- Folk remedies
- Useful advices:
Carpet is a universal floor covering, which is equally used in residential buildings, offices, shopping centers, beauty salons and any other commercial and non-commercial premises. It has many advantages, but spots and daily pollution take their toll. Then the question arises, how to clean the carpet in your home quickly and efficiently. Find out how to clean the carpet with convenient and easy-to-apply methods to make your cover look better and last longer.
Important! When cleaning the carpet always protect your furniture, carpet and the material under it. Take a partner who will help you remove furniture from the room, where the carpet is removed.
to the contents ↑You can, of course, consider the folk remedies of
as a dry cleaning option, however, the prices in them are sometimes quite high. So why spend your family budget, if you can use the national methods of cleaning - many of the necessary for sure you will find in your home.
Sawdust is an excellent method to clean the carpet from accumulated dust and dirt. They effectively cope with their tasks - you can see for yourself.
- Lightly soak the carpet.
- Top with a thick layer of sawdust.
- Leave your carpet for a day.
- After a day, vacuum it.
Important! Sawdust removes all dirt from the pile, and also gives it a fresh and neat appearance.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent stain remover. If in general the carpet is clean, but there are small spots, you can get rid of them in a short time:
- Mix 15 ml of peroxide, 2 tablespoons of detergent and 50 ml of water.
- Apply this mixture to the contamination area and leave for an hour.
- After this time, remove it.
The result will pleasantly surprise you.
Citric acid
Lemon juice copes well with stubborn stains. For example, with ink. However, after cleaning, it is necessary to wash the place of the stain with water to remove stickiness.
Household soap
Another option than cleaning the carpet from stains at home - laundry soap. His effective grandmothers knew how to combat stains.
Important! This method is not suitable for regular cleaning of the carpet, as it will look "washed".
This is another effective way to clean the carpet quickly and efficiently:
- Mix two tablespoons of vinegar and a liter of water.
- Dampen a hard wool brush in this liquid and rub the problem area.
It is important to clean this method in a well-ventilated area.
Secrets of carpet cleaning
You may have heard that soda water is effective against beer and wine stains.
How to clean the carpet from stains:
- Wipe the area with soda on the carpet. If this does not work, mix one part of the white vinegar with one part of the water and pour it into the hand spray.
- Spray the solution over the entire painted area and leave for 10-15 minutes to soak.
- Then press the clean sponge onto the area to soak the solution and stain. You may have to repeat this process to eradicate the stain.
- Once the stain has disappeared, rinse the carpet with warm water. Use your hand to clean the carpet threads in their natural direction.
- Finally, put white paper towels on the spot area and put something heavy on them, for example, a phone book. The towels will absorb the dampness from the carpet. Leave them in place until the carpet is dry - usually it takes about one day.
Shaving Cream
Another option is to clean the carpet in your home without a vacuum cleaner. An excellent tool for ordinary stains is a shaving cream - it will remove almost all types of spots:
- Apply it directly to the stain and allow to work for about 30 minutes.
- Once the shaving cream is impregnated, wipe off the residue with a dry white cloth.
- Finish by spraying an area with one part of the vinegar mixed with one part of the water.
Useful tips:
- It often happens that you step on a chewing gum in the street, but do not realize it until you track this rough sticky mess on your carpet. To get her out, go to the freezer and take a couple of ice cubes. Once the cud is frozen, use a spoon to lift the ball and cut the strands of the carpet. If you cut only a small amount of carpet, this should not be noticeable.
- The best option for hard-to-clean stains from grease is to use a drop of a dishwashing detergent with water. Place the solution in the nebulizer and apply it to the stain. Again, you may need to do this several times for larger spots.
- Burning candles in the house can cause the wax to drip onto the carpet, where it dries quickly. It is recommended to warm it up to remove it. Place a white cloth over your iron, then put the iron over the wax to heat it. Finally, remove the wax with an oil knife. When you are done, put a paper towel over the surface and iron on paper.
Important! Do not use the iron in this way for more than 30 seconds or you risk burning the carpet. And be sure to use white cloth and white towels, since colored ones can transfer their colors to the carpet when heated, especially if you have a light coat.
- Even well-trained animals can accidentally put the need on the carpet. For this case, ideal organic cleansers, which can cost about 10 dollars for a spray bottle. It's better than using chemicals. Spray the solution with a sprayer. Then wipe off the leftovers with a cloth or towels.
Important! This method can also be used to remove other types of stains, including coffee and sauces.
- If you have children in the house, it's only a matter of time before candies get on the carpet. Try to clean them with a brush-corrector or knife with oil. Then, using a sponge, apply water mixed with mild soap. It is very important to get all the sugar from the area on the carpet. Once the sweets are removed, dry the stain by wetting it with a cloth or towels.
It was all ways and advice. As you could see, cleaning carpet in the home - it's quite possible: quickly, efficiently, and most importantly - cheap.