People who regularly wear glasses know firsthand about such a nuisance - glasses often fog up. This happens when moving from a cold street to a warm room, where the water vapor of the room air begins to condense on the cold glasses of the glasses. Glasses fog up even in cold weather outside when the owner breathes intensively. Exhaled air also contains water vapor. The medical face shield directs the exhaled air upward towards the goggles, and fogging is inevitable. And practically everyone, including the owners of glasses, wear masks in a pandemic. Therefore, many bespectacled people will be helped by timely advice: what to do so that glasses do not sweat while wearing a mask.
Ways to combat fogging of glasses
The problem is so significant that in 2001 an article was even devoted to it in the official journal of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. British scientists have explained this physical process. Warm exhaled water vapor condenses on the cold glasses. Many, many microdroplets create a light-scattering film on the glass. The contrast of the image is lost.
First, you need to properly wear your mask and goggles. First, a mask is put on, carefully smoothed to the shape of the face. We must try to remove all the cracks with a tighter fit. And then glasses are put on, they press the mask to the face even more tightly with the lower part of the frame.

Disciplined Japanese, who mostly wear glasses and masks by order of the authorities, put a paper napkin or tissue paper folded in several layers under the top edge of the mask. This filter traps the vapors slightly while exhaling.

To prevent steam from escaping up into the area of the goggles, a protective rim is formed in the mask.
You can put on a clip on the bridge of the nose, such as the one used by synchronized swimmers. The mask will fit more tightly to the face, the gaps will become smaller. In order to tighten the mask, it is advised to turn the rubber bands with a cross. This makes the ear loop shorter and attracts the mask more tightly.
A more effective method of sealing is to adhere the top edge of the mask to the face with either double-sided tape or a strip of adhesive tape.

Not only the Japanese, but also professional manicurists own the secrets of anti-fogging. By the nature of their work, they have to protect their breath from dust that is formed when cleaning nails from an old coating. For this they use masks. And if at the same time the manicurist wears glasses, then she also has problems with fogging. And inventive craftswomen protect glasses with soap shavings. A little bit of fine soap shavings are applied to the inside of the spectacle lens. Then you need to rub it thoroughly with your finger, remove the remnants with a napkin. The glasses will not fog up. Physicists explain this effect by changing the surface tension of water; a liquid has such a characteristic.
This method of combating fogging of the glass of gas masks was used in the Red Army during the war.

A modification of this method involves washing the glasses with a concentrated soap solution. Then the glasses must be dried and gently wiped with a napkin. It is even recommended to carry a bottle of soapy water with you and use it as needed.
Instead of soap shavings, shaving cream and even toothpaste are successfully used. And instead of glasses, they suggest wearing lenses.
Astronauts also contributed to the fight against fogging. While working in outer space, they found that the transparent part of the helmet fogged up. Space agency specialists have developed antifog sprays that protect the transparent screen from condensation. This spray is now used by hockey players and motorcyclists.

Antifog is sold in sports stores for about 300 rubles. for a bottle. And surgeons wearing glasses wipe the glass with a special agent. There are goggles covered with anti-fog protection when they are made. In this case, the problem is solved forever.
Living in this world is interesting, but troublesome. Nature is constantly giving surprises. And now some kind of microvirus, of which there are less than 2 mg on the entire planet Earth, forced all of humanity to change their usual way of life. Even glasses cannot be worn in the way that is comfortable and usual. But problems stimulate creativity. And the man came up with a bunch of ways to combine the obligatory mask with the usual glasses.