In recent years, glazing of balconies and loggias has become so popular that open balconies and loggias are considered a rarity. Buying real estate in an old house, Khrushchev can insulate a balcony or loggia to increase the volume of the room. Non-residential space can be turned into a habitable recreation room, winter garden, sports area, office.

Glazed balconies and loggias not only look more neat, but also have protection from any weather changes, be it frost or heavy rains.
Features of glazing of balconies and loggias
- Features of glazing of balconies and loggias
- Glazing options
- Cold glazing
- Warm glazing
- Types of glazing
- Wooden
- Plastic
- And others
- Glazing options for different shapes and sizes of balconies
- Semicircular balcony
- Small balcony
- Photos of examples of glazing of balconies and loggias
- VIDEO: Frameless glazing of balconies and loggias.
- 50 photos of glazing options for balconies and loggias:
There are many ways and technologies for the construction of glass frames. Structures differ in many ways, the main one being the degree of thermal insulation. There are two types of shielding systems:
- Cold glazing protects against street noise, precipitation, excessive dust and dirt brought by the wind. Lightweight structures do not put much pressure on the plate protrusion. The temperature in an enclosed space is 5-7 degrees higher than the outside temperature.
- The warm version involves the arrangement of glasses in several rows. It can be glazing of balconies with plastic windows, aluminum or wooden double-glazed windows. Additionally, surfaces in contact with the street are insulated, as well as the upper and lower slabs, since reinforced concrete has a non-porous structure and heat leaks.

There are many types of glazing available today.
Glazing is classified according to the material of the frames and sashes. Designs are of three types:
- from metal-plastic using polymer seals;
- wooden beams of various types of trees (it is better to choose the frames of their dense wood);
- aluminum profile, insulated with thermal insulating gaskets.

In the process of repair work, loggias and balconies require special attention.
On balconies, loggias, installation of various structures is possible:
- frames, which are glass or double-glazed windows, framed by a profile, are attached to the support posts;
- frameless glazing (French windows) implies the absence of support posts, glass blocks are held by fixing them at the level of the ceiling and floor (or railings);
- bay windows are assembled from a large number of elements;
- angular complex shapes are made with additional console mountings;
- remote structures involve the expansion of the support perimeter.

For the glazing of such structures, complex work is carried out.
Window opening mechanisms are vertical and horizontal, hinged and sliding.
Note! When installing plastic windows, it becomes possible to micro-ventilate, the frame can be folded back in the transverse plane.
Glazing options
When the balcony, the space of the loggia is planned to be used for storage systems, they choose the cold version of the frames. Sometimes cold glazing is the only way to get away from the street. In old houses, slabs are not designed for a heavy load, only aluminum frames can take out, windows on the balcony are made with glass up to 4 mm thick.

Many people have glazed balconies, which make the apartment more spacious and bright.
When the loggia becomes a continuation of the room, warm glazing is needed, the installation of full-fledged frames, which are mounted in the windows of apartments.

You can also glaze a balcony or loggia in Stalinist houses.
When installing warm and cold glazing, a number of nuances should be taken into account.
Cold glazing
For translucent structures, a light profile is used, frames with single glass. The useful area of the non-residential premises is preserved as much as possible, there is no great stress on the supporting reinforced concrete. Instead of glass, it is allowed to use transparent plastic, polycarbonate. Some designs provide for the installation of mosquito nets, anti-cat screen fences.

Today, there are a large number of different companies on the market offering to design a balcony block for people with any budget.
For reference: on the facades of the southern side of the house facing a busy street, it is allowed to install matte polymers with good sound insulation on balconies and loggias.
Warm glazing
The best option for translucent insulation is the glazing of the balcony with plastic windows. The advantages of such structures are that the microclimate in the glazed rooms is almost the same as in the apartment. When installing an infrared heater, on a loggia or balcony, you can comfortably settle down in winter. Massive frames protect from severe frost, wind, precipitation and noise. For living space, it is necessary to consider the thermal insulation of the parapet and side walls. When choosing components, attention is paid to corrosion resistance; on balconies, the risk of condensation is significantly higher than in rooms due to the large glazing area.

