🎅 How to make Christmas wreath with his hands: master classes, which you may find helpful

In anticipation of the New Year is traditionally decorated home - inside and outside. If you plan to make a New Year wreath with his own hands, offer to find out how to do it. We have prepared a detailed master-class that describes the process of creating the foundations and then decorating the workpiece.

For making Christmas wreath can use various materials
For making Christmas wreath can use various materials

Read article

  • 1 Wreath for New Year: the history of the emergence of the traditional ornaments
  • 2 How to make a Christmas wreath with his hands: a detailed master class
    • 2.1 How to make a wreath with his hands the foundation for the New Year: the most common options
      • 2.1.1 Newspaper or wrapping paper
      • 2.1.2 Polystyrene insulation for pipes or
      • 2.1.3 From cardboard tubes from toilet paper or hangers
    • 2.2 Master class on decorating basics of Christmas wreaths and the fastening decor
      • 2.2.1 Spruce branches and cones
      • 2.2.2 Photographs or postcards
      • 2.2.3 Figurines made of colored felt
      • 2.2.4 Dried flowers and herbs
      • 2.2.5 Flowers from foamirana
      • 2.2.6 skeins of yarn
      • 2.2.7 Beads
      • 2.2.8 Branches or vines wood saw cut
      • 2.2.9 Candy or Christmas balls
      • 2.2.10 electric garland
  • 3 How to Hang Christmas wreath on the door: interesting options

Wreath for New Year: the history of the emergence of the traditional ornaments

initially, these holiday decorations They called Christmas wreaths. They appeared in the Middle Ages in Hamburg. According to legend, a Lutheran Johann Hinrich Wiecher, who took custody of the children from poor families, decided to invent a kind of students' expectations Calendar "Christmas.

The appearance of a Christmas wreath has changed
The appearance of a Christmas wreath has changed

The first wreath was made of old wheels, decorated with pine branches. To him 19 red and 4 white candles was put in charge. According to him it was possible to find out what day it goes and how much is still left. Daily lit the red candle, and on Sundays - white. Because of this the children were more interesting to wait for the onset of Christmas.

Candles are now replaced by other decorative elements
Candles are now replaced by other decorative elements

Attention! Currently, Russia is not a wreath decoration for Christmas. It is made for New Year's.

decor itself symbolizes the following:

  • a circle - a globe, infinite life;
  • four candles - parts of the world;
  • green color - a symbol of the living.
Each element in Christmas wreath is symbolic
Each element in Christmas wreath is symbolic

How to make a Christmas wreath with his hands: a detailed master class

Today, you can buy ready-made ornaments of various sizes. If you can not find a suitable option for your home, we advise you to make Christmas wreath on the door with his own hands. We have prepared for you a step by step wizard class, so you can understand the intricacies of the process.

The fabrication process depends on the selected materials
The fabrication process depends on the selected materials

How to make a wreath with his hands the foundation for the New Year: the most common options

To manufactured their own hands by New Year wreath holding form well, it is necessary to select the material for the manufacture of the basics right. Optional purchase ready-made products. You can use the materials at hand.

For manufacturing decorative articles should produce solid basis
For manufacturing decorative articles should produce solid basis

Newspaper or wrapping paper

One of the options is the basis of the budget from newspapers. To work also need:

  • wire;
  • pliers;
  • Construction scotch tape;
  • glue.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

IllustrationDescription of the action
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsForm a ring of wire diameter of 35 cm. Ends securely grips with a pair of pliers.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsTake a sheet of paper and fold it like an accordion. In this case, it is able to provide a sufficient amount of the manufactured base.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsFix a folded piece of paper on the frame. First anchoring via glueAnd then securely fasten with tape.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsWe swing the frame around the remaining paper, forming a ring of adequate thickness.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsWinding the blank tape, giving it the desired shape. Be sure to adjust the figure, removing protruding pieces.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsTissue paper wrapped preform suitable color carefully prokleivaya each layer.

If the wrapping paper quite tough, you can eliminate the use of a metal frame. In this case, folded like an accordion sheets formed into the desired shape and wrapped with tape. How to do it, you can see in the following video:

Polystyrene insulation for pipes or

Deciding from which to make a wreath for the New Year, be sure to consider where it will be. As a basis for decorative ornaments, which is located at the front doorShould choose foam or heater. This material is not afraid of moisture, and therefore be able to retain its shape even when heavy snowfall.

manufacturing bases The algorithm is as follows:

IllustrationDescription of the action
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsAcquire heater "Energoflex" or other trademark - 4.5 cm diameter. When buying should be remembered that 2 m is enough material for the manufacture of 3 bases. To determine the amount of material should use formula pd, where d - diameter of the desired product.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsInside the prepared heater insert the wire and tried to pull it ends as much as possible.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsAttach the tube a ring shape, associated hiding inside ends of the wire insulation
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsThe junction several times wrapped with tape to prevent displacement in the process of decorating.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsswathes base masking tape, Carefully pressing the protruding parts. All should form at least two layers to achieve the desired result. After the winding of the last layer of the ring should be given the desired shape by hand. You can start decorating.

