How to clean the mattress at home: get rid of the stains, the use of effective tools

Cleaning the mattress at homeHow nice to fall asleep and wake up in a comfortable bed and a clean bed. But what would be the bed was not comfortable, if a mattress is dusty and smelly, sleep or relax comfortably has not come out.

If you live in a big city, or you have little time for household chores can be given a mattress to the dry cleaners. Just not in all cities and it is, of course, will have to spend. A mattress can be cleaned independently at home and at minimal cost.


  1. Types of mattresses and methods for their cleaning
  2. Removing stains urine and blood
  3. Cleaning stains from different backgrounds
  4. Eliminating the smell of urine
  5. helpful hints

Types of mattresses and methods for their cleaning

It should be clarified that the mattresses are different, both in composition and in the design and quality, and for each mattress a way to care:

  • Cotton stuffed with cotton wool inside, inexpensive, easy to carry. This is necessary to ventilate the mattress once a month, and turn inside out 2 times a week. Stains can be removed by special means. After treatment with water for a long time to dry.
  • Mattress from coconut coirCoconut It has a filling of coconut coir, hypoallergenic, perfect for infants. Such cleansing is only needed dry means, using a vacuum cleaner. Be sure to periodically flip, erased only cover.
  • Orthopedic inside it has a spring structure, although there are no springs. Processed by a dry process, wet with water is undesirable. It flipped several times a month. Be sure to ventilate.

When dry cleaning is necessary to take into account all aspects, so as not to hurt. And not to spoil the final product, resulting in the purchase of a new mattress.

The first step is to release a mattress on the bed linen, remove the cover and wash in the machine. Determine the degree of contamination of the mattress, and then decide which method of cleaning is required.

Types of cleaning:

  • removal of dust and debris;
  • cleaning of stains;
  • steady urine odor, cigarette dampness.

If you need to clean the mattress from dust and debris, will be enough to take a vacuum cleaner and carefully vacuum the surface. Ideally, the vacuum vapor generator, or a steam cleaner. In this way the mattress is not only cleaned up with the help of a couple you will be able to get rid of mites, dust, dirt, and from a variety of bacteria.

Removing stains urine and blood

Removal of fresh urine stainsIf you want to remove fresh urine stains, Preferably immediately wet cloth, then wipe with a damp cloth, and dry with alcohol to disinfect and ventilate the room. Children's urine is well weathered outdoors in the sun.

Why not tell about cat. To display this type of stain, you must make the solution:

  • water - 1 tsp;
  • dishwashing detergent - 1 teaspoon;
  • vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sanitizer - 2 drops.

Thoroughly treat stains, remove excess moisture, and sprinkle baking soda. The next day, remove the soda can with a vacuum cleaner. Soda cleanse all the dirt.

Cleaning of mattresses of fresh urine effective using liquid soap. Dissolve in water, liquid soaps, shake it to foam, and this foam smear stain. After that, dab with a damp cloth and dry the excess moisture.

Another method for cleaning mattresses from urine - using lemon juice and salt. Mix the salt and lemon juice to get the consistency of a paste. This paste coated with stain and leave for two hours. Salt absorbs urine and lemon juice removes the smell.

Dissolve 1 tablet aspirin in 1 liter of water. This solution wipe the soiled place.

Warm up in warm water and glycerin with a napkin wipe the stain, then dried and vacuumed.

If the stains are old, home remedies you can not help, it is necessary to make dry cleaner mattress from urine.

Apply to clean blood stains from the mattress the following methods:

  • Removing blood stainsBloodstains It can be cleaned with water, baking soda and salt. It is necessary to pour water into the nebulizer, add salt and soda or spray applied to the stain solution. After half an hour you can get wet cloth.
  • The same type of stains can be removed with a paste made from corn starch and hydrogen peroxide. Starch dilute hydrogen peroxide to a paste consistency. Paste to smear the stain after it dries, brush or vacuum clean. Just do not forget that peroxide bleaches material.
  • Dense starch solution and water - is also a good means for cleaning mattresses. Treat the spot with a solution. How to dry, you can remove the residues with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

Cleaning stains from different backgrounds

There are the following ways to remove stains from coffee, lipstick and so on. Etc .:

  • If wax dripped onto the mattress, you can get rid of it by paper towel and iron. Put a piece of paper on the wax, iron and iron the wax fall behind.
  • If you want to remove plasticine or cud attach ice bag, after which the material freezes and adhering dirt can be removed.
  • grease stains purified using a technical or ammonia.
  • Stains set children's wax pencilsAre displayed in this way: it is necessary to take a loose paper, put it on top of dirt and iron iron, turn the paper and also ironed. It performs this procedure until all the stain will remain on paper.
  • Clear a spot on juice help mixture of vinegar and ammonia one to one.
  • derive the following wine It helps soda or salt. Pour the dirty place for 30 minutes. Thereafter, vacuuming and cleaning foam powertrowel spot.
  • When the room is too humid, it can lead to the formation of mold. If this happens, you must immediately dried in the sun and spot treat with a solution of vinegar. He will remove the smell and disinfect contaminated sites. Try humidity lead to normal.

dry-cleaningPlease note, if you decide to resort to professional household chemicalsPrior to use is required to read the instructions for use of the tool. Safety Compliance is important, especially if the house is small children or you are going to clean the children's mattress.

If the pollution out of date and can not be cleaned, it is better to apply to the dry cleaner.

Eliminating the smell of urine

From the bad smell will help rid the soda. Sprinkle baking soda on the desired area. After 12-20 hours vacuum the well.

Can be in the store to buy odor absorbers, pour in the desired position, and after 3 hours can be removed with a vacuum cleaner. Then wipe with a damp cloth.

In the hot season it is desirable to be aired in the sun, to give him fry. Especially if the apartment high humidity.

Very badly weathered cigarette smoke, so if the home fans to smoke in bed, which is highly undesirable, even safety, ventilation should be done as often as possible. Apply the cleaning soda, otherwise you'll have to resort to the dry cleaners.

helpful hints

The mattress served faithfully, you need to properly care for them. Care Tips that will keep the mattress in the proper form are as follows:

  • Removable mattress coverBuy a bag or mattress. It is much easier to wash.
  • Bedding should be washed 2 times per week at a high temperature.
  • Bed iron the disinfection of bacteria, mites.
  • Once a month, it is desirable to turn over the mattress to the other side.
  • For stains, try to purge immediately.
  • Vacuum every 2 weeks.
  • Very carefully treat children's mattresses. Often ventilate.

To protect the mattress is not advisable to eat in bed, drinking tea, coffee and wine. Food crumbs from falling on the surface of bacteria serve as a source of education. If the product is made from coconut fibers, latex, or cotton padding polyester, it is necessary periodically to dry.