Many smokers who are trying to get rid of nicotine addiction are switching to electronic cigarettes. The device is safe for others - pairs the user inhales, and the effect of passive smoking is not here. To understand how to select the e-cigarette should first familiarize yourself with the different types of them, as well as technical characteristics.
The operating principle of the device is similar to the operation of the inhaler. The liquid which is heated in the cartridge and forms a vapor which the user inhales.
- Battery. From it operates the heating element.
- The cartridge contains a liquid smoking.
- LED simulates a lit cigarette and shows that the device works.
- Vaporizer or atomizer comprises a spiral heater which forms steam.
Types size
Electronic smoking devices are different. The broadest classification for the types in size, each of which is marked with the Latin letters from A to F.
Supermini (A)
This version is externally indistinguishable from a conventional cigarette. The tank holds the cartridge 400 microliters of fluid. The power supply capacity is 85 mAh, and the device length is 85-105 mm. Replaces smoking more cigarettes per day.

Mini (B)
In size like a supermini, but has a more powerful battery with the figure of 350 mAh and the capacity of 500 ml. devaysa length may be from 9 to 12 cm. Replace smoking of about a pack of cigarettes for a day.

Pen-style (C)
The most popular classic look electronic cigarette looks like a fountain pen. Power reaches 290 mAh accommodates storage 1 ml of liquid, and a length of 17.5 cm with a diameter of 1 cm. On a single charge the device replaces the slightly more than one pack of cigarettes.

Cigars (D)
They produce a lot of steam and looks a bit like the tobacco cigars. Here, a more powerful power supply and the volume of the container - 700 mAh and 1.2 ml, respectively. Due to this device performance higher than that of previous types.

Tube (F)
This model looks no different from an ordinary tube. This also applies to the size and shape. It holds the battery capacity of 1000 mAh and a bulk cartridge.

Fashion (E)
Externally, it bears little resemblance to the usual cigarette, and the unit is designed for more frequent use. Another name - Weipa. Standard battery capacity comes to 2200 mAh, a large integrated cartridge for a smoking mixture. When large capacity unit yet is compact, it fits comfortably in the palm of your hand.

By type of management
According to this criterion, the device is divided into automatic and manual.
On the unit has a power button, and when it is released, evaporation stops. Unlike hand-held devices is that they can be adjusted a pair of saturation.
Are considered more convenient, because when a guy does not need to hold down the button. When the user inhaling, the device is included in the work - a microprocessor works, run the evaporator and then begins guy.

By the multiplicity of Use
Also, electronic cigarettes are different sources of supply and frequency of use.
As the battery is used in-body alkaline battery - it can not be recharged or replaced. Batteries almost enough for 500 puffs, and prices generally do not exceed 500 rubles.
Most of these models are buying, to assess whether an alternative form of smoking suit the user.
Power is provided by lithium batteries that can be recharged, repaired or exchanged for new ones. The battery can withstand up to 500 reel stands - this is enough for a year of work. The reusable version of the cartridge can also be changed and refilled by a new one.
important parameters
When buying cigarettes to hover should consider a number of important criteria to choose the right model.
Unit with battery called mod, which lasts a maximum of one year. Choose such an apparatus in which the battery as required can be replaced. A battery power optimal for multiple devices - 1500 mAh.
type atomizer
Atomizer - a vaporizer, in which steam is generated. By service type evaporators are divided into several types:
- Serviced. You can change the winding and wool In these models themselves.
- Maintenance-free. The evaporator can be easily removed and can be replaced.
- Combined. Here is an opportunity to change the cotton wool and winding or replace the evaporator.
The structure of the device consists of two main parts - an evaporator (atomizer) and the battery unit (modes). Novice users, experts advise to buy a set of the battery unit and the evaporator. It is important to learn from the seller compatibility of these modules.
Ranking of the best models
The survey was collected top 6 best electronic cigarette, among which there are new items in 2019 and released earlier models. After reviewing the rating, which takes into account user feedback will be easier to decide which device is better to buy.
Eleaf iJust S Kit
Regularly included in reviews of popular models. Cylindrical metal casing with a battery of 3500 mAh and a tank for the liquid in 4 ml. It is an average of 1.7 thousand. rubles.
- Reliable assembly;
- There are several replaceable atomizers;
- ease of use;
- sufficient capacity of the tank;
- autonomy.
- in winter the cold steel casing awkward to hold in the hand;
- unstable is on the table;
- not very convenient location of the start button;
- wear down evaporators.
Eleaf iJust 3 Kit

This improved modification last cigarette included two tanks 4.5 and 6.5 ml. The battery capacity is 3000 mAh battery. The average price of 2.8 thousand. rubles.
- convenient start button;
- an enlarged tank;
- It gives much steam;
- vkusoperedacha good.
- in a horizontal position can leak;
- a reservoir for liquid glass can easily break;
- unstable.
Joyetech eVic Supreme

Model with manually adjustable quantity of steam accommodates 4ml smoking mixture. Battery 2100 mAh USB charging from PC, laptop, car cigarette lighter adapter. It is worth an average of 4 thousand. rubles.
- convenient and clear control using the rotary ring;
- durable materials;
- The display shows all operating parameters;
- flexible settings.
- quite a high price;
- display easily scratched;
- between the cap and the atomizer connector has a small crack.
Evod Mega 1900 mAh
Cheap cigarette with battery overheat protection and short circuit protection. Furthermore, there is protection against arbitrary inclusion. Spaciousness tank is 2.5 ml and 1900 mAh battery capacity. It sells for about 1 thousand. rubles.
- long battery holds a charge;
- lock on closing;
- ease of maintenance;
- suitable charger from the smartphone;
- durable.
- fast flow of liquid;
- heated;
- leaks;
- no charge indicator;
- weak steam generation.
Ovns Saber S Pod

Model for beginning with a small built-in battery capacity of 400 mAh and a tank volume of 1.8 ml. One charge lasts for about 200 puffs. The average price of 1.4 thousand. rubles.
- compact, fits in your pocket;
- charge status is displayed on the indicators;
- soft steam.
- No adjustment of intensity;
- It comes with only one replaceable cartridge.
Philip Morris IQOS
Unusual premium device, which is designed for smoking cigarettes due to heating of the tobacco. So ruled the harmful effects of tar and burnt paper. The manufacturer claims that this method of smoking does not cause any harm to others. It is an average of 7 thousand. rubles.
- I do not need a liquid filling;
- Simple and clear controls;
- compactness;
- He leaves on the hands and in the mouth unpleasant smell;
- pure taste of tobacco.
- expensive;
- consumables, too expensive;
- very often it is necessary to charge;
- It does not work in the cold;
- dubious alternative to conventional smoking.
When purchasing a suitable apparatus for steaming is necessary to look not only on price but also on a variety of sizes, types of control, the possibility of independent replacement parts and consumables. Also important is the capacity of the device, the build quality and duration of work without recharging.
Keep in mind that the guy should be viewed as a way to quit smoking, so do not start using electronic cigarettes just because in the absence of dependence.