If you still have questions, watch the following video:

From cardboard tubes from toilet paper or hangers

To make a basis of toilet tubes, proceed as follows:

IllustrationDescription of the action
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsWe prepare everything you need to work: brush, gouache green or any other color, glue, scissors.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsStained sleeve green. Perform layout, marking the point through every centimeter.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsCut the sleeve formed by the markup. Glued together by five elements forming florets.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsPrepared units are interconnected forming an openwork wreath.
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his handsPainted in green color the inside of the sleeves, giving the base finished appearance.

The process of manufacturing a base of the hanger is somewhat different. To work should prepare the product, made of thick wire. After this will only form a circle of appropriate diameter. How this can be done - can be seen in the following video:

Master class on decorating basics of Christmas wreaths and the fastening decor

When the foundation is ready, you can start decorating it. We have prepared for you a master class in decorating Christmas wreaths. You just need to decide what you will use as a decoration.

The various elements can be used as decoration
The various elements can be used as decoration

Spruce branches and cones

The branches of spruce are the traditional decoration of Christmas wreaths. Such a product would be appropriate to look not only at the doors or windowBut also on the table. To create it will need a cardboard or wire base. In the first case, also require a thick layer of paper to impart sufficient volume. For fixing fir branches to the base of a polymeric glue or thread.

Equally popular Christmas wreath decorated with pine cones. They can be attached to the substrate with adhesive. Cones can be used together with the fir branches, and without them. In the first case, the product obtained is more beautiful and holidays.

Irina Rosenstein


Irina Rosenstein

Designer studio "Cozy Home"

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«If you want to add brightness decor, paint a few bumps in bright colors. The results are sure to please. "

Photos that can be used as ideas are presented below:

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🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands

If you have not yet decided how to fix the spruce branches and cones on the basis of prepared Christmas wreaths, we offer to see the next video - you easily make all their own hands.

Photographs or postcards

If you were a lot of PostcardOf them as possible to make decorations to the wreath. The shape of elements can be different. They are glued to the base. Instead of cards you can use pictures, placed in suitable framework.

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🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands

Figurines made of colored felt

Three-dimensional figurines Christmas characters - ideal for decorating a Christmas wreath. Their size should be correlated with the diameter of the base. For fixing, you can use glue or thread. In the latter case figures just sewn.

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🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands

Dried flowers and herbs

If you have dried flowers or herbs, they can also be used to decorate Christmas wreaths. Location and sequence dried flowers can be selected individually. Often serve as decoration laurel branches. They are fixed to the base, and then decorate the Christmas tree toys or other decorative elements. Because of its color laurel branches may be a good alternative spruce.

Attention! Opting for herbs, you will not only become the owner of a New Year's decorations, but also filled the house with a pleasant aroma.

See the following photos to appreciate how beautiful Christmas wreaths can be made with your own hands:

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🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands

Flowers from foamirana

Beautiful flowersIt is not afraid of the cold and rain, it is an excellent option for decorating the Christmas decorations. They can be attached to the contrast-based, or be a part of a beautiful composition. In the latter case, they complement other decorative elements.

🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands

We offer to meet with a master class on making flowers from foamirana own hands:

skeins of yarn

If you enjoy knitting, and have gathered a large number of glomeruli, they can be safely used as a decoration for Christmas wreaths. Coils can be of different colors and diameters. To thread does not unwind them should be fixed.

Tip! If in the future you want to use yarn skeins on purpose, do not use glue to fix the thread.

As decoration, you can use tinsel and Christmas decorationsThat will add luster matte yarns. If you are a true needlewoman, add a wreath or crocheted large.

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🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands


Beads and beads can be used for the manufacture of individual decorative elements, and it is possible to make a product entirely. In the latter case, a wreath will small or have to spend a lot of time and energy to manufacture.

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🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands

Branches or vines wood saw cut

🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands

Detailed master class on making Christmas wreaths with their hands wooden Spila can be seen in the following video:

Candy or Christmas balls

New Year most people associate with sweets and Christmas tree balls. They can also be used as a decoration for Christmas wreaths. Location and colors are selected individually. For fixing, you can use glue or double-sided tape. And what could eventually happen - you can see in the photo:

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🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands
🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands

electric garland

If there is an opportunity to connect electric garland, Should this be sure to take advantage of. Beautiful Christmas wreath, accompanied by a play of light, will not help to attract attention.

Attention! Garlands of flowers can be any. The choice is made taking into account the overall color scheme.

🎅 Magic starts with the front door: how to make a Christmas wreath with his hands

How to Hang Christmas wreath on the door: interesting options

To fix Christmas wreath on the door, you can use a variety of ways. Selecting depends on the weight and size of the decoration. The most frequently used:

  • Scotch. This is the right solution at a low weight wreath;
  • a thin wire or twine. Especially true with low weight products. Decor is suspended from the other elements of decor or on the peephole;
  • self-adhesive hooks intended for towels. After graduation celebrations hook can be removed;
  • hooks, fasten with screws. Radical option. Suitable even for fairly heavy wreaths.
Christmas wreath can be attached to the decorative door elements
Christmas wreath can be attached to the decorative door elements

Share in the comments which you have made Christmas wreath for the holiday with their own hands.