- Where to start?
- How to remove the smell of cat urine from the apartment?
- How to remove the smell of cat urine from the couch?
- How to remove feline urine from the carpet?
- How to remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet?
- How to remove the smell of a cat from clothes?
- How to remove the smell of a cat with shoes?
- Useful advices
Cat is one of the most common pets and knowingly you decided to have it: it is affectionate, fluffy and communicating with it is a prevention of stress. But before your pet learns the rules of behavior and personal hygiene, you may encounter a problem - how to remove the smell of cat urine. If you have a cat that has reached puberty, then prepare for the marks. In this article, you will learn how to quickly and efficiently get rid of the unpleasant odor of the products of the life of the cat and what tools will help clean the surface of various materials.
to the contents ↑Where to start?
- First, determine where the "affected" cat's urine place is. The smell easily spreads to a fairly large area, and the hearth from which it comes is rather small.
- Another important point is timely detection and rapid response: if the label is old, it will be harder to remove the smell.
- Observe the pet if you can not pinpoint the source of the fetid odor. A cat can go to that place more than once - such animals are famous for their constancy. Therefore, a chosen place can be marked many times.
How to remove the smell of cat urine from the apartment?
Now, knowing the errors of domestic cats, a large number of professional products are produced, which can be purchased at pet stores. Pay attention to such drugs, the use of which has proven effective:
- Monclavit-1;
- Zoosan;
- DesoSan;
- Fresh;
- Odorgone Animal Gold;
- Urin Off;
- Nodor.
Important! They are usually simple to handle and are accompanied by detailed operating instructions. The only nuance - they are still chemical, and when used in a house where there are small children or allergic people, be careful.
If you do not stop your focus on these tools, then we offer you folk. There are many assistant "assistants" that you might find useful:
- potassium permanganate;
- vinegar;
- soda;
- laundry soap;
- salt;
- lemon juice or acid;
- boric acid and carbonated water.
Also for the use of these tools you will need certain tools:
- newspaper;
- tissue wipes;
- cloth;
- rubber gloves;
- brush.
How to remove the smell of cat urine from the couch?
If your pet has entered a couch, do not rush to invite dry cleaning specialists. Apply any of the following methods and clean your furniture yourself.
Important! Before proceeding to active activities, test your tool on the invisible places of the couch. This will protect your soft furniture from additional damage while you are trying to cope with the problem of how to remove the smell of cat urine from soft furniture.
Method # 1
In this case, you will need any of these tools: lemon juice, potassium permanganate solution or vinegar solution.
Prepare a remedy and proceed as follows:
- Apply the solution to the affected area.
- Do other things for 15 minutes.
- Use soapy water to remove the remnants of the product together with soiling and odor.
Important! Remember that the solution of potassium permanganate can be used only on furniture that is not dyed or white.
Method # 2
Here you will come to the aid of a combination of cleansing preparations. Namely: boric acid and salt or carbonated water and salt. Decide what you have in stock and get down to business:
- Fill the "fragrant" stain with soda or a solution of boric acid.
- Sprinkle with salt.
- Leave them to process the smell for 4-5 hours.
- Remove the salt with a brush and rinse with soapy water the center of the odor.
How to remove feline urine from the carpet?
This is especially important when the label was made. Therefore, before using any means, carry out certain actions.
If a puddle is still visible on the carpet or carpet, proceed as follows:
- Soak a puddle with toilet paper or paper napkins.
- Put many layers of paper napkins into place.
- From above press any press: heavy books, a pot of water, etc.
- Leave it for a couple of minutes.
- If the wipes are soaked, repeat the procedure.
- After that you can apply any kind of cleaning.
If the stain is old or just dried, determine the exact place of its location and proceed as follows:
- Prepare warm water.
- Pour over the affected area so that it is wet, but do not use too much water in order not to spoil the pile.
How to remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet?
After qualitative preparation of the problem area on the carpet, proceed directly to solving the problem of how to remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet.
Method No. 1
This method concerns a longer standing tag and implies the use of soda and vinegar. Instructions are as follows:
- Dilute vinegar with water 1: 1.
- Dampen with sponge solution.
- Treat odor source.
- Sprinkle with soda and wipe well with a brush.
- Remove the remnants of the product and odor with soapy water and a damp cloth.
Method number 2
Suitable for the most recent "wet places" on the carpet. You will need either a lemon or a laundry soap. Apply these tools as follows:
- Scratch the necessary space with the selected tool.
- Leave for 15-30 minutes.
- Remove with a damp cloth.
- Repeat the procedure if necessary.
How to remove the smell of a cat from clothes?
Nothing is easier here. Clothes can always be washed in a typewriter or soaked with a good washing powder and conditioner. There is really another trick that will beat the cat, at least for a while, the desire to tag this particular thing of yours. This trick is in rinsing things in a solution of vinegar. The process looks like this in more detail:
- Wash the thing.
- Prepare a vinegar solution: for 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp.vinegar.
- Rinse the thing in the solution.
Important! Vinegar is able to neutralize ammonia pairs of cat urine and your thing is ready to please you again.
to the contents ↑How to remove the smell of a cat from shoes?
Things are more serious here than with clothes. Well, if you notice a fresh puddle in your boot, then you can limit yourself to the following actions:
- Put a newspaper or towel in the boot just to absorb the moisture.
- Wash the inside of the shoe with household soap using a brush.
If you notice the label not immediately, and it has dried, then this will somewhat complicate the task. But even in this case, do not despair! Follow our step-by-step instructions and feel free to wear your shoes:
- Soak the shoe with soapy water and scrub with a brush.
- Treat footwear with a solution of vinegar.
- Dry.
- If the odor remains - repeat the procedure.
Useful advices
- Avoid using ammonia. Cat urine already contains a huge amount of ammonia, so their use will stimulate the cat to re-urinate in this place.
- Do not flatter yourself about aromatic oils, coffee beans and other products that have a pronounced flavor. They are only able to disguise an unpleasant smell for a while and are not able to remove it altogether. The smell will return again.
- Do not use chlorine-containing drugs. Chlorine is poorly eroded from the apartment, which can badly affect the comfort of residents and the pet. Also, chlorine-containing agents can spoil the surface to be treated.
As you can see, it is possible to get rid of an unpleasant odor easily, if you use the recommendations from this article. As for your pet, maybe he just wants to get your attention. Look, maybe he has a dirty or old tray. Appreciate your pet and it will give you many joyful minutes.