The Cabinet of Ministers supported the simplification of the transition to a more profitable mortgage for families

Now, in order to obtain such a right, the obligatory consent of the original creditor is required, with amendments, such consent will not be required for refinancing.

Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya noted that the need for such consent infringes on the rights of the borrower, especially in families with minor children. It is important that a new loan is taken for the purpose of fully repaying the previously borrowed or the remaining loan amount.

In addition, the document secures for the children a share in the ownership of the loan when repaying the loan. The project also provides for the mandatory inclusion of information on the use of matcapital funds in the register of real estate rights. At the same time, the need to register the real estate object in the common shared ownership of family members at the stage of changing the lender is canceled. A number of other procedures are also simplified.

The innovations will allow you to monitor the observance of the rights to the apartment of minor children, and will also make transparent complete information about the property for its potential next buyers, explained earlier Spring.

The Cabinet of Ministers supported the project, but made a number of comments. In particular, the bill does not contain provisions providing for the consequences of entering the information in question into the USRN. This can lead to different approaches when considering documents received for state registration of rights.

Source: Russian newspaper
