Useful DIY tool: a bolt with a plastic handle

Wing bolts are very often simply irreplaceable in solving various problems. The only problem is that they may not be at hand at the right time, or they have uncomfortable handles that are inconvenient to tighten. Meanwhile, you can make such a bolt in just a couple of minutes from what is at hand.

Read in the article

  • 1 What is required to make a bolt with a handle
  • 2 How to make a bolt with a plastic handle: step by step
  • 3 Wing bolt from a regular chain and other ideas

What is required to make a bolt with a handle

You will see similar bolts in office chairs or other similar furniture, and they are also used as leveling feet. They can be used as a stopper to secure a moving part.

Useful DIY tool: a bolt with a plastic handle
Round plastic handles in this version are very convenient: they fit well in the hand and conveniently twist without unnecessary effort
To make these bolts, you need plastic bottle caps. You can use standard or large - from a five-liter container. Plugs from plastic canisters are suitable
To make these bolts, you need plastic bottle caps. You can use standard or large - from a five-liter container. Plugs from plastic canisters are suitable
You can use hot melt glue to fix the bolt. It quickly fills the cork and adheres well to both metal and plasticPHOTO:
You can use hot melt glue to fix the bolt. It quickly fills the cork and adheres well to both metal and plastic

How to make a bolt with a plastic handle: step by step

The assembly algorithm is very simple, and all the work will take you no more than a couple of minutes.

First, remove the soft gasket from the inside of the lid, if any, and then fix the bolt in a strictly vertical position with hot glue right in the centerPHOTO:
First, remove the soft gasket from the inside of the lid, if any, and then fix the bolt in a strictly vertical position with hot glue right in the center
After fixing the bolt, the cover must be filled with glue. The only problem is that the hot melt glue can melt the lid. A simple trick will help to avoid this: the lid with the bolt must be placed in a container of water so that the water does not reach the edges. And then fill the lid with glue, the temperature will no longer be sufficient for deformationPHOTO:
After fixing the bolt, the cover must be filled with glue. The only problem is that the hot melt glue can melt the lid. A simple trick will help to avoid this: the lid with the bolt must be placed in a container of water so that the water does not reach the edges. And then fill the lid with glue, the temperature will no longer be sufficient for deformation
The final touch is to place a suitable size metal washer directly on the hot glue. It will add additional strength to the entire structure.PHOTO:
The final touch is to place a suitable size metal washer directly on the hot glue. It will add additional strength to the entire structure.

To prevent the handle from spinning precisely on the bolt, it is better to cut the threads inside the cover in several places.

As a result, you get a convenient tool for fixing moving parts. There is only one thing to remember: such bolts should not be tightened with great effort, because the hot melt glue may not withstand excessive pressure. But if instead of hot melt glue you use epoxy, then you don't have to worry about the strength of the part. It will take more time to freeze, you will have to wait a couple of days, but in return you will have a strong and durable fastener that will always be at hand.

Some craftsmen offer other options, for example, to melt on the bolt head not with hot melt glue, but with the usual more refractory plastic, which will provide a more reliable fixation. To do this, the bolt is clamped in a drill and at high speeds is carried out with the head over the plastic. Friction heats up the plastic and winds it around the head.

Wing bolt from a regular chain and other ideas

There is another option for solving this problem, which is very popular among DIYers.

A link of a regular chain can be welded onto the head of the bolt - and you will get a comfortable handle for tightening with forcePHOTO:
A link of a regular chain can be welded onto the head of the bolt - and you will get a comfortable handle for tightening with force

There are other options for making such products, some of them are set out in this video:

How do you like this idea? Have you tried making lambs on your own? Share your experience in the comments!
