- Where does mold come from?
- Than to deduce a fungus from walls?
- How to remove mold from walls by special means?
- How to remove mold on walls with folk remedies?
- Useful tips
Mold is a good sign only on expensive cheese of certain varieties, but not on the surfaces of your house. How to remove mold on the walls in the apartment, if it suddenly appeared and can not be cleaned, you must know. It is necessary to remove it, as it is harmful to health, and having appeared in one place a small islet, the fungus will quickly spread throughout the apartment.
to the contents ↑Where does mold come from?
Before removing the fungus on the walls, you need to determine for what reason it originated. Note that if you ignore this nuance, after cleaning one surface, mold can easily arise elsewhere. Therefore, find out and neutralize the cause of its occurrence and only then proceed to work.
Causes of mold occurrence:
- High humidity in the room.
- Poor ventilation or complete absence of ventilation.
- Poor installation of windows.
- Interrupted sealed inter-panel joints.
Than to remove the fungus from the walls?
There is a large number of means for removing mold from surfaces. They are both chemical and natural, which are in every house. Depending on what method you will use to destroy the fungus, you may need such tools:
- "ArmMix Cleaner";
- "ArmMix Antiseptic";
- "ArmMix Universal";
- "ArmMix - protection from fungus and dampness";
- "Magneterm";
- stationery glue;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- vinegar;
- vitriol;
- chlorinated bleaches;
- liquid ammonia.
You will also need these auxiliary tools:
- spatulas;
- atomizer;
- sandpaper;
- container for mixing solutions;
- roller;
- brushes.
Note: If you are a proponent of chemical treatment, do not forget to purchase everything you need in building stores. In addition to the funds, you will need a respirator and rubber gloves, since you need to work with chemicals in protective clothing.
to the contents ↑How to remove mold from the walls by special means?
Mold reproduces by spores and does it very quickly, so it is important to remove it in the early stages. When you notice only a small spot, you should take action. But it often happens that the mold develops under the wallpaper and when it becomes visible, by that time already decently grows. On how to remove mold from the wallpaper, the question is not worth it - they need to be disposed of and as soon as possible.
When using chemical, professional tools, the work is divided into several stages and takes several days.
Step 1
At this stage, use "ArmMix Cleaner".Removing the cement layer, it opens the concrete for cleaning. Use it in this order:
- Remove all mold-affected wallpapers, as well as clean wallpaper around for 50 cm.
- Take a spatula and remove the plaster layer together with the mold.
- Use a brush to treat the place of stripping with a tool.
Stage 2
The next step is antiseptic treatment of the walls. So you will destroy the fungus on the surface. When solving the problem of how to remove the fungus on the walls in the apartment, follow this step-by-step instruction:
- Dry the soil "ArmMix Antiseptic" dilute in water as indicated by the manufacturer.
- Use a roller to apply the mortar to the wall.
- Wait until the agent dries.
- Repeat the procedure two more times.
Note: the agent is capable of destroying a large number of harmful bacteria and microorganisms, but it is toxic. Work in special clothes and ventilate the room to finish the process of solving the problem as soon as possible, how to remove the mold on the walls. Children and pregnant women should not be in the room for a week.
Stage 3
After you have disinfected the wall, apply "ArmMix Universal".It is designed for deep cleaning of the wall and removes the remaining spores. That's how it is applied:
- Take a clean roller.
- Apply to the primer.
- Apply to the entire perimeter of the wall.
- Allow to dry.
Stage 4
To prevent the development of mold in the future, treat the wall surface with a waterproofing mix "ArmMix - protection from fungus and dampness" and fix it with "ArmMix Universal" primer. Instruction:
- Use a suitable tool to treat the wall with the first tool.
- Leave to dry.
- Apply primer to the entire treatment area.
Stage 5
At the final stage, use any plaster and heat-insulating paint "Magneterm".Adhere to the following sequence of actions:
- Plaster the wall.
- Wait until it is completely dry.
- Apply paint and allow to dry.
Note: After carrying out all the steps and getting a high-quality result to solve the problem of how to remove mold on the walls, you can proceed with the decoration of the wall. Cover it with wallpaper, paint or decorative plaster. Ideally, it is necessary to process the walls in each house during the repair, if you do not follow the temperature and humidity in the room. Then the fungus will never appear on your walls. But be careful - chemicals are toxic and can cause harm to health.
to the contents ↑How to remove mold on walls with folk remedies?
Natural remedies can also remove mold fungi from the walls. They are not harmful and there are practically in every house. There are several ways to use them.
Note: Before using any of the following, you need to perform work on the sweep. Follow it, following this clearly:
- Use any hard tool: a metal brush, sandpaper or a knife. Scratch the mold.
- Dispose of this material.
- Wipe the place of stripping with an ordinary dishwashing detergent for dishes or floors.
After doing this work, go to the use of special tools.
Method 1
Use the usual clerical glue as follows:
- Dilute 1: 1 glue with water.
- Apply to the affected area with a brush.
- Allow to dry.
Method 2
Hydrogen peroxide copes well with small areas of damage. If you just noticed a fungus that is not much overgrown, this remedy will suit you very well. It is used as follows:
- Do not hesitate to apply peroxide to the cleaned place.
- You can repeat the procedure to fix the result.
Method 3
Any chlorine-containing agent has antiseptic properties and neutralizes mold. See what you have available and use bleach or other means to decide the issue, how and how to remove the fungus on the walls in the apartment:
- Dilute the product with water, where 3 parts of water - 1 part of the product.
- Apply to the desired areas.
- Wait until it dries. Only then it will be possible to decorate.
Note: Do not use undiluted product - in its pure form its evaporation is harmful.
Method 4
For large areas of mold spread, copper sulfate and vinegar are well suited. Follow these guidelines to quickly complete the process and easily handle the task of how to remove mold from the walls:
- Dilute 0.5 kg of the drug in 10 liters of water.
- Add 3 tbsp.vinegar.
- Use a roller to apply the mortar to the wall.
- Leave to dry.
Method 5
Identical to bleach, ammonia is affected by ammonia. It is suitable only for non-porous surfaces and is used as follows:
- Mix the ammonia and water 1: 1 and fill it with a container with a spray.
- Spray on the affected area.
- Ensure that the product is dried in a well-ventilated area.
Useful advices
To prevent the appearance and reproduction of fungus on the walls in the apartment, adhere to such recommendations:
- Put well-dried clothes in the cabinets.
- Keep an eye on the number of indoor plants and for their adequate watering.
- After the shower, do not close the doors tightly in the bathroom and, if possible, install a fan in this room. Use it after hand washing and taking a bath or shower.
- During the next repair, take all necessary measures to prevent the appearance of fungus.
- Regularly, at least once every 3 months, pay attention to ceilings, floors, walls and furniture. This will allow the pest to be detected in time.
Now you know how to remove the mold on the walls in the apartment, and we hope that following our advice you quickly solved the problem. In the future, try to warn her, so as not to waste time fighting fungi and not harm yourself and your loved ones!