Tile for kitchen on an apron: pros and cons

A significant role in kitchen design It is the choice of material for the design of its working area. There are many types of finishes, but occupies a leading position ceramics. In this review HouseChief.ru. We discuss in detail the features of tile choice for kitchen on an apron, its forms, as well as the advantages of this design over other surfacing materials.

Products of the original form will decorate even the most ordinary dishes
Products of the original form will decorate even the most ordinary dishes

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  • 1 Pros and cons of tiles for the kitchen apron
  • 2 Types of glossy and matt tiles for apron
    • 2.1 Tile mosaic for kitchen on an apron
    • 2.2 Tiles "pylon"
    • 2.3 metlahskoy tiles
  • 3 Types of glass tiles
  • 4 Types of stone tile and granite
  • 5 Standard tile formats on apron
  • 6 Color and décor tiles for kitchen apron
    • 6.1 Tile patchwork apron for the kitchen
    • 6.2 Tiles on the apron under the tree
  • 7 New products for tiles apron from popular manufacturers
    • 7.1 Spanish tiles for the kitchen on an apron
    • 7.2 Italian tile for kitchen on an apron
    • 7.3 Russian tile for kitchen on an apron
  • 8 What to look for when buying tiles apron
  • 9 How to put an apron of tile in the kitchen with his hands - the nuances
  • 10 At what price profitable to buy a tile for the kitchen on an apron - an overview of current offers
  • 11 Photos of interesting options for design an apron of tile

Pros and cons of tiles for the kitchen apron

Pottery is a versatile material for the creation of original kitchen interior. Decorated with the help of it, the working area can be a major focus and room decoration.

Photo tiles for the kitchen apron
Photo tiles for the kitchen apron

Of the positive aspects of using tile for kitchen aprons are the following:

  1. Pottery is a natural material, due to the composition of natural ingredients (clay). Therefore, this material is environmentally friendly and harmless to human health.
  2. Material non-toxic and hypoallergenic.
  3. Firing at high temperatures, which in the manufacturing process is subjected to a product makes it biologically passive - neither its structure nor the surface does not produce a result favorable conditions for development of fungi and mold.
  4. Ceramics - moisture resistant and does not change its operational properties of increasing levels of humidity, exposure to steam or hot temperatures.
  5. When the technology of styling products and proper care of them finishing last for many years.
  6. It is very important for the quality of the material used in close proximity to the source of the fire - his fire safety. Ceramic surface does not burn, does not contribute to the maintenance and spread of fire.
  7. Decorative appearance of modern ceramic decoration is preserved for years to come.
  8. A wide selection of colors, shapes, sizes and textures of this material allows to realize the most daring design ideas in the kitchen interior.
Combined embodiment finish
Combined embodiment finish

The disadvantages of such a finish is the fact that this is laid apron not for one year, so change the interior or relocate kitchen set in another place it is not as simple as using the same skinali.

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Types of glossy and matt tiles for apron

To obtain a working kitchen area, which daily exposed to moisture and contamination, products used with the glazed surface. Glaze - a colored or colorless glassy mass facing layer covering products. This increases their resistance to moisture, high temperatures and chemical agents in detergents.

Irina Rosenstein


Irina Rosenstein

Designer studio "Cozy Home"

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"Ancient species ceramics - Cotto - has a highly porous structure and a matt surface. It looks very colorful because of the natural shade of red clay and antique appearance. But it is not recommended to apply on her kitchen as unglazed surface is vulnerable to negative influences. "

Type of coating
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
Single color
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
Multicolor patterned
By type of surface
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
in form
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking

Tile mosaic for kitchen on an apron

ceramic mosaic It is quite common and in demand for processing small surfaces of the walls. The kitchen itself is the apron. In performance it does not differ from traditional ceramics - also happens to be glossy or matt, square, rectangular or freeform. The advantage of the material is the ability to create original, unique drawings from the colored particles.

Mosaic with glass inserts to visually increase the space
Mosaic with glass inserts to visually increase the space

Particular attention should be given to laying the mosaic quality and tone seams. Mosaic is an excellent choice for walls with a complex configuration, with protrusions or niche, arches roundings, where traditional tile would have to prune, and it does not always looks nice.

monochrome execution
monochrome execution

Mosaic can be used in combination with conventional tiles as a finishing material or creating accent composition for isolating wall portion. Mosaic will make visually more spacious small kitchen.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking

Tiles "pylon"

"Hog" or "underground" is called a pocket white tile for kitchen on an apron rectangular proportions resembling glazed brick with bevelled edges on the perimeter, so that the product looks three-dimensional.

