Epoxy resin for creativity: Instruction Manual

Epoxy resin can rightfully be called versatile material. Applications are varied, indicating that its unique properties. This material is capable of magically "catch" a moment of nature, forever imprinted in the artificial stone of the moment of flowering plants or fallen leaf. Today, the online edition of the journal HouseChief.ru prepared for its readers to a review article in which we detail We show you how to create such masterpieces of their own hands, and what you need to know about the practical and not very properties of epoxy resins creativity.

Epoxy resin for creativity
Epoxy resin - the reliable option to preserve intact for years to come, not only the elements of the bouquet, but also memories of pleasant moments

Read article

  • 1 What is an epoxy resin
  • 2 Scope epoxy creative
    • 2.1 Use of a transparent epoxy resin for casting
    • 2.2 Colored epoxy resin
  • 3 Key properties of epoxy resin
  • 4 The chemical composition and the components for epoxy resin
    • 4.1 Epoxy Hardeners
    • 4.2 Plasticizers for epoxy resin
    • 4.3 The filler for the epoxy resin
    • 4.4 The solvents for the epoxy resins
  • 5 How to prepare an epoxy resin for creativity
    • 5.1 The proportions and composition of viability
    • 5.2 What kind of epoxy resin selected for the potting table tops and other large items
    • 5.3 Master class on the use of epoxy resins for the manufacture of small, but the original veshchichek
  • 6 Specifications of popular varieties epoxy - ED-20
  • 7 Instructions for use of ED-20
  • 8 At what price to buy epoxy resin for creativity - an overview

What is an epoxy resin

Synthetic oligomeric compound in pure form is not used. Manifestation of its unique qualities is possible only after the composition of the polymerization process by reaction with a hardener. The use of epoxy materials is common in many areas - industrial, construction and even in the applied art - to create jewelry, souvenirs, furniture. The substance has no unpleasant odor, related products are obtained strong, not fearful of exposure to chemicals (acids, alkalis, halogens, when dissolved).

Important! Using different epoxy resins and hardeners, combining them and selecting various proportions of substances produced dissimilar materials - hard or soft.

Epoxy Resin Epoxy Crystal
Epoxy Resin Epoxy Crystal

Scope epoxy creative

Dilution solution has a liquid, viscous consistency. For the manufacture of handicrafts and jewelry, electronic components and accessories for decoration interiors composition is poured into the mold and after it hardens, treated, cutting and polishing. When hardening is obtained hard, durable material with a transparent surface of a predetermined shape, containing no foreign inclusions. The surface can be colored and decorated in any manner.

Transparent tough coating protects the decorative layer of the article without distorting shades
Transparent tough coating protects the decorative layer of the article without distorting shades

Use of a transparent epoxy resin for casting

Transparent composition has been widely used in various industries:

  1. In the construction (waterproofing works).
  2. In engineering and radio-electronic sectors (glass fiber impregnation).
  3. The design interior (original Furniture and decor, 3D pictures, wall panels and floors).
  4. For the manufacture of souvenirs, jewelery, trinkets and other things.
The process of working with transparent composition
The process of working with transparent composition

This is a unique and versatile in application material. Decorative articles therefrom can be imparted with natural fillers, are placed in a mold for casting, - live plants and flowers, shells, marble and granite chips, various glitter and coloring agents.

Decorative wall panels
Decorative wall panels

There are several brands transparent compositionsThe most popular among consumers.

Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityMagic Crystal 3DJewelery, souvenirs, 3D floors.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityEpoxy CR 100Self-leveling floors.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityED-20The wide range of applications in the electrical and electronic industry, engineering industry, in the building - adhesives, sealants, impregnating.

Colored epoxy resin

In some cases, especially in the manufacture of decorative items, you may need to make epoxy color. You can buy ready-made colored composition.

The final composition has shades: Lazurin, jade, ruby, amber, topaz and other
The final composition has shades: Lazurin, jade, ruby, amber, topaz and other

To paint your own composition and get clean, not clouded color, use epoksiony that dissolve without forming flakes and lumps. Dosage minimum. To perform one item in multiple colors, it is necessary for each color to use a separate container. Original look products to which have been added fluorescent epoksiony. To obtain an opaque milky color additive used in the form of white powder - diffusant.


Dye solution may be in different ways. Here's how to do it using batik.

Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityIt is necessary to prepare for the paint and fluorescent fabric, container for mixing, a small spatula, plastic cups, dosing syringes and gloves.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityAfter 10 ml of the ready to work epoxy composition was added 5-6 drops of red fluorescent dye. Mixed thoroughly and add 5 more drops.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityBrightness can be adjusted by mixing in color. The colored composition is poured into the mold.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityWhen staining orange fluorescent dye to 10 ml can immediately add 20 drops to a saturated color. The resulting composition is poured into the mold.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityResidues can be poured into a large tank for further mixing of different colors.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityWhen added to a 10 ml solution of 20 drops of red ink without the fluorescence effect obtained is bright, saturated color. In the same manner yellow diluted composition. Remains mixed into the previously assembled the number of trains.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityTo create green in 10 ml of a clear solution is administered 10 drops of the dye.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityThe solution was diluted with 10 ml of 10 drops of fluorescent green dye, poured into molds, and the remainder is added in the usual green composition.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityDilution with black in 10 ml of solution is sufficient to add 5 drops of dye.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityFluorescent dye makes the product similar to natural stone.

