More than 75% of borrowers who applied for a "mortgage vacation" returned to the repayment schedule

The central bank is in a hurry to report - 75% of borrowers who applied for benefits for repayment of delinquencies after the adoption of the law at the beginning of the year returned to their usual payment schedule by mid-May. As indicated in the message, since the adoption of the bill, 24 thousand citizens have applied for "credit holidays". At the same time, in the 1st quarter of 2020, the number of applicants exceeded 8 thousand borrowers. At the same time, about 2.3 thousand of them not only used the service, but also switched to the original schedule of debt repayment, which is 76% of the total.

The Central Bank also cites other, very interesting statistics, for the entire period of the law, the Bank of Russia has approved more than 60% applications, while 20% of applications filed in 2020 are still pending due to a lack of necessary documents. In addition, almost two hundred complaints were sent to the Central Bank about the actions of banks that were unlawful in the opinion of borrowers, who refused to provide installment payments. After studying the documents, seven banking enterprises were notified of the need to revise the borrowers' documents, after which the applications were approved.

