Any living creature, to one degree or another, needs protection from dirt and bacteria. Animals and birds use various methods to maintain hygiene, and humans have reached incredible heights in this direction. But this situation is much more difficult for the plant world, especially for trees and, as a result, for building materials produced from them. Therefore, every builder and homeowner working with wooden structures will have to independently take care of the "health" of this environmentally friendly material. As in the case of a human being, prevention will be the best method of protection, and an antiseptic for a tree will serve as a kind of "inoculation". How to choose the best option, determine the strengths and weaknesses of a particular product, we will tell you in this HouseChief review.
Read in the article
1 Types of wood preservatives: distribution according to different characteristics
1.1 Classification by composition (basis)
1.2 Classification by purpose
2 How to choose an antiseptic for wood - criteria for selecting the optimal composition
2.1 Service life after processing
2.2 Consumption of the composition (per m²)
2.3 Functionality
2.4 Manufacturing company
3 The best popular solutions for 2019 - we choose perfect samples of antiseptics in the Russian market
3.1 Leave-in antiseptic Prosept Eco Ultra, 5 l
3.2 Antiseptic NEOMID Extra Eco difficult to remove, 5 l
3.3 Glazing antiseptic for wood Tikkurila Valtti Color Extra, 0.9 l
3.4 Antiseptic Belinka Toplasur UV Plus, 2.5 l
4 Methods for applying an antiseptic to a wooden surface
5 Conclusion
Types of wood preservatives: distribution according to different characteristics
To begin with, it is worth deciding on the types of products that are present in the modern construction "chemistry" market. This will be the starting point for choosing an important mixture - each impregnation is suitable for a certain type of work and conditions.
PHOTO: aquagroup.ruHow to understand the variety of compositions for wood processing? Just read our article carefully, making important conclusions for yourself.
Classification by composition (basis)
Most often, you can meet with the division of antiseptics by their chemical content. The most popular options in this case are the following types.
Water-based antiseptics are the cheapest and most highly targeted type of product. In addition to water, it consists of boric acid, borax and fluorides, mixed in a certain proportion. It interacts perfectly with almost all types of wood, but does not tolerate constant exposure to water. For this reason, the spectrum of action is limited exclusively to interior finishing work or the manufacture of all kinds of decorative crafts.
PHOTO: istservis.ruWater antiseptics create a protective layer only on the outside, therefore, when exposed to moisture, it gradually becomes thinner
Oil-based antiseptics. A more powerful and effective result can be provided by products, the active ingredient of which is coal, anthracene or shale oil. Such an impregnation penetrates into all layers of the tree, increasing its protection against moisture and harmful organisms. But there are also disadvantages - weak resistance to fire and fires, as well as an unpleasant odor that makes it difficult to apply the composition indoors.
PHOTO: dacha.yarfotograf.ruA distinctive feature of oil solutions is also a characteristic darkening of wood after appropriate processing.
Antiseptics with organic components - have a greater prophylactic benefit. They only prepare the surface for the subsequent application of varnish or paint, since they increase the porosity of the wood structure. Nevertheless, the protective properties of such antiseptics make it possible to widely use them both for external and internal work.
PHOTO: rabotniki.uaOrganic products give the wood a special greenish tint, in most cases impairing the aesthetics of the structure.
Combined antiseptics - combine all the advantages of the previous options, have the broadest possibilities for use, but at the same time they are much more expensive than their competitors. In certain cases, they may inherit the negative features of the components used - it is better to first weigh the pros and cons when buying such a mixture.
PHOTO: decorbase.ruA range of combination impregnations also increase protection against UV radiation and ignition, increasing the versatility of the formulation.
Classification by purpose
Also, all wood antiseptics can be divided according to their "area of ​​responsibility" - each separate type products are endowed with special properties that make it possible to use it under various conditions and circumstances. The most popular in this classification are the following main functionalities:
protection against harmful microorganisms of all possible origins (from mold to wood-boring beetles);
resistance to temporary and permanent exposure to water.
PHOTO: dacha.ahuman.ruIts "survival" in various climatic conditions directly depends on the moisture resistance of wood.
You can also highlight auxiliary functions for a number of heroes of our review:
whitening the surface, returning it to its original color or painting in a different shade;
increased resistance to fire and ignition (such compounds are called fire retardants);
fight against ultraviolet rays and other radiation harmful to the tree.
PHOTO: stroyka.radiomoon.ruWhile complex products seem more versatile, plating quality suffers from multitasking.
Note! There are also more highly specialized divisions of antiseptics. For example, by field of application (internal or external work) or by mode of action (preventive or therapeutic). Such solutions are needed, first of all, for professionals who regularly face the same problem.
How to choose an antiseptic for wood - criteria for selecting the optimal composition
Having decided on the type of antiseptic most suitable for your purposes, you should analyze a number of important characteristics that, to one degree or another, affect the final choice.
PHOTO: brusder.ruImproper selection of impregnation in the future will only aggravate the destruction of wood
Service life after processing
Any material object in our world exists only for a strictly allotted time. The hero of our review is no exception to the rule. Usually the manufacturer indicates the useful life on the packaging, but this information must be taken with caution. The fact is that even the highest quality solutions are not able to function normally and resist moisture already six to seven years after application to the surface.