Key properties of epoxy resin

Depending on the type of epoxy resins it has the following properties:

  • wide range of applications;
  • high adhesive strength and quality;
  • minimal shrinkage;
  • low moisture permeability in the solid state;
  • excellent physical and mechanical properties;
  • good adhesion;
  • elasticity and firmness;
  • dielectric properties;
  • resistant to chemicals;
  • anticorrosive properties.
The combination of artificial stone
The combination of artificial stone

The chemical composition and the components for epoxy resin

As a two-component substance, the solution becomes operational state only after chemical reaction with the hardener. With selection of the proportions of components (plasticizers, fillers) prepared consistency and quality of concrete mass for the case taken.

Thus, in the manufacture of bulk parts mass should be viscous, and to cover the porous surface if necessary, on the contrary, a liquid composition is used for impregnating material. Viscosity is affected by the amount of air bubbles that are produced by stirring the composition. To get rid of them, the solution is slightly heated. Most resins allows you to create products of comparable density and transparency of the glass. But there are varieties (PEO-10F-20/0 or PEO-21KEF-20/0), which, after polymerization elasticity similar to an eraser.

Sometimes air bubbles may become part of the artistic composition
Sometimes air bubbles may become part of the artistic composition

Epoxy Hardeners

With hardener inducing contact with a solution polymerization, a variety of materials prepared. It is important to use the correct proportion of ingredients to produce high-quality staff. Insufficient amount of hardener or an overabundance can make the quality of working staff worse. As a result of the strength of the product will suffer, its chemical and moisture resistance.

Components for mixing
Components for mixing

Plasticizers for epoxy resin

To get liquid working mass that retains the ability to bond and after hardening to form a solid material is introduced into the reactive diluents or plasticizers.

Set - resin ED-20, PEPA hardener and plasticizer DBP
Set - resin ED-20, PEPA hardener and plasticizer DBP

Important! The plasticizer should always be added to the resin by pouring a large product. In its absence already curing step on the product surface may crack.

Among the most popular are the following kinds of plasticizers:

  1. S-7106.
  2. DEG-1.
  3. DBP.
DBP has a good quality shade lemonade
DBP has a good quality shade lemonade

The filler for the epoxy resin

Fillers are added to the final formulation. They increase its volume, excluding the formation of smudges. By popular supplements, manufactured under industrial conditions, include:

  1. Aerosil.
  2. Microsphere.
  3. Fiber.
  4. Wood flour.
  5. Talc.
  6. Graphite powder.

The solvents for the epoxy resins

Using a solvent can reduce the viscosity of the working composition.

Important! The use of solvent causes a reduction in strength and water resistance of the product.

The most commonly used as solvent nail polish remover, toluene, acetone, ethanol with special additives.

Remove frozen epoxy can with acetone
Remove frozen epoxy can with acetone

The special features of the use of the solvent include the following:

  1. The solvent even in small amounts can significantly reduce the viscosity of the substance to which it is applied.
  2. Solidified polymer after addition of the solvent is less strong.
  3. Polymer mass after the addition of the solvent freezes longer.
  4. Thinner causes shrinkage of the resin and the appearance of surface microcracks products.
  5. In some cases the solvent can change the hue of the polymer.

How to prepare an epoxy resin for creativity

Substances to be mixed, conventionally referred to as "component A" (resin) and "Component B" (hardener). They have a different volume and weight - it is necessary to consider, as the composition should eventually gain the desired viscosity, and then the hardness.

Important! Kneading the resin should take place with the condition of strict observance of the proportions specified on the packaging.

Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityOn scales installed capacity for mixing. You can use a regular plastic cup or glass bowl. Important to cookware material is not chemically react with the substances used.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativity
  • When referring to the ratio of 1: 3 in the first container pour 9 g resin.
  • Substances can be poured through a syringe - so will be more accurate to observe proportion.
  • Before adding the resin may be warmed slightly (to + 50 ° C), was stirred to make it better.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityPoured 3 g of hardener.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityStir the components required within 5 minutes carefully, but not too fast, so as not to form many air bubbles.

In the formation of air bubbles in the composition are removed no later than one hour after mixing when the solution is at room temperature. If it is heated to + 50 ° C, then the need to get rid of bubbles for 10 minutes.

The proportions and composition of viability

The consequence of non-compliance when mixing proportions can become not only a violation of the epoxy resin density, but also its fragility, chemical instability, high water absorption. May be impaired heat resistance of the material, its surface can become sticky and hardener will gradually from the sweat.

Wood and epoxy resin
Wood and epoxy resin

What kind of epoxy resin selected for the potting table tops and other large items

Given that, as of 2018, the cost of 1 kg of epoxy potting is 200-800 rubles., We can say with confidence that, in the Compared with other methods of creating surface resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress, as well as moisture, the substance is quite cheap. Wood, flooded with epoxy, it is immune to moisture, UV, Organics and mechanical stress.

