Creating a comfortable home includes a process for storing the temperature in the room. This function is performed by wall insulation. Builders and designers for a long time can not agree on a common opinion regarding this issue. Some consider wall insulation from the inside is too labor-intensive task. With this we can agree, because in order to properly insulate the walls must be very responsible approach to the choice of material, the method and the type of insulation. It takes a lot of time. However, there are those who are ready to prove that it is not so difficult. A return after the implementation is impressive. The most important thing - to understand how to properly insulate the walls, what materials to use.

Insulate the wall from inside the house - really a challenge. This solution is used in cases where the external insulation is not possible to do. And if the house is not very important, for the residents of apartment buildings is the only way out. After all, the apartment is very frequent contact with various cold areas, whether or staircase street. To insulate the facade of the house, you will have a pre-run and posobirat various permits and certificates. And this time, money, nerves. Domestic work does not require such preparations. Owner of a house or apartment can be as soon as possible to carry out all the activities of the internal insulation.
Above it was written on a large number of opponents of the internal insulation. And for good reason. Thermal insulation inside the house has a number of unpleasant drawbacks, some of which can be bypassed or minimized. However, the presence of one of their already difficult situation. It should list them:
- Reduction of floor space. Who would not say that, but good heat insulation takes quite a decent amount of room.
- Complete isolation is virtually impossible. At the joints between the outer and inner walls are not closed areas.
- Walls can quickly begin to break down, as they are directly kontachat with the external environment and in no way protected.
- Offset dew point inside walls can lead to excessive moisture, as well as fungus.

All these troubles are very complicate life, but experts are sure that the correct approach to the selection of a heater to avoid all of the above.
Modern heaters can be made from the following materials:
- polystyrene;
- mineral wool;
- ecowool;
- Fiberboard.
Let us consider in more detail each type of insulation for the inner sides of the walls.
Main article - ways of insulating walls ecowool.
Wall insulation polystyrene

Useful article: independently insulate apartment inside and outside.
Expanded polystyrene, better known as Styrofoam is one of the most popular materials for the thermal insulation of the walls. This material has very low thermal conductivity, which is provided by air spaces between cells. Steam and moisture through the foam and almost do not pass.
The advantage of using the foam is the ease of processing. Cut the right size part can be the most common knife for papers.
During mounting plates from expanded polystyrene should pay attention to a very snug fit to the wall and the adjacent plate. Even small gaps can subsequently cause a lot of trouble. In which case, these gaps must be properly sealed.
The abundance of benefits could not do without a certain number of disadvantages. The disadvantages of using Styrofoam include:
- Low insulation;
- toxicity during combustion;
- low strength;
- low water vapor permeability.
The latter property is not for nothing that is credited to the shortcomings. On the one hand, low vapor permeability can protect against excessive condensation inside walls. But on the other - this will lead to the transformation of the room into a real "bath", which will not be able to get rid of excess heat. This problem is solved by the creation of artificial ventilation.
The foam material is thus, because of which the inner wall insulation charged with "Eating" space. The effective thickness of the foam insulation for walls - about 5 cm. This is a very significant figure for wall decoration.
The use of expanded polystyrene eliminates the need to add special paroizoliruyuschih materials, which can not fail to please.

Ask a question about increasing the strength and durability of foam manufacturers have been able to offer our customers another material: penoplex. According to its properties, it is very similar to foam insulation but the density and strength characteristics significantly higher. This is a significant advantage not without appreciable price uplift. All other pros and cons penoplex took over from his older brother. The use of foam is very easy and can insulate the inside of the house with his own hands.

Penopleksovogo installation of insulation on the internal walls is carried out as follows:
- Wall prepare and trimmed to obtain a flat surface;
- foam in the form of plates with the help of adhesive is put in place;
- dowels fix the position of parts;
- cracks are sealed.
After a gradual passage of this algorithm, the builders will have a wall, ready to spray plaster or plasterboard mounting.
Wall insulation mineral wool

