Among modern finishing materials, wallpaper does not occupy a leading position for a long time. It is believed that the traditional pasting of walls is a "tradition of deep antiquity." And yet, if you want wallpaper on the walls, try using them differently. For example, use material of different colors and unusual textures.

Combining wallpaper will help you create an original and stylish interior.
Combination rules
- Combination rules
- Choosing a color
- Harmony of color
- Combining wallpaper in different rooms
- Hallway
- Living room
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- VIDEO: Rules for combining wallpaper in the interior.
- 50 options for combining wallpaper in the interior of rooms:
Immediately, we note that sometimes a combination of wallpaper of different colors in a room is the only correct solution for decoration. Therefore, if in your case such a situation takes place, you need to know how to combine correctly so that instead of a unique design you don't get ridiculous.

Using various combination techniques, the design of the apartment will become unique, and little tricks will not only decorate the interior, but also correct the imperfections of the room.
The most important thing to take into account is the area of the room, its location and purpose. Proportions play an important role.
- Area matters when choosing a color scheme. If the room is large, then any color of the wallpaper is allowed, even dark (up to black). But if the room is small, give preference to a light palette. Firstly, it will visually expand the room, and secondly, it will make it more practical.
- A large room gets along well with textured volumetric wallpaper, which is unacceptable in a small space.
- The location of the windows will "prompt" which palette to choose. If the windows "look" to the north, then warm shades compensate for the lack of light. If the windows are directed to the south, then the cold palette will make the room more comfortable in the summer heat.
- High ceilings do not tolerate vertical stripes. The room immediately becomes disproportionate and uncomfortable.
- The height of the rooms is easily compensated by horizontal stripes and volumetric images. Solid light wallpapers and small patterns are ideal for small spaces.
Choosing a color
In order for the color scheme to look harmonious, it is important to follow certain rules.
First, when creating contrast, it is imperative to emphasize the general. In other words, even completely different, at first glance, wallpaper should have at least something in common. For example, ornament, base color, or style. Only by adhering to this rule, you will be able to create an effective design.

Having decided to make repairs in a room by combining wallpaper, it is worth considering the area, location, purpose and proportions of the room.
Secondly, the unity of style. A contrasting color of the wallpaper is allowed, but a disagreement in the stylistic solution is unacceptable. Classic wallpaper with retro-style finishing materials, or minimalism "in company" with Provence is, at the very least, bad form. The only happy exception (in the sense of combining everything in a row) is, perhaps, only kitsch. And then, it is not recommended to use it for novice designers or those who do not understand anything at all in the science of interior design.

When choosing the main tone, it is necessary to start from the area.
Thirdly, it is very important to adhere to a single texture. Spectacular contrasts are obtained exclusively on wallpaper made from the same material. If this rule is not followed, the result will be a flashy design, which is very uncomfortable to be in.
Harmony of color
Probably, everyone has come across a situation when they really like the color itself, but in a "duet" with the interior or decoration, it looks, to put it mildly, not very much. The thing is that the harmonious combination of colors is a whole science, and you need to listen to its axioms if you want the interior to attract, and not repel.
Red color. It goes well with blue, green, gold and gray. Constantly "feuding" with purple, chestnut, brown and brick.

In a spacious room, a combination of dark colors and volumetric patterns is permissible.
Pink. Burgundy, brown and gray in all forms will become an ideal company for him. But he will never "allow" blue, turquoise and red to exist next to him.

The accent wall in the bedroom is decorated with pink photo wallpaper with flowers.
Orange. Green, purple and white are close friends, but all shades of red are orange's worst enemies.

In a room with windows facing north, orange wallpaper compensates for the lack of sunlight.
Brown. Beige, blue, gray and gold will be the best companions. He does not find a common language with burgundy, lilac and pink.

Most often, the accent wall becomes the one on which the gaze falls when entering the room.
Yellow. Green and brown became for him the best helpers in creating a harmonious interior. Burgundy and pink will only spoil the company.

Different shades of the same color will help zone the space and create a play of shadows.
Blue. Red, brown, blue and orange will create a striking combination. Burgundy and all shades of purple are the most inappropriate combination for blue.

Part of the bedroom is decorated with patterned wallpaper and the other with plain blue wallpaper.
Blue colour. Red, gray, white and burgundy will only emphasize the sophistication of a rich blue, and green, lilac and brown will become an unsuitable company.

The pattern is applied with a stencil, sticker or wallpaper canvas.
Violet. It goes very badly with red and brick, but it gets along well with gold, yellow, orange, green and blue.