It is interesting! Many subway station in New York is decorated with a trim, hence the name. "Hog" its christened due to two through holes on the face of the workpiece, which is used for the manufacture of tiles, giving it a resemblance to the snout of a pig.

Proportional Width (6 to 10 cm) "pig" is less than its length (12 to 30 cm) in two or three times. The most popular is the standard size of 7,5 × 15 cm. It is often possible to meet the dimensions: 7.5 × 30, 10 × 20, 15 × 30 cm. If you buy a bar of "hog" in the kitchen apron, you can easily get the original and stylish interior design.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking

metlahskoy tiles

Its performance characteristics metlahskoy resembles granite tiles - it is the same durable, water-resistant, not afraid of the impact of acids and other chemicals, as well as high temperatures. Metlahskoy wall tile is small - 5 × 5 cm. In form it may be not only square.

This finish creates a warm and cozy atmosphere in the kitchen
This finish creates a warm and cozy atmosphere in the kitchen

Types of glass tiles

glass finishing is not inferior to many operational properties of ceramics in terms of using it on a kitchen apron. It is also easy to clean, not afraid of water, high temperatures and chemicals. This finish can be used both alone and in combination with ceramic tiles. Dimensions may be standard, as plates or mosaic. This finish always looks original and stylish, it enlivens the interior, makes it intriguing and mysterious.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking

Types of stone tile and granite

For the elite and expensive refers apron trim with natural stone and tiles from it. Noble shade and texture, strength and durability make this material a popular, however, it is necessary remember that it is quite demanding in terms of care when using it as a finishing kitchen material apron. kitchen interior with natural stone finish looks natural, organic and warm. This material is in harmony with classic wooden kitchen fronts, especially if tabletop made of granite, basalt or marble.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking

Standard tile formats on apron

The standard height of the kitchen apron is 60 cm - it is at such a height from the countertop is the lower part of the wall cabinets kitchen sets. These dimensions correspond to average anthropometric indicators of an adult. Height 60 cm multiple sizes of ceramic tiles, which is often used for decoration of the apron, - the distance between the countertop and the wall the lower part of the attachment cabinet.

The dimensions of a standard kitchen units
The dimensions of a standard kitchen units

It is conventional and universal tile for kitchen on apron 10 × 10 cm. Such material rarely needs trimming. Compared with the products of large size, their surface is more durable. Another advantage of size 10 × 10 cm is its prevalence, and hence a wide choice of colors and patterns. This size is relevant for small kitchens, where it is important to expand the space visually. Another convenient size is 15 × 15 cm - number of joints is reduced, and therefore, maintain a clean coating becomes easier. Tile size of 20 × 20, 20 × 30 and 30 × 30 cm is selected in accordance with the area of ​​the kitchen space.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking

Color and décor tiles for kitchen apron

Given that the apron pottery decoration is done not for one year, with an average of 7-10 years, it is important to choose the right design. It is understood that the walls of shade may change over the years more than once, so it is important to furnish shade can be combined with different colors. It is recommended to choose neutral shades to match the facades of the kitchen units. A few tips that will not make silly mistakes when choosing a tile for the kitchen and finish the apron:

  1. grout seams of any color, but especially light, after a short time begins to get dark, and its shade becomes uneven due to the fact that in certain places the wall above the table top in the working area wash more often. From this rule - the smaller joints, the neat appearance of the kitchen apron, and the entire room.
  2. Grout joints are most vulnerable to the accumulation of dirt and reproduction of microbes, so after laying the tiles is recommended to treat them with silicone sealant. And it is desirable that the anti-fungal components contained in the composition of the grout.
  3. When choosing a mosaic reduce the number of seams allows the material in the form of plates larger format with glued to them with mosaics.
  4. If you want to arrange an apron in a contrasting color, its hue is selected to match the countertop.
  5. Of vinyl stickers in the form of fruits, flowers and butterflies for extra decoration better to refuse. Bright accents in the kitchen can be created using a beautiful colored glassware, vases and pots with live plants, textiles.
  6. Primitive pattern in the form of teapots, fruit, flowers and other things on the tiles, boxes are no longer relevant - a stylish kitchen is not exactly be called.
  7. According to designers of products with a large-format printing, too, should be abandoned. The picture may become bored in a short time, and to change it would be impossible to quickly.
This finish does not need additional decor
This finish does not need additional decor

