This marketing is terrible. A whole science aimed at deceiving the buyer, handing him a product that, in principle, is not needed and the more expensive, the better. And not only on products we are deceived, literally on everything. And imagine, even on building materials. What they don't use: the substitution of concepts, and the glossing over of shortcomings, and the frank use gaps in the knowledge of the buyer, when some nonsense is passed off as a special and valuable quality goods. All these efforts are only for the sake of one goal - to get you to spend as much money as possible, get out of the planned budget.
Read in the article
- 1 How to add up the price of industrial wood
- 2 How to cheat on cutting
- 3 Inflated volume: how do they do it?
- 4 Variety fraud
How to add up the price of industrial wood
Wood for construction is different, and, accordingly, there is a range of prices. The cost is directly affected wood species - the denser the tree and the more valuable the species, the more expensive.

Finally, cutting is important. The standard length of the board is 6 meters. It may differ upward by 5-10 centimeters. Departure from these parameters makes the board cheaper. The width of the standard board is 15 and 20 centimeters, and the thickness is 25, 40, 50 millimeters. And again, deviation from the standard should reduce the price of the product, but who will admit it to you!
How to cheat on cutting
Surprisingly, finding a 25mm board is not easy. In most bases, you will find a 22 mm board, and it would seem that 3 mm is not critical, but can you imagine what savings they have on cubic meters of goods? Maybe these 3 millimeters are not critical for you, but what about the fact that they should be cheaper, and at least 11 percent. And if we take the cost of the board per cube at 12 thousand, the savings will turn out to be 1,300 from each cube. Impressive, right?

You overpay and are in the blind confidence that you took the wood that you need, but in fact presented money to cunning merchants.
There is only one way out of this situation - to go to buy wood only with a measuring tool. A ruler, a caliper, and at least a box of matches. And if you are satisfied with a non-standard cut - bring down the price.
Inflated volume: how do they do it?
Yes, it is not difficult to determine the number of boards in a cube, for this there are tables that you can use.

For example, you will be sure that there are 16 boards measuring 50x200x6,000 in a cube. And everything seems to be fine, but here you need to delve a little into 6th grade mathematics. In reality, the number is not an integer, it looks with tenths, that is, to be precise, it is 16.6 boards. And if you take one cube, 16 boards will be shipped to you. And if, for example, 2 - then be so kind as 33, not 32. If the seller can't count, bargain and deduct one unshipped board from the cost.
Variety fraud
This problem is most often faced by those who risk ordering a tree via the Internet or postpone delivery for several days, allowing them to ship goods without personal control.

As a result: you will be dumped with gnarled boards, with a fungal bloom, partially unedged, with knots and other defects. Sadly, most buyers discover all this "beauty" after the car has left. What to do? The most important thing is to never pay the full amount up front. And of course, be present at the shipment and personally look at your purchase.
And some more useful tips for choosing a board in this video:
Have you ever faced dishonest sellers? What was their deception based on? Share your experience in the comments!
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