Mineral wool is considered the cheapest and most convenient to use a heater. Not all recognize the effectiveness of its use, because in addition to a number of benefits from mineral wool has a decent luggage shortcomings.
The budget material stores can be found in two variations: a roll and plates. they differ, apart from the installation method, vapor barrier characteristics. It is advised to use the plate as rolled variant is almost not protected by a pair of transmission. Using basalt plates nor does it guarantee the absence of condensed moisture in the walls, but they are much easier to accommodate. Especially, if with them to establish a good paroizoliruyuschy material.
Mineral wool has good strength, but also resistant to rodents. Unlike foam, wool can serve as a good sound insulation. Its use ensures a restful sleep without the constant jerks from the sounds behind the wall. The term of service of insulation of mineral wool as credible - almost 50 years.
The disadvantage of this material is its ability to absorb moisture. If you do not prevent the flow of moist air to the mineral wool, the result can be obtained constantly wet walls with the prerequisites for the formation of various fungi and mold. Guard against this you can use the additional steam and the seal section. In the market of building materials they are presented in the form of special films or membranes. Moreover, it is best to use a membrane.
Technology effective insulation of internal walls with mineral wool at home based on the use wooden or aluminum frame to which are attached all the layers of insulation: insulation, paroizolyator, drywall.
Wall insulation ecowool

The most popular method is the internal thermal insulation of premises. Using cellulosic mixture applied to the surface of the walls, it is possible to significantly improve the microclimate in a room. The mixture is fixed to the walls by means of adhesive or simply fills the gap. In the "wet" installation with adhesive mixtures, it is necessary to prepare for the fact that the total drying time can be nearly 3 days.
This material absorbs moisture very well, so it is not desirable to use in humid environments. The advantages ecowool believe her biological purity, excellent thermal insulation properties and resistance to rodents. Due to its structure, the mixture is able to fill completely any tiny cracks. This allows you to not worry about the additional sealing. Using Cellulose Fiber eliminates the need to install any paroizolyatorov. Its properties is enough for this.
Increased water absorption does not prevent use ecowool in the inner insulation. Material properties include the ability to not only absorb moisture, but also to quickly deliver it to the environment. This "breathing" insulation creates a very comfortable living conditions.
Insulation of walls wood-fiber plates

Most often, the fiberboard is used for external insulation of the house. However, in some cases, it permitted and domestic use. This material has an excellent noise proof and insulating properties. Processing it is also quite simple. And not only during installation, but also in the subsequent modernization of the premises.
Toxic fiberboard irrefutable. Used in its manufacture of chemical compounds can have a negative impact on human health. But still there are people who are willing to risk, using the material inside.
Internal insulation of the house are many challenges, but very often it is the only option. If there are no restrictions for external thermal insulation, in order to avoid freezing of the corners and walls, it is recommended to warm facade of the house.
How to properly insulate the facade of his house

To warm facade of the house can be the same materials as the inside: polystyrene, ecowool, mineral wool.
The foam is easy to use and inexpensive. However, the low fire class makes you think: is it worth saving?
For well-ventilated facades it is recommended to use as a heater ecowool. Natural composition allows the walls to carry the air through it. It is very important for wooden houses, which is considered to be an advantage is the ability of wood to "breathe." If you insulate a house with mineral wool or polystyrene foam, there is a risk to nullify all the benefits of wood. A ecowool allows you to avoid it.
With regard to mineral wool, that expert advice be reduced to one simple thought: for thermal insulation of the facade is best to use hard basalt blocks. They are more durable. In contrast to the roll of Representatives, the blocks do not settle under the influence of the external environment.
Comparing heaters for front of the house, you need to bear in mind that the strength characteristics - perhaps the most important in this business. Outside the house may be subject to an infinite number of tests, which are insulating layers are required to withstand.
Insulation and savings

The use of insulation - is not only the need for comfort. It also allows you to significantly reduce costs during construction and later operation of the house.
Most falls under the influence of a heater under construction stage of the procurement of materials for the walls. Without the use of thermal insulation materials, to achieve the desired temperature in the house requires the use of a standard 3-masonry. Any heater can almost halve the cost for a brick. In addition, significantly expanded useful area and to facilitate the entire structure.
During operation, thermal insulation in significant savings on heating in winter and air conditioning in summer.
Thus, the creation of good conditions for life and the exclusion of this unpleasant phenomenon as-frozen wall is necessary to insulate the house properly. This can be done both outside and inside. Of course, the interior will cost a lot of nerves and energy, but you should not be afraid of this. A reasonable approach is able to solve any problem.