Heating the house with a boiler: interesting, but how is this possible

The usual scheme for heating an individual house (dacha) and supplying it with hot water consists of a boiler in the heat supply system and a boiler in the hot water supply system (DHW). The boiler is usually used to heat water in the DHW system. But if the house is small, and the power of the boiler is sufficient, then the water heated in it can be let into heating radiators. Heating the house with a boiler is possible, you just need to correctly assemble the system.

Read in the article

  • 1 Heating devices in a private house
  • 2 What is a boiler
  • 3 Boiler for heating a private house
  • 4 Conclusion

Heating devices in a private house

The boiler and hot water boiler are designed to heat water before sending it to the appropriate system. This configuration is called dual circuit. In a simplified version, hot water for domestic needs can be taken from the heat supply system with subsequent mandatory compensating make-up. More elegant from an engineering point of view is the placement of a two-circuit system in one device - a two-circuit boiler.

Single-circuit and double-circuit boilers differ in the presence of a separate heat exchanger in a double-circuit version. In addition, the double-circuit has a set of necessary additional devices and mechanisms: expansion tank, safety valve, pressure gauge, circulation pump and more equipment. A hot water boiler must have its own firebox or electric heater.

The boiler also heats water, but to lower temperatures compared to the boiler. It usually serves in the DHW system.

The double-circuit boiler is an elegant compact engineering solution to two domestic problems - heating the house and preparing hot water for domestic purposes.

Heating the house with a boiler: interesting, but how is this possible
PHOTO: m-strana.ru
Example of connecting a double-circuit boiler

What is a boiler

The boiler is a large insulated water tank, inside which a tube, or coil, passes. Hot water flows through the coil from the boiler of the heating system, the tank water surrounding the coil heats up. It can be used at any time for household and sanitary purposes.

Boiler diagram
PHOTO: m-strana.ru
Boiler diagram

The boiler-boiler combination works economically, with high performance, does not overload the power grid, constantly maintains a high temperature of heated water, allows you to connect several different heat sources and several points water intake. Its cost is quite affordable - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles (depending on the capacity and the manufacturer). True, in the summer, when the heating boiler is not working, there will be no hot water. For summer residents, this option is not suitable.

Boiler for heating a private house

The heating boiler has its own heating element inside the tank, usually electric. The device must be powerful. For every 10 m2 dwellings require 1 kW of heater power. For heating a small house or summer cottage, a power of 3-5 kW is enough. There are boilers on sale that are oriented to work in heating systems. Their capacity in specialized boilers has been raised to 7-10 kW, the volume of the tank has become larger, it ranges from 10 to 450 liters. For heating a medium-sized house, 150-250 liters are enough. Water inlet and outlet pipes are located at different heights. In heating boilers, their diameter is increased to 1.5-2 inches (30-48 mm). This ensures better water circulation. With a large length of pipes of the heating system, a circulation pump is installed.

A modern heating system is necessarily supplied with instrumentation and automation. A water temperature sensor is always installed in the storage tank. Automation monitors this parameter and switches the heating elements on and off at the right time. Thus, in economy mode, the set water temperature is maintained.

There is also a very important function - automatic continuous monitoring of the network load. This is done to protect the power grid from overheating and increase fire safety.

Boiler in a private housePHOTO: kladempech.ru
Boiler in a private house

When installing equipment in the system, the outlet of the storage tank is connected to the inlet to the system or to the pump (if any), and the inlet to the outlet of water from the heating system. It is mandatory to install shut-off equipment to shut off the water when filling the tank. A separate outlet must be installed for hot water extraction.

When installing the electrical circuit, it is necessary to provide an individual electrical panel with an automatic switch and an RCD installed in it.

After installation, it is imperative to check the system for leaks, and after putting it into operation, follow it for 10-15 days to debug the modes.

Assembled systemPHOTO: kladempech.ru
Assembled system


There are many options for using a boiler for heating. Specific designs depend on the size and number of storeys of the house, the climatic zone of its location, the type of available fuel and many other factors. By the way, you need to know that to install a boiler with a gas heater, you must obtain a special permit.

In order for the system to work for a long time and without failure, it needs to be monitored and looked after - to clean the tank from settling impurities and heating elements from scale. And the house will be warm and comfortable.


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What you need is a personal answer.

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