PHOTO: lescom.suSome companies set lifetimes between 30 and 40 years. Do not believe such numbers, this is a hoax
Consumption of the composition (per m²)
An equally important factor is the volume of the antiseptic, which must be spent to treat 1 m² of the surface of the structure. Most often, this information is located on the product packaging or on the manufacturer's website. If you cannot find the information you need, then you can take the following averaged values:
Mixture type
Consumption, g / m2
Organic base
Oil base
Water or combination base
Fire retardants
PHOTO: kskdom.ruBy purchasing a cheap antiseptic, you run the risk of getting a product with increased material consumption.
Note! A number of product manufacturers and online stores offer customers to calculate the required volume of a product directly on the Internet. To do this, you only need to enter a number of values ​​(dimensions of the room, type of work, etc.), and then get the finished result.
As we said earlier, protective compositions have many basic and auxiliary capabilities that allow you to keep the tree in its original form for a long time. But beware of double work - too universal impregnations cope with each task individually poorly and for a short time. Ultimately, the application of such an antiseptic will sooner or later lead to the need for constant application of more and more layers or destruction of the structure of the building material.
PHOTO: strojka-gid.ruA number of protective mixtures can also be used as a primer for painting - such a symbiosis is very convenient and economical
Manufacturing company
The last fundamental aspect in the choice can be safely called the manufacturer of the products we are interested in. This indicator is very important, since only large and trusted companies have the necessary professional equipment, materials and recipes - without them it is impossible to create an optimal and quality goods. Therefore, you can trust only a small number of companies that have been present on the domestic and foreign markets for several years.
PHOTO: repairblog.ruYou can prepare the mixture yourself - but the protection in this case will be below the required values. It's up to you to decide
The best popular solutions for 2019 - we choose perfect samples of antiseptics in the Russian market
And since we talked about manufacturers, let's immediately mention the most interesting products present on the modern Russian building materials market.
Leave-in antiseptic Prosept Eco Ultra, 5 l
PHOTO: ozon.ruOur mini-rating opens with a cheap and fairly convenient option from a domestic manufacturer. There are not enough stars from the sky, but it is quite suitable for everyday needs. Especially given a truly democratic price tag.
The foundation
Consumption, g / m2
Blocking all types of harmful living organisms
HouseChief editorial estimate:
Leave-in antiseptic Prosept Eco Ultra
Antiseptic NEOMID Extra Eco difficult to remove, 5 l
PHOTO: spe54.ruA better and more effective composition is presented by another Russian manufacturer - NEOMID. Their impregnation is well suited for both indoor and outdoor use. Strong middling with good accessibility.
The foundation
Consumption, g / m2
Blocking all types of harmful living organisms
HouseChief editorial estimate:
Antiseptic NEOMID Extra Eco difficult to remove
Glazing antiseptic for wood Tikkurila Valtti Color Extra, 0.9 l
PHOTO: spartakstroy.ruThe Finnish company Tikkurila has been known to both builders and ordinary residents of Russia for many years now. And our sample of products is an excellent example of superior quality and reliability. For a fairly modest cost, this is almost a must have for any level of work.
The foundation
Consumption, g / m2
Protection against all types of harmful living organisms; resistance to moisture and UV radiation
HouseChief editorial estimate:
Glazing antiseptic for wood Tikkurila Valtti Color Extra
Antiseptic Belinka Toplasur UV Plus, 2.5 l
PHOTO: ilinden.netThe top of our rating was taken by a universal mixture with a steep set of characteristics. A similar composition is suitable for various jobs due to its versatility. And if it were not for the material consumption exceeding the volume declared by the company (see the review), then this product would be flawless.
The foundation
Consumption, g / m2
Protection against all types of harmful living organisms; resistance to moisture and UV radiation
HouseChief editorial estimate:
Antiseptic Belinka Toplasur UV Plus,
Review of Belinka Toplasur UV Plus antiseptic, 2.5 l
Read more on otzovik:
Methods for applying an antiseptic to a wooden surface
Finally, I would like to tell our readers about the methods that can be used for wood processing. There are at least three popular methods for performing this demanding procedure. Here they are:
Description of action
Brush / roller application
The surface is cleaned of foreign objects. The antiseptic is mixed in a container, and then applied to the wood with a brush or roller, as when painting
Spraying the mixture
Identical to the previous point, only a special spray or spray gun is used to distribute the composition
Immersion in a container
The pre-sized container is filled with a protective impregnation, and then the wood material is completely lowered into the "bath". Most often used in large-scale production
PHOTO: protection-wood.rf
So our little exploration of the world of wood preservatives has come to an end. We hope you have made a lot of useful conclusions and discoveries for yourself.
Or maybe there are those among you who have already dealt with certain antiseptics? Tell us and the rest of the readers about your experience in the comments - everyone will win. In the meantime, we say goodbye to you for a short while and wish you successful construction or renovation!