As you know, children are best developed through play. So they get more information about the world around them, get the necessary knowledge and skills. You can compose a certain set of suitable games and playgrounds for children from one to three to four years old.

The pyramid.
The pyramid game doesn't have to be easy. The baby himself is unlikely to guess how to collect it. It is better to play it with the whole family. The pyramid is placed in the center of the table or floor, where it is convenient to play. Family members with a child sit around her. And taking off each part of the pyramid, we can say that the baby gets the first plate, the second to the mom and the third to the dad. It is imperative to say: "the first plate is small - it is for the baby, the second plate is medium - for mom, and for dad, it is big, because he is the strongest and largest." It is necessary to focus on the color, size and to whom the object is transferred. Next, you need to ask the child to try to fold these "plates" back. Again speaking the color and size, as well as the correct order of composition.
Matryoshka game.
To do this, you need a medium-sized matryoshka itself. With its help, you can teach how to examine a toy, compare its parts, determine which is small and which is larger. It will be interesting for the kid to hide one in the other. Or put other items in it. This game promotes the development of gross motor skills.
For this game you need cars and garages for them. The garage can be made from improvised means, for example, baby food boxes, cubes. the problem is that each car has its own garage and you need to find a way to it. The path can be made with obstacles. For example, go around a doll, duck, cat, etc. It turns out to be a kind of labyrinth. Such actions develop the memory and thinking of the baby.
From them you need to build a small tower, in which the bottom row will be from four cubes, then from three, then from two and one cube at the top. You will get a ladder. A doll or other toy needs to climb this ladder. The goal is to teach the child the concepts of up and down. To begin with, the game is carried out together, completing the doll along this ladder. In this case, the key phrases should be: "look" "do", "go".
A bowl with a surprise.
This is a game for the development of fine motor skills. Some kind of cereal or cereal is poured into a small basin. One that has already passed the expiration date will do. The kid, having seen the contents, will certainly immediately crawl into it with his hands and will rustle and sort out the grains. At this point, it is explained that they are different in size or color. Also, for fun, a small toy is buried.
Water games.
These are the favorite games of children. When bathing a child, containers of different shapes are given for scooping up water and pouring from one to another. Let it be a bucket, a plastic plate, a mug. You can also add rubber toys for bathing. It is interesting to catch them with a strainer or catch them in the water with your hands and be sure to put them in a bucket. You can also combine bathing with painting. For example, a mother holds a piece of paper, and a child smears his fingers with paint and leaves marks on the paper. Learning to draw in the bathroom is very practical, convenient and you can not be afraid of stained wallpaper and furniture.
Tact games, elementary by nature, with a one-year-old child perfectly contribute to rapid development, replenishment of vocabulary, the study of forms of colors, actions, and will amuse the baby during the game.