The warm version is completely sealed. It has increased thermal insulation and protects the room from external noise.
Important! Before installing double-glazed windows, the railing supports are pre-strengthened, concrete is repaired, and the cement screed of the slab is renewed.
Types of glazing
There is no special series of windows for loggias and balconies. For each apartment, double-glazed windows are selected individually, taking into account the purpose of the glazed space. When planning, a key role is played by the material from which the frames or glass units are made. Each glazing option has its own pros and cons.

Most often, this method is used if the balcony is combined with a living space.
Glued laminated timber frames are a good choice for wooden houses and luxury modern housing. Modern lightweight materials have replaced the popular wood 40 years ago. Today wood is chosen by those who value a vapor-permeable eco-material. For warm glazing, a design with two rows of frames with a distance between the glasses from 5 to 10 cm is considered optimal. You can order ready-made double-glazed windows, the frame frame will turn out to be narrow. The frame is made with polishing, the sealed glass unit is framed with rubber or polymer inserts, tightly fixed in the grooves of the timber.

Structures made from such raw materials were also used in the past - before the advent of plastic profiles.
Wooden frames have a presentable appearance. Balconies, loggias with such glazing are warm, sound insulation is provided. The only negative is that the tree requires special care. Periodically, it is necessary to treat the timber with an anti-fungal impregnation, cover it with a layer of varnish, otherwise the structure will deteriorate, it will be unsafe to use the windows.

These systems have micropores that allow the frames to "breathe". This characteristic will contribute to the freshness on the balcony.
For reference: the cost of wooden double-glazed windows is 2–2.5 times higher than that of plastic counterparts with the same performance characteristics. It should be borne in mind that wood is heavier than PVC.
The most practical option is PVC systems. You can glaze the loggia in a cold and warm design. Double-glazed windows have excellent thermal insulation properties, good strength characteristics.

One of the most popular is the plastic construction. It is very simple, comfortable, aesthetic and durable.
Important! When choosing models, special attention is paid to fittings, hinges, locks have the main load. Residents of the lower floors can purchase models with an anti-burglary mechanism.
Glazing systems differ in the number of chambers. Glasses with a thickness of 4 mm are inserted into single-chamber windows, the necessary sound insulation is provided. For warm glazing options, choose a multi-chamber profile. Energy-saving double-glazed windows with an argon-filled chamber are installed when a room is combined with a loggia or balcony. The profile width varies: 5.8 and 7 cm. Large balconies can be fitted with 9 cm thick profiles. The maximum number of cameras is 6. Condensate drainage is provided, metal reinforcement is provided.

Apartment owners who value practicality most often turn to PVC frames with double-glazed windows. Such systems are warm and reliable.
For reference: rubber seals are more reliable than rubber ones. Thermal conductivity depends on the thickness of the frame and not on the number of inner chambers. The greater the distance between the glasses, the warmer it will be in the loggia, on the balcony.
And others
Aluminum windows for balconies and loggias are lightweight. Aluminum is chosen by residents of Khrushchev and Stalinist buildings. The only drawback of durable metal is low thermal insulation. They improve the performance characteristics of polymer liners in the frames of double-glazed windows, preventing the formation of cold bridges. The use of thermal breaks around the frame perimeter ensures a comfortable temperature in winter. But for a children's room, it is better to choose warmer options.

They are very durable, and they have no equal in durability.
Single cold glazing provides for the installation of hinged and sliding elements. For through ventilation, narrow vents are made on the sides.
It is recommended to glaze large balconies with aluminum double-glazed windows. Instead of a parapet, transparent sandwich panels made of heat-resistant plastic are often installed. The technology of warm aluminum glazing is similar to the construction of metal-plastic windows.

Both cold and warm glazing can be made of this metal.
The glazing of the loggia with panoramic frameless structures involves the creation of perfectly flat surfaces of the floor and ceiling. The slightest distortion will make it difficult to open the windows. Thick glass with a thickness of up to 8 mm or sealed double-glazed windows with an argon heat-insulating pad are installed on the rails.

