification. With its help it is possible to conduct:
- ozonation of the aquatic environment;
- purification by ultraviolet or ionization - the saturation of water with ions of useful metals that contribute to the purification of the environment.
Important! For such an issue as: cleaning the pool at the dacha, the most effective is considered cleaning with ultraviolet lamps, since this requires minimal equipment costs and disinfects the water well enough. But before using this method, you must carefully clean the reservoir of excessive mechanical debris.
to the contents ↑Recommendations for the care of the pool
Own pool is a real luxury in our time. But even so, many people are happy owners of a personal pond. To avoid excessive contamination of water or contamination with its pathogenic bacteria, the necessary recommendations should be taken into account:
- If you have an open pool, you should regularly check the acidity level, that is, the same pH.The sun's rays are able to warm up the water well, which does not benefit the bathers: as mentioned above, warm water is an excellent medium for the reproduction of bacteria. To prevent infection, it is necessary to regularly check the acid-base balance of water.
- It should also be remembered that pools of all types require a constant mechanical cleaning of the filter. On the types of filters was mentioned above. Choose them should be given the size and volume of the reservoir. Through filtration, water can always be left fresh and transparent.
- For regular cleaning of the bottom, which is also a necessary part of the care of the pool, you can use a special bottom vacuum cleaner. Purification of water in the pool without chemicals is a must. It is necessary to clean the pond mechanically every day from fallen leaves, carelessly abandoned packages from products and other mechanical debris.
- To reduce the risk of mucus on the walls of the pool, it must be treated with a special substance before use. Then bathing will not bring discomfort to you, nor your family, nor your friends and acquaintances.
Important! If you are a happy owner of a frame pool, then remember all the above recommendations, do not forget to regularly disinfect your pond and once a week completely change the water, draining the pool and filling with fresh.
If you have purchased an inflatable - do not forget that the probability of mechanically damaging it is high. To prevent an undesirable incident, you should be extremely cautious in using, not allowing a number of sharp objects.
to the contents ↑Tips that may come in handy:
- Before swimming, do not forget to clean your feet of sand or other debris. This will allow the pool to remain suitable for swimming much longer.
- Cleaning the pool in the country is a troublesome business. In order not to carry out a thorough cleaning, draining the water, it is enough simply to maintain the cleanliness of the reservoir always.
- If your pets really like swimming, then they should not be allowed to swim in the pool. The reason is obvious: water pollution.
- To prevent the flowering of water, regular disinfection should be carried out. This will help you never face such an unpleasant problem.
- Before winter, inflatable pools must be freed from water, dried and cleaned before the onset of the warm season.
Unpleasant moments arising from operation:
- Turbidity of water - occurs due to improper care or lack of it in general, insufficient chlorination.
- Sludge formation - special preparations or care products will help to eliminate the problem. It arises because of non-compliance with the rules of care.
- Mechanical damage( inflatable pools) is a fairly common problem. To prevent it will help to comply with the rules of the inflatable device.
- "Flowering" of water - arises from the appearance of unwanted algae, which gives a green tint to the water, eventually turning it into a dark green turbidity. Regular cleaning will protect you from this pressing problem.
- Cleaning the water in the pool with your own hands is not an easy task. But, nevertheless, every day you need to make efforts to have a result.
- A large number of maintenance costs: owning a pool has always been a luxury that needs to be supported by investing a lot of money every day for its full functioning.
So, we hope that our advice on water purification in the pool at the dacha will help and will be useful to you in the future life. Having carefully studied the content of the article, you will forever forget about the question, what means for cleaning water in the pool to choose, because now you know all the possible options for cleaning and disinfection, as well as the unpleasant moments arising from the operation, the peculiarities of care for your own pool. We are sure that in the future you will spend much less time for care if you follow such simple recommendations.