To fill countertops use the following types of epoxy resins:

  1. QTP-1130.
  2. Art-Eco.
  3. ED - 20.
  4. CHS Epoxy 520.
  5. CrystalGlass
  6. EpoxAcast 690.
  7. PEO-610KE.

When combined with wood colored resin obtained by an original visual effect. There are two options - fill countertops completely and creating a surface of wooden slabs (Broad longitudinal wooden spilite) .Nizhe shows the main steps of a way of filling countertops 2.6 × 0.9 m.

Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityBefore you fill the table top, it is recommended to perform the test fill.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityIt recommended Etal-Optic For transparent material. First, you need to provide a flat surface with the sides to fill the countertops.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityTo the solution does not adhere to the working surface, it is coated by any protective material.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityIn order to protect the product from dust, need to make the cover.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityBefore filling countertops prepare slabs - leveled and sanded. If necessary, cover stain and varnish.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityThe casting table exhibited by level to the resin layer had a uniform thickness throughout the product area.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityThe required amount of the two components - the resin and hardener - metered into two separate containers and mixed thoroughly before combining.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityHardener nespesha poured into the resin and mixed with a special nozzle for a drill.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityPouring the first layer. The resin to be distributed evenly over the entire area.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityIt is desirable to control the layer thickness. It should not exceed 15 mm.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityRemoving air bubbles and dust conventional plastic fork. After that, the product is capped.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativitySetting time 1,5-2sutok.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityBefore pouring the next layer frozen product is wiped with acetone.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityAfter the last layer of stiffened, the article is removed, sawn to size, polished and coated with several layers of matte varnish.

Another workshop is shown in this video:

Master class on the use of epoxy resins for the manufacture of small, but the original veshchichek

An epoxy resin obtained very interesting, and most importantly, exclusive jewelry - a master class on making earrings with dried flowers it demonstrates.

Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityPaper cut blank.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityOn skim silicone mat encircle the blank white glue for mosaic, forming the contours of future products.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityThe paper is removed. Contours allowed to dry for 20 minutes.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityWhile the path is gripped, the inner side can be corrected by removing the tabs.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityThe epoxy resin is prepared in accordance with the instruction.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityFor the preparation of several shades of finished resin composition is dispensed into separate containers.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityAdd the green and blue dyes in different containers and mix thoroughly.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityThe thin resin layer form the bottom of future products. You can use both shade. The solution should adhere to the adhesive rim.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativitySpread composition of dried flowers preform and allowed to dry for 24 hours.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityAfter 24 hours, remove the adhesive rim.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityBillets poured thick resin layer, forming a convex lens. Left to dry for 24 hours. In the same manner form the rear side of the article. Then, the edge must be polished and sanded using sandpaper. At the top of the hole is drilled and fixed fittings.

Specifications of popular varieties epoxy - ED-20

This kind of epoxy resin is widely used because of their technical properties and low cost. Due to the fact that it has a yellowish tint, it can not always be used in the applied arts, but in repairs and the construction of this structure is used quite often. Of the features of DE-20 noted the following:

  1. High cracking due to the rigidity of the material, which is made entirely of resin and hardener.
  2. Small elasticity.
  3. Initially viscous composition requires the use of solvents.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativity
Components for mixing ED-20

Instructions for use of ED-20

Instructions for use of ED-20 is as follows:

  1. Eliminate the fragility of the product from ED-20 allows added to the resin plasticizer.
  2. it is recommended to warm to + 50 ° C for qualitative kneading working composition - it will lower its viscosity.
  3. The resin can not overheat (above 60 ° C) and prevent ingress of water into it.
  4. After addition of the plasticizer solution becomes more flexible, but the product therefrom - less durable.
  5. The hardener added to the solution only after it is mixed with a plasticizer.

At what price to buy epoxy resin for creativity - an overview

Buy epoxy resin can be in specialized stores offering goods for creativity, building and e-tailers. Depending on the species of the resin and the manufacturer, the cost may be different.

The table below shows the average prices of epoxy resins, as of 2018.

IllustrationNamevolumeAverage cost (as of April 2018.), Rub.
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityPebeogedeo150 ml954
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityCrystal Resin imitation crystal and glass300 ml1980
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityWith the effect of the glaze «PEBEO» Gedeo150 ml1615
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityEpoxy Crystal PLUS115 g690
Stop a moment: reveals the secrets of the epoxy resin for creativityDaily Art90ml450

By following the recommendations outlined above, you will always be able to surprise family and friends with unusual gifts. However, it should be remembered that the substance is classified as poisons and can cause severe destruction of the respiratory tract, if it is used for other purposes. Do not place uncovered containers, if you have small children. Do not pour the resin and its components in a container without special labeling. It may be too dangerous.

Leave your comments, share your experiences of using epoxy resin for creativity. We welcome your suggestions and interesting ideas.