Which cream is better for depilation: intimate places, underarms and during pregnancy

Depilatory cream is a universal remedy for removing hairs on every part of the skin. Due to its versatility, simplicity and painlessness, it is in demand among girls.

By the way, the first means for depilation was invented by Queen Nefertiti, so this is also the royal way of hair removal. The modern market is replete with a variety of creams, for every type of skin and every area. Let's see what depilation cream to choose for the area of ​​the armpits, intimate area and whether it is possible to use this product during pregnancy.

We choose the cream for the intimate zone

The undeniable advantage of the means for this zone is its ease of use, speed of operation and availability. Choosing a cream for the intimate zone, remember a few rules:

  • Skin in this area is very sensitive, so choose a means for a delicate skin. Pay attention to the cream, where the package says "for sensitive skin areas," "for the bikini area," or "for sensitive skin."Remedy for removing hard hair is better not to use;
  • Pay attention to the expiration date - you can not just be upset by the result, but also get an allergy or inflammation;
  • Do not save on cream - this area needs a quality product, because for intimate places it is better to choose a proven and reliable product. Most often the cheapest tools are able to cope only with gun hair, but the more rigid they "will not take";
  • Pay attention to the equipment - the package must have a sponge or spatula to remove the composition, oil or a lotion for skin care after the procedure.

All these criteria can be fully attributed to any means for depilation, but here the bikini zone requires a careful approach to the choice of the means. Let's look at a few bright brands that offer such creams.


The most popular tool that belongs to the average price category. It is suitable for sensitive skin, it lasts for five minutes and does not require the application of a thick layer. The kit includes a spatula and a composition for removing skin irritation.

Cream Hair Remover

An inexpensive product that is suitable for delicate skin, has a roller applicator( or spatula) and an additional soothing cream. Also in the package there is a special illustrated instruction.

Extra strength crem bikini from Sally Hansen

The most expensive product, which is equipped with a brush applicator and a unique soothing composition. The latter moisturizes the skin as effectively as possible and prevents irritation.

Means for underarm area

This area, like the bikini area, is sensitive. In addition, the area of ​​the armpits is most often in sight, and therefore it is necessary to select a remedy that minimizes the appearance of redness or irritation.

  • Choose a cream, where the manufacturer indicates the area of ​​application - the best option, if the package will be written "for the zone of the armpits."Also suitable for "sensitive( hypersensitive) skin" and for "sensitive areas";
  • It is best for the product to contain soothing ingredients - chamomile extract, panthenol, marigold oil or Shea butter;
  • Suitable for this area cream with dispenser - you are more comfortable to apply the tool and the probability of "overdoing" with cream will be reduced to zero.

As for cream manufacturers, the Veet remedy is popular - for the underarm zone, a cream for sensitive skin or for delicate places is suitable. All these designations will be written on the packaging. The cream is completed with a spatula for convenient application.


Inexpensive means for depilation, on the package you will see the inscription "for the armpits".Keep the product on the skin need about 5-7 minutes, and in the composition there are soothing components in the form of oils.


This product is intended for hair removal in the area of ​​the armpits and has in its composition panthenol, vitamin oils and chamomile extract. Manufacturers recommend keeping the cream on the skin for no more than 7 minutes.

When using a cream in this area, it is worth remembering that it is applied to dry and pre-cleaned skin, and rubbing or holding for more than 10 minutes is not recommended.

Use of a cream during pregnancy

Can I use depilation remedies for pregnancy? This question worries many young mothers. It is difficult to answer here unequivocally. You can use the remedy, since, although it consists of "chemistry", it is applied only for a few minutes, and all the harmful elements simply do not have time to get into the blood.

Do not apply the cream if you are prone to allergic reactions or you have increased sensitivity during pregnancy. It is better to be safe and ask this question to your doctor or consult a dermatologist. And still it is necessary to conduct the test for sensitivity - for a couple of hours before the procedure, apply the cream on the surface of the forearm( internal).If after 10 minutes redness or irritation does not appear, the remedy can be used.

If you have caused irritation odor, from the application in general should be discarded. In fact, if you are pregnant, you can use the same depilatory cream as before. If you choose a new one - stop on the remedy for sensitive skin. Also it is worth remembering several rules of use:

  • Choose a depilation cream with the maximum set of natural ingredients;
  • It is best to have moisturizing agents - extracts, oils, vitamins;
  • Apply the cream in a well-ventilated or ventilated area;
  • Do not use the medium directly for all parts of the body. Better break the depilation process for a few days;
  • Keep the cream on the skin exactly as indicated in the instructions to avoid the problem of inflammation of the hair follicle;
  • After the procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the room and breathe fresh air.

During pregnancy, do not experiment with drugs - choose those that have already been used or high-quality brands. Be sure to read the contents, instructions and check the expiration date.