How to Winterize Your Greenhouse for Bumper Harvests Next Season

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Autumn is in full swing, and most summer residents greenhouse already empty. But do not leave it as it is - you need to prepare your worker for the next season, so much so that the next year's harvest will be a record. Do you think this is too difficult? Then read this article and discover new methods for fantastic results.

Read in the article

  • 1 What interferes with productivity in the greenhouse
  • 2 General cleaning in the greenhouse
  • 3 Greenhouse washing and disinfection
  • 4 How to get rid of pests

What interferes with productivity in the greenhouse

There are only two answers to this question: pests and diseases. Get rid of them and nothing will interfere with your triumph. Pests are insects that are waiting for you to finally leave the greenhouse alone and give it to their full use. They arrange nests for their larvae, which will overwinter in warmth and comfort on your living space. They are not afraid of digging and really like fertilization with plant residues.

How to prepare your greenhouse for the winter for record harvests
Also, fungi and bacteria feel comfortable, which are fixed on the walls of the greenhouse and in the soil of the closed ground.

Disinfection and destruction of pests is what will make your harvest next season a record one, so let's get started!

General cleaning in the greenhouse

This is not the time to be lazy: if the crop is harvested, you need to remove all plant residues. Do not leave anything that can serve as food for unwanted guests. It is best to compost everything, including what was used for mulching.

In good compost, and even with worms and biobacteria for decomposition, you will get really useful substances
In good compost, and even with worms and biobacteria for decomposition, you will get really useful substances

After removing all plant residues, you need to dig up the soil, and leave the layers of earth, as they say, "bare" so that they freeze in winter. If you have not renewed the soil in the greenhouse for a long time, take the top layer into the same compost, and you can bring a new, more fertile one on top.

Do you want to dig? Then try planting siderates in the ground - mustard, peas, or something similar. They will have time to germinate before frost and then simply freeze. Leave them as they are, dig them up in the spring - and they will become fertilizer for your cultural plantings.PHOTO:
Do you want to dig? Then try planting siderates in the ground - mustard, peas, or something similar. They will have time to germinate before frost and then simply freeze. Leave them as they are, dig them up in the spring - and they will become fertilizer for your cultural plantings.

Greenhouse washing and disinfection

In the fall, it is important to remove all pathogenic bacteria that multiply catastrophically in the humid environment of the greenhouse.

What to use for greenhouse disinfection? An excellent option is ordinary laundry soap, or rather, its solution. It is enough just to spray or apply the solution with a damp sponge on supports and other surfaces and then rinse. Solutions of potassium permanganate, baking soda or formalin can replace the solution of laundry soap.

All these compounds will not affect the yield of the soil in any way, so feel free to spray them inside the greenhouse.PHOTO:
All these compounds will not affect the yield of the soil in any way, so feel free to spray them inside the greenhouse.

If in the past season there were problems with late blight or rot, use a solution of copper oxychloride or three percent Bordeaux liquid.

Copper sulfate remains a universal disinfectant, but you need to use it in a greenhouse once every five years, not more often.

How to get rid of pests

Removing plant debris is not enough to get rid of pests. It is necessary to additionally treat the soil with special preparations. Fitoverm, Aktofit and Nemagon are considered universal.

To kill bear larvae and other pests, you can pour boiling water over the ground or use a sulfur checkerPHOTO:
To kill bear larvae and other pests, you can pour boiling water over the ground or use a sulfur checker

And here are some more recommendations for preparing a greenhouse from experienced summer residents:

How do you prepare your greenhouse for winter? Share your experience in the comments!
