There are situations when while watching a movie the sound disappears. This happens not only with older TV sets, but it also happens with the new. The reason may be a conventional disconnecting wires and wear of internal parts. Because with such a defect becomes impossible to watch TV - many are interested in what to do if lost sound on the TV.
All television receivers similar design, but most of the problems that cause the absence of the sound associated with the same reasons. These include incorrect connection of equipment, problems with the speaker or amplifier chip burnout, wear connectors with the connectors, as well as various damage due to the TV from falling.
In the old TV speaker can simply break down, having fulfilled his allotted time. And in the case of new devices that meets factory marriage of these details.
Sound amplifier
The amplifier is sensitive to voltage spikes, so if a family has a problem with the power supply, this element quickly wears out, causing burns.
Chip breakage can cause a lot of different factors. For example, entering into the machine fluid, burnout components of electronic circuits, contaminated sites can lead to the fact that the sound on your TV will disappear.
Sockets and connectors
The entire outer periphery of the type of set-top boxes or speakers connected to the TV via the connectors into the jacks. Due to the frequent change of equipment wear components, causing workers to lose their quality.
improper connection
One of the most frequent problems. When you connect, you can mix up the wires and connectors TV receiver. To avoid this - read the instructions before connecting.

TV diagnose problems with audio playback need, in accordance with the symptoms.
The smell of burning
If along with the lack of sound there was a smell of burning, it indicates a problem with the chip. Independent repair can not be carried out. At the first appearance of a burning smell immediately unplug electronics from power.
There is no sound when you turn on
Try connecting to a receiver external sources - speakers or headphones. If you are playing through them, then it broke, and speaker jack. Fix it can also be a specialist.
HDMI connection
It may be that when connected to a TV tablet, laptop or other gadget through is not HDMI-cable sound. can solve the problem on your own - check the settings, namely, in the sound menu, select HDMI source. You may also need to install additional drivers, which can be found on the TV manufacturer.
Sound disappears periodically
Substandard loosened or clogged contacts can cause intermittent sound disappearance.
The sudden shutdown
It happens that when watching the program sound of just suddenly turned off - it can happen due to overheating. Also, inspect the integrity of the wires.
The sound is quiet and remote
This happens when the problems with the central processing unit or a radio link. Here and in the very diagnosis can hold only a master.
The new TV model
If you have problems with the newly purchased TV, you can perform a factory reset - then the machine returns to its factory condition and eliminate possible errors.
In addition, in today's television reception periodically need to update the firmware. The appearance of the update will tell the device itself is marked on the screen.
If your TV does not work sound - you can try to rectify the problem before calling the master:
- At first, when any fault reset the unit.
- Check whether the workers in the remote batteries.
- Inspect the cable for damage and correct connection of instruction.
If none of these actions does not work, the batteries are working and spend the whole and in its place - so it is associated with more complex breakdown. Note that the repair technique can only be a specialist, because any interference does not exclude the worsening situation.
The home will eliminate only surface faults that do not affect the internal parts of the machine. This applies to the TV settings, connecting peripherals and remote control of serviceability.
All complex mechanical damage to fix only a specialist for repair. This is especially true of new models - their design is complex and differs considerably from the previous generations.
TV always buy with the expectation to work in ten years, at least. To prolong equipment life it is necessary to comply with the operating conditions. But even this does not always save from damage.
If the receiver box there is no sound, you must first try to determine the cause of the problem, and only then proceed to action and a challenge to master.