- Misconceptions that arise when buying and caring for linoleum
- Wet linoleum cleaning
- We give linoleum shine
- We remove stains from linoleum
- We repair floor after repair
Linoleum is the most unattractive, easy to clean and maintain, not fastidious and durable,and therefore the most correct choice in the flooring. But even with such a completely problem-free, at first glance, floor covering, a lot of nuances can arise, and one of them is washing. In this article, we'll look at how to wash linoleum to shine, at home.
to the contents ↑Misconceptions that arise when buying and caring for linoleum
Often, experienced housewives choose linoleum because of the ratio of price and quality. But quite often in the forums there are negative reviews in his direction. It is written that over time it ceased to shine, there were scratches and generally lost its former appearance. What caused this deterioration and why do some linoleum serve 15 years, and some - 3 years? Many people say that everything depends on the quality of the linoleum itself, and to ensure that it lasts longer unscathed, it is worth choosing the models in a more expensive way, but is it so?
Naturally, the choice of linoleum itself is a very important process and the biggest misconception is that the housewives completely forget about caring for it, and in case of damage they only sin on manufacturers. The most sure decision will undoubtedly be from the very first day after laying linoleum to start taking care of it carefully. Our goal at the moment is to learn how to update linoleum at home.
to the table of contents ↑Wet linoleum cleaning
As you already understood, simply to wash the floor with a damp rag will not be enough, and a whole procedure for cleaning them will be carried out on especially polluted floors.
Preliminary cleaning
Initially, it is worth to dry cleaning, to remove all the dust, dirt and sand. You need to vacuum it, brush with soft fibers or a broom. If you skip this stage, then on the linoleum there will be a divorce.
Important! You can skip this procedure if you wash the floor daily or every other day.
The next stage will be wet cleaning. You can simply wipe linoleum with a damp rag several times - a rag with metal fibers should not be used, because you can scratch the floor, the top layer of which is very sensitive to scratches. But there are many chemical compositions that will help bring the floor to its previous appearance:
- Many tools designed specifically for washing and cleaning linoleum, which can be found on the shelves of shops with household chemicals.
- The usual household soap, the pieces of which need to be diluted in warm( not hot!) Water.
- Washing powder, which also needs to be diluted with warm water.
Important! It is absolutely forbidden to wash linoleum with hot water - it reduces the period of its suitability, and warm - on the contrary, it is welcomed.
Capital cleaning
If the floor is too damaged and is in an extremely neglected state, then you should pay attention to the following method. He also will approach those who are strongly opposed to chemistry:
- Dilute a little laundry soap in a liter of warm water.
- In this mixture add 200 g of pure vodka, and then a teaspoon of any detergent.
- All well mix and rub the place of contamination.
- Wipe the floor with a slightly damp rag, which will finally get rid of the detergent.
- Wipe surface with dry cloth.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to mix funds bought in the store, divorces from such a "hellish" chemical mixture are not washed away.
to content ↑We give linoleum shine
Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to change floors every 4-5 years, but any good mistress can make so that even after 10 years of use, linoleum will shine like new. How to wash linoleum, so that it shines, at home - it is enough to apply the following methods.
There are a variety of ways that are mostly prepared at home.
- In order to give the linoleum a shine, you can mix potato broth and starch in water. With this solution, wash the floor.
- Another "grandfather's" method says that it is worth mixing cow's milk and water in equal quantities. After washing the floor with this mixture, wipe it with a dry cloth. The effect is visible after the second use.
Important! Also, to update the linoleum and wash it to glitter, at home, you can use shop polishes, which rub linoleum. But this method should be used only when the above are not saved.
Useful advices
- The floor must be treated at least 2 times a month.
- After treatment, give the linoleum a rest and, if possible, do not enter the room at all for about 15 minutes.
- It is important to remember that in the situation with linoleum regularity is important: regularity in cleaning, regularity in grooming.
- It is advisable to use special protective equipment that will help to serve your floor and stay in a chic form for more than one year.
We remove stains from linoleum
Probably practically everyone who has linoleum at home has faced the problem of spots, especially for families with small children. Often, many, instead of entering these spots, change the whole floor, which naturally carries with it a certain considerable expense. Is it worth spending so much money or still trying to solve the problem yourself? Can I update the old linoleum with my own hands? Let's try to understand this.
Important! Any stain should be removed as soon as it appears. If you wait and postpone this case "for later", then the stain will begin to absorb into the structure of the material and it will be very difficult to wash it, if not impossible at all.
One of the most effective tools that will help you eliminate stains from linoleum, is gasoline.
Important! We do not need a conventional machine with refueling, but refined - which is sold in construction stores. It is not expensive, but we need a very small tube.
Gasoline is easy enough to use, they just need to rub the dirt and then rinse with soapy water. It will help get rid of such spots:
- Coffee;
- Iodine;
- Green;
- Felt-tip pen;
- Wax( but it must first be removed with a knife, the main thing is not to damage the linoleum);
- Shoe polish;
- Engine oil.
Other stains can be helped by no less simple to use substances:
- Special attention should be paid to spots of ink. They need to be carefully combed with pumice stone or emery paper slightly moistened with flax oil.
- Stains of mold or rust can be removed with a special solution from water and bleach in a proportion of 10: 1.If the stains still are not output, then add lemon juice to the mixture.
- If on the linoleum there are stains of fat, they should first be wiped with a dry paper towel, and then - washed with soapy water. The effect is guaranteed.
Important! Regardless of what means you were treating the floor and what stains were removed, be sure to wash the floor with warm water after cleaning the cover and wipe it with a dry cloth - this will save the linoleum from the divorce.
to the contents ↑Restoring the floor after repair
Repair is certainly a useful thing, but will it not harm the linoleum? Here everything depends not on you, but on the conscience of repairmen who can simply ignore your requests to cover the floor. Even if they have covered, on linoleum there will be very noticeable traces and dirt from repair. What to do in this situation?
Cleaning after repair work should be carried out in stages:
- Walk on the surface of the linoleum with a brush, and then - with a vacuum cleaner. This will help you remove large pieces of dirt and basic dust.
- Those places on which there are traces of whitewash, wipe with a damp rag several times.
- Paint with a knife and paint.
- Wash the floor according to the instructions above.
The most difficult in how to update linoleum with your own hands after repair, you can call it cleaning from the primer, because it strongly adheres to the floor. In order to withdraw it:
- it is necessary to prepare a solution of acetone and water - it will certainly help you;
- further it is necessary to rub linoleum with the rigid party of a sponge( the only thing that such washing can do much harm to a floor and to do small scratches).
Important! Instead of pure acetone, you can use a nail polish remover.
If you want to keep the beauty and brilliance of your floor for many years, then do not forget about regular care and careful attitude to it. And than to wash linoleum that shone, in house conditions, you already know.