Tile patchwork apron for the kitchen

A popular trend in interior design kitchen are folk motifs, and fully in line with the fashion trend decoration patchwork imitating patchwork. This finish is especially relevant for interiors in country style or retro. Due to the fact that the surface has a motley picture, it is worth careful approach to its choice, taking into account the area of ​​the premises. Such products may differ in size, texture and dominant hue, gloss or matte surface. The product may be monochromatic or composed of multiple colors. As used pattern abstraction, geometric shapes, flowers, cell or peas.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking

Design options for interior decoration patchwork shown in the video:

Tiles on the apron under the tree

Products under the tree look original, looks are great similarities textures and shades with natural materials and at the same time comply with the operating conditions. Modern manufacturers are ready to offer the product that simulates wall paneling, mosaic, wood, flooring, wooden panel and the board.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingAll of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking

New products for tiles apron from popular manufacturers

The construction market will periodically have new tile manufacturers, this material is popular, but there are manufacturers, who have long proved their products among consumers due to its high quality, reliability and aesthetic appearance products.

Spanish tiles for the kitchen on an apron

Spain has always been a leader in the production of ceramics. The greatest popularity gained following the Spanish tile in the kitchen apron.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking«Absolut Keramika»
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking«Aparici Moving»
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingCeracasa Urban
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackinglatina Ceramica
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingTAU Ceramica

Italian tile for kitchen on an apron

It occupies a special niche of the Italian ceramic production, because of its unusual design and color solutions. Impeccable style and the highest quality allowed it to be recognized worldwide.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking«Faetano-Del Conca»
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking«Emilceramica»
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking«Panariagroup Ceramiche»
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking«Concorde»
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking«Marazzi Group»

Russian tile for kitchen on an apron

Among the Russian manufacturers can note the following.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking«Kerama Marazzi» (Russia)
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking"Shahtinskii pottery factory"
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking"Uralkeramika"
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking«Azori»
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking"Reference"

What to look for when buying tiles apron

Finishing materials market offers a wide range of ceramics for every taste and budget. Do not make the wrong choice will allow a few tips:

  1. The size, shape, thickness, color and texture - it's not all the characteristics of the material. Significantly affects the performance of the products the way they manufacture.
  2. It is important that the seller was at the hands of a certificate of compliance for the proposed product.
  3. Product design must meet the interior of the kitchen and its range of colors, combined with other decoration and furniture.
  4. Products with low density to absorb moisture, dirt and odors, are more difficult to purify in a kitchen.
  5. Products with a thin face layer rapidly lose their glossy shine.
Standard solution can be obtained if the product put an original way

How to put an apron of tile in the kitchen with his hands - the nuances

Apron design options quite a lot. Below, we offer to get acquainted with the universal algorithm of actions, which will help you to make your own tile laying any format and size.

All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking​

IllustrationDescription of the action
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingPrimarily, gruntuem surface.
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingWe start counting the prepared and cleaned the walls. First, we note the bottom edge of the apron of our relation to the floor.
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingFasten the guide profile on the level. It will serve as a basis from which to begin installation.
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingtile adhesive diluted in accordance with the instruction. Apply it on the tile, and is applied to the wall. Laying apron kitchen type "hog" is carried out with an offset relative to one another by half the product.
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingTo form the grout joints between the tiles are fixed on each side of the plastic spacer cross.
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingThat's how our wall now looks. Tile is laid.
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingFor white glossy surface excellent solution is to choose dark brown grout.

At what price profitable to buy a tile for the kitchen on an apron - an overview of current offers

The summary table shows the average price (as of April 2018), for which you can buy a tile for the kitchen on an apron popular varieties.

PictureNameSize, cmThe average cost, rubles.
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
Kerama Marazzi Summer Garden, pistachio20×30640
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingUralkeramika New York PO9NYU00024,9×50700
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingBiselado Bx Rosa Palo10×201 600
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingViva Ceramica Gotha Square Colors Black10×10460
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingDel Conca Rumagna SP20 Beige10×102 000
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingMonopole Antique MIX10×201 940
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingDel Conca HSF 10 Bianco10×102 280
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stackingEcru Biarritz CIR (granite)10×104 390

Photos of interesting options for design an apron of tile

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Photocatalogues tile apron in the kitchen full of variety of various designs. This material is able to surprise their shapes, textures and bright colors. Will demonstrate it from the Pictures of the online magazine HouseChief.ru.

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All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking
All of the tile for the kitchen on an apron, from material selection to self-stacking