💡 How You Can Use Burnt Light Bulbs: Ideas For Home

What do you do when the light bulb burns out? Of course, with annoyance, you go for a new one, and the old one, without hesitation, throws it into the trash can. But do not rush, because even such an item that has already been permanently out of order can still be very useful if you know how to use it. Today in our review there are 5 ideas for reusing an old burnt out light bulb.

Read in the article

  • 1 Idea number 1 - a place for planting a mini-garden
  • 2 Idea number 2 - flower vase
  • 3 Idea number 3 - stylish lamps
  • 4 Idea number 4 - Christmas tree decorations
  • 5 Idea number 5 - containers for bulk products

Idea number 1 - a place for planting a mini-garden

An unusually beautiful and delicate piece of furniture - an amazing mini-garden made from a burnt-out light bulb. To arrange it, you need to free the flask from all that is superfluous, for this we remove the sealing wax with pliers from the back of the light bulb, then gently break the heating element. All unnecessary and broken off parts will simply fall out of the flask. For us, this is the most important part of the entire bulb.

How you can use burned out light bulbsPHOTO: 724kadin.com
Next, you need to use Chinese sticks to lay small stones as drainage, as well as moss and plants

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Idea number 2 - flower vase

The bulb from a used light bulb can become not only container for living plants in the ground, but also for artificial flowers and greenery.

There can be a great variety of options here - it can be dried flowers, flower arrangements and other elements.PHOTO: images.3dmdb.com
There can be a great variety of options here - it can be dried flowers, flower arrangements and other elements.

Idea number 3 - stylish lamps

Even if they are burnt out, such bulbs can also light up again. This is easy to do with LED elements. This way of replacing a light bulb can be considered more practical, as you will get a more economical solution for your home.

This handmade detail will become a real decoration of the interior.PHOTO: i.pinimg.com
This handmade detail will become a real decoration of the interior.

Idea number 4 - Christmas tree decorations

The original pear-shaped shape makes old bulbs a good basis for creating unusual jewelry and decor items. We invite you to see the options for using old light bulbs, which can be useful for anyone who loves unusual decorations.

5 awesome ideas for reusing a burnt out light bulbPHOTO: i.ytimg.com

5 awesome ideas for reusing a burnt out light bulbPHOTO: i.pinimg.com

Idea number 5 - containers for bulk products

Despite the fact that a bulb from a light bulb is quite fragile, some decorators use them to create unusual storage containers. Usually such flasks are fixed in special holders. In this case, it is very important to check if there is any broken glass left in the flask, it can be extremely dangerous if you do not make sure that there are no fragments.

In addition, opening the flask is best done with gloves and goggles.PHOTO: znaikak.ru
In addition, opening the flask is best done with gloves and goggles.

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