In one room, completely different patterns can harmoniously exist, but they should be united by a common note.
Burgundy. For this color, the ideal company is green, gray, pink and blue, while the “dubious companions” are lilac, red and gold.

In order to highlight any area, for example a bed or a sofa, use bright accent wallpaper.
Gray is surprisingly “friendly”, it blends in with almost all colors except brown and beige.

Part of the wall may have a solid color that differs from the main shade or be with an unusual pattern.
Combining wallpaper in different rooms
General rules are general rules. But there are some features for creating a combined design in different rooms. Since the purpose of the rooms is different, it means that the atmosphere in them should be different.
The first place where guests go is the entrance hall. Here the impression will be formed about your apartment, and about the presence (or lack) of your taste. Interesting fact: scientists have proven that the first impression is formed very quickly - in just 15 seconds, and in order to change it can take a lot of time and effort.

In the hallway, you can combine simple, even and textured wallpapers with imitation of different materials.
Although, in fairness, it is worth noting that often the owners of apartments do not pay special attention to the hallway, considering that this is not the most important room.
But, in addition to the fact that the first impression is formed in the corridor, it is important to remember that this is a special room in terms of functionality. Most often, it has a modest size, many doors and a complete absence of windows. Since here people dress and put on shoes, clothes, shoes and umbrellas (sometimes wet) they will surely touch the walls.

Practical combination of decorative panels with wallpaper.
Taking into account the above facts, we conclude: the colors and texture of the walls in the hallway should be practical. By the way, this in no way means that the decoration of this room should be done in dark colors - this will make the tiny room even smaller. But you will also have to give up delicate pastel wallpapers. But beige, light brown and gray will come in handy. It is easier to choose furniture for such a color, and the hallway will seem visually larger.
Living room
A lot of attention is always paid to this room, because guests are welcome here, which means that everything should be at its best: from finishing materials to decorative elements.

For the living room, there are many ideas for wall decoration.
There is no definite answer to the question of how to combine different colors of wallpaper in the living room. It all depends on the size of the room, on its functionality. If the living room is small, opt for beige, gray, lavender or blue. If the dimensions are impressive, then you can use deep saturated colors, or even dark shades.

In a spacious hall with a sofa, the reception of an accent wall looks harmonious.
By the way, in the living room, designers often use wallpapers of different colors for space zoning. With the help of a dark or, conversely, a light shade, it turns out to very effectively separate one functional area from another. For example, in the recreation area, dark colors are used, bright wallpapers are used in the area where the TV is located, and where the “study” is located, there is a light and laconic finish.
Before planning to decorate the bedroom with different wallpaper, it is important to be clearly aware that unsuccessful experiments in this room can harm your health. After all, the main task of this room is to provide complete rest. Therefore, it is recommended to use soothing calm tones in the relaxation room. Soft pink, light blue and beige shades complement the atmosphere of comfort and tranquility quite well. As an accent zone, the wall at the head of the bed is distinguished with other wallpaper. In addition to appeasement, such a move fills the room with sophistication and creativity.

A combination of a calm shade of the main wallpaper and a photo wallpaper with a plant print at the head of the bed will look harmonious.
Important: if you want to use more saturated colors in the decoration of the bedroom, "dilute" them with pastel background wallpaper and light furniture.

In the bedroom, as a rule, preference is given to calm shades.
It is not at all as easy to adequately “paint” a kitchen as it seems at first glance. There is a lot of furniture in this room, some kind of functional devices, which means that deciding to combine wallpapers of different colors, it is necessary to provide that they are not only combined with each other, but also in harmony with the "stuffing" of the kitchen space.

Horizontal combination of two types of wallpaper - plain and with a floral print, the joint is decorated with white molding.
In addition, there is a tendency to decorate the working area in the kitchen with tiles, which means that there is little space left for wallpaper, because kitchens in typical apartments are not large in size.
Therefore, it is better to keep both versions of wallpaper in a neutral color scheme. The maximum that you can afford is unobtrusive flowers. Of course, in the presence of a spacious kitchen-dining room, there is an opportunity to embody bold ideas, but in typical kitchens you have to be content with what you have.

Colors can overlap with each other, or they can be completely different.
As you can see, on the one hand, the combination of wallpaper of different colors is a simple matter, but on the other hand, glue on the walls that comes to hand can easily ruin even the most sophisticated interior. Do not seek to embrace the immensity, clearly define the dimensions of the room and its purpose, then it will be easier for you to choose an effective and appropriate finishing option.
VIDEO: Rules for combining wallpaper in the interior.
50 options for combining wallpaper in the interior of rooms: