- What is a self-adhesive film?
- How to glue the self-adhesive film on the glass?
So it would be desirable to change something in the situation from time to time, but to start expensive repairs or buy new furniture in exchange for such a convenient but slightly podnadoevshey old - not an option. This was thought for a long time by manufacturers of finishing materials, offering the best option for modern designers and housewives of apartments, private houses - self-adhesive film. Such material is presented in stores in the widest palette of shades, the surface can have the most fanciful and intricate patterns, drawings, accurately simulate valuable materials - stone, wood, ceramics. And all is well in this way, because you can relatively quickly, and even for ridiculous money to change the interior of any room beyond recognition, to transform it. Another advantage of the self-adhesive - it can be used for any materials - wood, plastic, tile, particle board, etc. In this article, we'll look at how to glue the film on the glass to simplify the solution of the problem, if you have already come up with a new cabinet design withglass inserts, but are not yet ready to get down to work.
to the contents ↑What is a self-adhesive film?
Self-adhesive is a vinyl or other plastic material. One surface of it has a decorative design, for example, textured, patterned or colored, and the second side is treated with an adhesive layer that is reliably protected from unplanned gluing and dusting.
The scope of such material, in the first place, is the decorative internal work in the apartment or house. Also, self-adhesive material is used when creating and placing advertisements.
Important! The material is waterproof, so there is no restriction on its use in bathrooms, kitchens or toilets. Also, the strength of the self-adhesive can be attributed to strength, resistance to weathering and organic solvents.
Stained-glass film increases the durability of windows when impacted, or other mechanical influences, including protecting the surface from scratches, hinders, in case of breaking glass, the scattering of fragments over considerable distances. There are options for films that protect the room from overheating in the summer and prevent infrared rays, and there are those that absorb noise. Options - a lot, it all depends on your imagination and taste.
to the contents ↑How to glue the self-adhesive film on the glass?
Adhesive for decorative film on glass consists of several technological stages:
- Glass cleaning.
- Cutting the film.
- Application.
Consider the tools that we will need to implement all three phases, as well as each stage separately.
Required inventory:
- Sprayer or spray gun with soapy water.
- Rubber scraper for glass.
- Bread Knife.
- Squeegee. Suede, paper towels or rags without lint.
Important! The film on the surface of the glass is applied both from the inside and from the outside. The choice of the method of application depends on the type of film and the tasks for decorating.
Cleaning the glass:
- First, the glass must be thoroughly cleaned of grease, dust and other contaminants. To do this, you can use soapy water or a special tool for cleaning glass.
Important! Dust makes it difficult to stick to the film, and large particles, falling under the film, can spoil the appearance of the pasted surface. In addition, debris can cause the formation of bubbles, ruptures and divergence of joints.
- Clean slightly soiled areas with a lint-free cloth or cloth moistened with water and a neutral dish detergent.
Important! It is better not to treat ordinary soap or hygiene products, as shampoos and soaps contain fats or alkalis, which can affect the durability and quality of gluing.
- Moisten the cloth gently so that dirt does not move from place to place. After cleaning, the surface must be wiped with a dry, lint-free cloth.
Important! Do not allow the cleaner to dry spontaneously.
- The cleaning process can be terminated by treatment with isopropyl alcohol, after which it is also necessary to wipe the glass dry.
Important! Such a completion of the glass cleaning operation can not be performed in all cases. For example, acrylic glass can not be treated with alcohol. Therefore, always consider the features of the base material.
- To prevent the formation of stains, a rubber scraper can be used to remove water.
Important! Do not forget about the purity of your hands, because they can leave stains on the cleaned glass.
Cutting the film
You should first measure the size of the glass, add 2-3 cm to each side to these parameters, cut out the material element from the film according to the dimensions obtained.
Important! By making an allowance for the film, you will be able to compensate for possible errors when pasting.
The process of cutting the film must be done using a metal tape or a knife.
Important! Scissors are best not to use, as they will not allow to make an even cut.
Adhesive film
The process of gluing the film on the glass flows in three stages.
Step 1 - Preparation of the soap solution and its application:
- Add a few drops of liquid detergent to the water. The proportion should be approximately 10 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water.
- Pour the prepared solution into the spray gun. You can use the simplest atomizer.
- Apply soapy water to the surface of the glass. Do not overdo with the amount of solution, as this can greatly complicate the fixation of the material and prolong the time of final gluing. It will be enough just a few drops to reduce the adhesion.
Important! In some cases, not the glass, but the adhesive layer of the film, is wetted, but this option is considered less convenient.
Step 2 - Separation of the substrate from the film:
- Remove the substrate from the corner.
Important! If this causes problems, then use an adhesive tape: one piece of glue on the film side, the other - on the side of the substrate, the outer tails of Scotch tape out. Pull the scotch behind the tails in different directions, the substrate easily lags behind the film.
- Completely remove the substrate. If you do not moisten the glass, moisten the adhesive layer of the film with soapy water.
Step 3 - gluing the film:
- Take a piece of film, apply it with a glue layer to the glass. Place the film in the right place, soapy water will do it without any problems.
Important! At the initial stage, you should not try to press the film tightly, it will stick to diffuse adhesion.
- Spray the outer surface of the film. This will ensure a good sliding squeegee.
Important! Make sure that your squeegee is smooth and has no burrs. Instead of a squeegee, you can use an ordinary plastic card.
- To begin to glue a film it is necessary from the top edge. Smooth the film horizontally, in a direction from the center to the right and left, not reaching the edges of the film about 10 cm.
- Smooth the last 10 cm from the center to the right and to the left. Take care not to form water bubbles.
Important! It is necessary to completely squeeze out the soapy water, which is under the film. If the bubbles remain, then after gluing the film, they will not be squeezed out from there, as a result, a marriage will result. If nevertheless swellings have appeared, pierce them with a thin needle, release air, carefully smooth the canvas.
- Cut excess film around the edges with a protruding knife.
- Wipe dry with a soft dry cloth.
Important! Stained-glass film is a colorful variety of self-adhesive. How to glue stained glass on glass? Yes, by the same principle as the usual self-adhesive material.
Following the above instructions, you will convert the glass inserts on the doors or mirror surfaces on the cabinets. Also you can successfully decorate the apron in the kitchen. And how to glue the film on the glass - you already know. There is nothing complicated, only care and diligence are required of you. But the result will not keep you waiting.