- Causes of paint layer breaking inside the microwave oven
- Features of the internal coating of the microwave oven
- Criteria for the choice of paint
- What color can the microwave be painted inside?
- How to color a microwave inside? Features of the
process Many people are interested in how and how to paint the microwave inside, as often after long use or inaccuracy, the paint layer inside the furnace is damaged, and this is fraught not only with damage of a beautiful kind. Because of the chips of the enamel, such a convenient kitchen technique, which makes it easier to cook food every day and allows you to warm up the food in a matter of seconds, can break down. Can I paint the microwave inside? How and how to do this? This article is devoted to a similar problem and the methods of solving it.
to the contents ↑Reasons for breaking the paint layer inside the microwave oven
Microwave has long been an attribute of modern cuisine. Maybe not everyone cooks it every day, but they all warm up. You can heat a bowl of soup in just a couple of minutes, which is much faster, and besides, it's less troublesome than warming a whole pot on the stove.
Be that as it may, the microwave in the process of cooking, defrosting or heating food is contaminated. If you clean the dirt carefully and immediately, the problem of restoring the microwave will not appear very soon. But alas, not all of us are such pedantic chistiuli. They did not immediately notice, then once, then too lazy, left "for later".And after, when we start global cleaning, we can not do it by simple means. We have to steam out, soak, apply household chemicals, hard wool. This gradually "kills" the coating: first the enamel bubbles and lags, then rust appears, which worsens the operation of the device.
In such a situation, you can write off the microwave as a scrap, and then buy a new one, but you can try to restore its "inner world" and extend the performance for a couple of years. About how and how to paint the microwave inside, is described in detail later.
to the contents ↑Features of the internal coating of the microwave oven
Microwaves are all different. This applies not only to brands and functions. At the moment there are three types of interior coatings:
- Ceramics.
- Stainless steel.
- Enamel.
Consider each coverage in more detail.
Ceramic coating:
- Represents a rather hard, but very brittle coating.
- From mechanical damage, chips and cracks may appear.
- Ceramics are very smooth, so food residues and grease do not strongly adhere to the surface and are easily wiped with a sponge and soap solution.
Stainless steel coating:
- It perfectly withstands all temperature fluctuations, it does not crack from careless movement and nothing slazits from it after a careless use.
- But the stainless steel is quickly fastened with dirt and grease, which is difficult to clean.
- As well as other coatings, stainless steel can not be cleaned with abrasives and strong chemicals( containing acid, for example), otherwise - stains and scratches appear on the surface.
- For strong soiling, only steam, kitchen detergents or special means for cleaning microwave ovens are allowed.
Enamelled coating:
- This coating is the shortest.
- Such microwaves are cheaper than with a stainless steel or ceramic coating, so they are in the first place in the sales market.
- Enamel smooth, not porous. It is cleaned fairly well if the contamination is fresh.
- But no matter how we try to maintain the purity of the household appliance, sooner or later the enamel under the influence of temperature drops, hot steam, grease and detergent loses its snowiness and becomes loose.
- Over time, it starts to bubble and fall behind the metal just in flakes, which very quickly leads to rust formation.
- Faster enamel on the "ceiling" of the microwave oven and at the bottom, in the course of the rollers that spin the plate, spoil. At the top - from the steam that rises there from the food being cooked, and at the bottom - from getting liquid that spills out of the dishes.
- If everything is left as it is, then during the work in the oven crackling will be heard, sparks will flash, which will soon disable the device.
So, based on the above information, the theme "painting the microwave from the inside" will concern the most common microwave ovens with an internal coating of enamel.
to Contents ↑Paint Selection Criteria
How to paint a microwave inside? Does every paint work? Will not it be harmful to the food being prepared? There are many questions about such actions. We will try to answer them all.
If it concerns the preparation of food, respectively - the health of people, then not every paint intended for metal will be suitable. It is necessary to choose the means that will meet the following criteria:
- You need to choose the paint that will not release harmful substances into the cooking dish.
Important! During the preparation of a dish, a large amount of hot steam can be released inside the chamber.
- This should be a paint that does not damage the sudden temperature changes, and high temperatures in particular.
Important! In the process of working microwave inside within a short time, the temperature can significantly increase. For a couple of minutes we can defrost a certain product or boil the liquid.
- The selected paint should be resistant to high humidity.
What color can I paint the microwave inside?
There are several acceptable options for finishing the inner chamber of the microwave.
Silicone Food Paint
The most correct option is silicone food paint( for example, food enamel KO-5102, enamel BEP-5297).This is the dispersion of pigments and fillers in silicone varnish.
What distinguishes it:
- This is a special paint approved by the Ministry of Health, which is allowed for use in the food industry( to cover inside pots, for example).
- This enamel is resistant to temperature changes, to high humidity, mechanical and chemical influences. And most importantly - it does not emit any harmful impurities.
- Apply this coating with a roller or brush in 1-2 layers.
Important! The only drawback of such a dye is its high cost.
Conductive paint
An example of such a coloring material is Zinga( Belgium), thin-film zinc coating, Enamel KO-8111( this is an anticorrosive refractory coating based on shungite( black enamel with shungite addition), zinc, silver or aluminum).
They differ in the following characteristics:
- These paints fit well on metal and do not interact with food.
- The cost of such funds is quite high.
Acrylic primer for cars
Do not know how to paint the microwave inside of the rust? In this case, the answer is an acrylic primer for cars. It is the most popular paint for microwave ovens and other household appliances:
- It is inexpensive, it is available in the form of a spray, which greatly facilitates and speeds up its application.
Important! One bottle of primer is enough to process the entire microwave in 2 layers.
- This paint protects the metal from rust, holds for a long time and does not react to temperature changes and does not emit any harmful substances.
- A nice addition is that the palette of shades of acrylic primer is quite large, although most often white paint is used.
Enamel for household appliances
This is a special paint for restoring the coating of microwaves, washing machines, refrigerators, boilers and other:
- It is made on the basis of epoxy enamel.
Important! Brand New Ton produces such enamel only in white, in the form of a spray.
- The coating is resistant, durable, withstands temperatures up to 100 degrees, it adheres well to metal.
So, than you can paint the microwave from the inside out, you should now know how to properly implement the process itself.
to ↑ contentHow to color a microwave inside? Features of the
process For successful implementation of the conceived, you should take care of tools and tools that will help you paint.
Required inventory:
- Paint and brush, narrow roller, if the enamel is not in the cylinder.
- Solvent or alcohol for degreasing the surface.
- Sandpaper with fine granularity.
- Painting Scotch tape.
- Acid rust converter, if there are many.
- Gloves and protective clothing.
Coloring the microwave from the inside - the process is simple and short-lived. For everything to pass quickly and smoothly, follow the instructions below.
- Turn off the device and tilt it to the rear wall to make it easier to work with it.
- First you need to seal with paint tape those areas that should not be painted and where dirt should not be cleaned( ventilation, hole where the plate is inserted and the like).
- Exfoliate all the swollen old enamel.
- If there is no rust, then it will be enough to sand all the irregularities and damaged areas.
- If there is little rust, sand it to clean metal.
- If rust covers large areas, it is advisable to use a converter for rust.
- When you have cleared the entire chamber, remove all dirt and dust with a cloth.
- After this, degrease the surface with any solvent or alcohol.
Important! While working, protect your hands with gloves and open the windows to inhale the paint vapor less.
- In order not to stain the surrounding objects, cover the table( floor) with oilcloth or newspapers.
Important! If possible, it is better to paint on the street.
- If you use the paint from a jar, place the microwave on the rib and start painting from the far surfaces.
- On the platen, take a little paint, so that there is no staining - the layer should be thin.
Important! Hard-to-reach places paint with a small brush.
- After drying the first coat, paint the second, also thin.
Important! Usually two layers are enough.
- If you use enamel in the form of a spray, apply it neatly in zigzag motions, without lingering in one place, otherwise - the paint will lie unevenly.
- If necessary, paint the second layer.
- Allow to dry and remove the paint tape.
- After applying enamel, allow it to grasp and dry thoroughly.
Important! After painting the inside of the microwave oven, do not use the appliance for 2-3 days.
After the restoration of a suitable paint, the microwave will become like new and will last for several years. To prevent damage to the paint layer inside the appliance, try to wash the dirt and grease in time. It is much easier and simpler than using a roller and brush afterwards. But if you notice a violation of the integrity of the paint, it is better to immediately start to update the device, otherwise - you can get harmful substances into your food, and this is fraught with health problems. Following the tips from the article, you can buy a suitable paint for a household appliance and without problems paint the microwave inside.