Any sheepskin made from natural or artificial fur, from time to time needs to be cleaned. What to do? Immediately run to the dry cleaners or attempt to save odezhku warm and comfortable using home remedies? Many people do not trust the dry cleaners prefer clean coats on their own, At home.
- Preparation of material and useful tips
- Dry cleaning methods
- Methods of wet treatment
- How to clean fur on sheepskin coat
- Caring for artificial sheepskin
Preparation of material and useful tips
First of all, should carefully examine the labels on the clothes, which will have the cleaning procedure. They usually contain information on materials and methods that can be used to influence it:
- Suede products, tend to be quite successful dry cleaning method.
- Sheepskin laser processing can be well transferred wet cleaning methods.
- Leather better be cleaned by dry method.
Before starting cleaning, it is necessary to test the reaction material means a small area product that is not visible from outside (to avoid unwanted effects, such as stains or corrosion).
Wash clothes made of leather and suede in the washing machine is not necessary. The product loses shape, reduced in size, and the surface of the material becomes stiff and dull. Dublenku got wet in the rain should be left to dry at room temperature, hanging on a hanger and straightened.
The most optimal storage conditions is Case coats (or bag) from natural (e.g., cotton) material placed therein sprig lavender or cloth impregnated with lavender oil. Stains on a sheepskin coat and fur is preferred to remove immediately after they are formed, without waiting until the stain is dry or vestsya deeper.
Dry cleaning methods
Salt. To clean the coats from small and unexpressed pollution can use ordinary table salt. It is applied to the surface in the areas of pollution and being careful not to damage the texture, "wash" the stain hands or hard rubber brush. After removal of stains from the surface of the salt is shaken with a sponge or cloth. This treatment will help remove small spots and restore the surface of the material lost velvety. Attention! For dublenok made of leather, a method of cleaning used does not follow, as the salt could leave stains on the skin surface, and change color.
- Semolina (For lack of semolina starch can be used). This method of cleaning is suitable including for light coats. You can use it to remove coats even severe pollution, as well as align and update the material surface. Contaminated areas should be sprinkled semolina, whereupon wearing cloth gloves intensively but gently rubbed areas with contamination. Movement with the best guide on the periphery of the site contamination to its center. After removal of the major spots should perform a similar procedure across coats the surface using a brush having a sufficiently hard bristles (you can replace it with fine sandpaper).
- Clean with gasoline. Gasoline is easily removed from the surface of sheepskin grease stains. A piece of burlap soaked in gasoline, you need to carefully rub the grease stain. Attention! For light coats a way to get rid of the stains will not work.
- The dry bread crusts - the most gentle way to combat small dirt. Pollution should vigorously rub the crust and crumb shake soft brush.
- Dentifrice. This is good old remedy to successfully deal with the cleaning of greasy areas around the pockets and on the collar. Tooth powder is applied to the rubber brush contaminated sites.
Methods of wet treatment
Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. It is a way to clean light coats at home. For bleaching composition must dissolve in a glass of water one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and the same volume of liquid ammonia. Received means soft sponge is applied to areas with contamination. Spots handled to their complete extinction and restore the original color.
- Ammonia removes stubborn dirt with sheepskin. Before application on sheepskin ammonia should be diluted with water in a ratio of four to one. Diluted ammonia using a soft sponge wipe stains on the product, and then remove the remnants of the composition of a wet sponge. Then rub the surface with a soft cloth.
- The cleaning mixture from milk. To start with the surface coats should be brushed dust off. To prepare a mixture of 200 ml of milk dissolved 10 ml of shampoo and 5 ml of ammonia. Saturate this lineup a soft sponge, the treated area with dirt. After removing contaminants soap entire surface of the product must be treated with a mixture of 500 ml of water, 5 ml of soda, 20 ml of glycerol and 15 ml of liquid ammonia. After treatment coats must hang on a hanger, straighten and left in this state at room temperature until dry.
How to clean fur on sheepskin coat
Sand and wheat bran. The components should be heated in a frying pan and then put on a dirty pile of "massaging" movements. After cleaning, the remnants of the sand to shake off a stiff brush.
- "Cat" shampoo. Wash coat solution can be in the shampoo for animals. The detergent should be diluted with warm water and whip until a thick foam. Fur foam is most conveniently applied to the sponge. After a few minutes are necessary to effect the detergent foam residues should be washed off with water, trying not to wet sheepskin itself.
- Ethyl alcohol and vinegar. The cleaning mixture composed of equal proportions in the mixed alcohol, vinegar and water. With a sponge to moisten the fur and then rub it with a clean cloth. For the treatment of faux fur, this method is not suitable!
- Lemon juice. He simply applied with a sponge on the fur pile, then you need to comb the fur.
- Starch with gasolineBy mixing, put on the fur and wait until dry. Residues mixture remove brush.
- Baby powder or ground chalk eliminate bad fat with fur spots.
- Salt and ammonia. 5 ml of ammonia and 30 g of sodium chloride dissolved in half a liter of water and treat spots on the fur. After processing fur wiped with a damp sponge.
- Hydrogen peroxideDissolved in water in a proportion of 5 ml per liter of water, purified copes with white fur on the fur coat. Peroxide will help "paint" in the original color of yellowed white fur.
Tarnished by long socks fur on sheepskin coat to restore its natural luster It is treated with a mixture of 100 g tallow, 12 drops of ammonia and 10 g of laundry soap. These components should be mixed and dissolved in a liter of hot water. The solution was cool and applied on a sponge fur pile. Remains removed with a damp brush.
Caring for artificial sheepskin
Do not do ituse for cleaning plastics aggressive components: gasoline, kerosene, solvents. They can leave stains on synthetic suede.
Cope with cleaning the coats of artificial suede following ways:
Soap solution prepared from soap, shampoo or dishwashing detergent;
- grease stains successfully eliminated starch or baby powder;
- solution of ammonium hydroxide and soap;
- a mixture of borax, ammonia and warm water.
that clean light sheepskin at home, the following methods are suitable:
- peroxide with ammonia;
- a mixture of soda and milk;
- diluted ammonia water;
- stain removal using semolina;
- cleaning tooth powder.