These designs look very neat and beautiful. They perfectly transmit light, visually making the apartment more spacious and comfortable.
Glazing options for different shapes and sizes of balconies
Thinking over the balcony glazing system, you need to decide how the windows will open. Swing models have their own advantages: the ability to open in two planes. Sliding frames are limited in this regard. It is worth considering the possibility of cleaning windows. This is especially true when installing panoramic blocks.
Glazing and balcony finishes are sometimes regulated by local regulations. It is worth considering the possibilities of the balcony ledge. If the house is old, the slab may collapse when overloaded. It is necessary to limit ourselves to aluminum or to pre-do the strengthening of concrete, additionally fix the railing structure.

Wooden and aluminum frames are gradually becoming a thing of the past. In their place comes frameless glazing (otherwise - panoramic).
Atypical options for installing windows on balconies deserve special attention.
Semicircular balcony
Old houses and modern ones, built according to non-standard designs, have semicircular balconies. It is better to glaze them with plastic or wood. Bay window partial and panoramic glazing is allowed when the glass occupies the entire height of the storey span.
Glazing principles are standard, you can make a warm and cold balcony. The difference in the complexity of installation and the number of window sections, you need:
- make measurements accurately so that there are no gaps;
- provide for the installation of many elements;
- think over the connection system, it is possible to mount on bay windows or corner connectors.

By decorating your balcony in a similar way, you can get a spectacular view.
The frameless semicircular design is installed with a sliding or folding opening system. This is a summer version of glazing. Sliding windows open horizontally or vertically. A parking area is provided for the folding system.

These systems use tempered glass, which is very safe to use.
Note! Replacing the parapet with sandwich panels reduces the load on the balcony slab, the design looks impressive. The upper floors offer a gorgeous view of the city.
Small balcony
A small area can be expanded with outriggers. Without approval, it is allowed to increase the balcony around the perimeter of the parapet by 40 cm from all sides. A small area is increased in different ways:
- on the floor and ceiling, create a single outrigger frame;
- on the ceiling, a structure beveled to the floor is obtained;
- at the level of the railing, the balcony is increased due to the window sill, the upper outrigger frame is additionally mounted.
How to properly glaze a balcony with a take-out? Additionally, brackets are installed on the wall, taking the supporting load. Only a frame version of glazing with aluminum, plastic or wood is provided. Frameless glazing of external balconies is excluded.

Many consumers can afford such designs, since they differ in affordable prices.
It is better to entrust the execution of work on the expansion of the balcony to specialists. First, you should ask if the house is of architectural value. On some buildings, it is not allowed to make outriggers that change the appearance of the facade.

When choosing such glazing, you should know that it is quite heavy and airtight when closed.
Important! The condition of the balcony slab and railings is preliminarily assessed. Over time, the metal collapses, usually the railings are cut off completely, new metal is welded on.
Photos of examples of glazing of balconies and loggias
Panoramic windows on the loggias have appeared relatively recently. Glass is made:
- transparent;
- matte;
- pasted over with reflective film if the walls are facing south.

Stained glass glazing of a large loggia will look very "expensive" and attractive.
On the north side, floor-to-ceiling glass solves the problem of low light.
Glazing the loggia with a frameless method, you can supplement the parapet with a forged side. It can be light and contrasting depending on the finish. A good option is plastic lining. Budgetary and aesthetically pleasing, a large selection of colors.

Such details should be addressed to the owners of apartments on the high floors of new buildings.
Stained glass with white frames looks elegant. If the windows face the street, the standard white finish is preferable. Lightweight PVC panels do not turn yellow from ultraviolet radiation, they are easy to wash.
Difficulties arise with the glazing of balconies on the last floors. We have to additionally make the roof. In recent years, transparent sloped roofs like skylights have become popular.

Panoramic glazing looks great on large and medium sized balconies.
In temperate climates, balconies are often used for storage of unnecessary things. Glazing radically changes the situation, the useless area of the apartment can be turned into a comfortable place to relax. A warm option is the ability to enlarge the room. Glazing, even in the simplest version, protects against street noise and dust. It becomes an additional barrier for intruders.

In such a room you can relax and rest a little, especially if a picturesque picture opens up outside the window.