House of modern man is surrounded by a large number of appliances. Of course, everyone has and a washing machine. It allows, without straining, wash clothes, thus saving time mistress, which she can spend on other things. The service life of the modern washing machine is about 10 years. However, it may decrease due to low quality of tap water.
- surface wiping
- cleansing filter
- drum Handling
- Vinegar anti-lime
- Descaling and smell
- Advantages and disadvantages
- The use of citric acid
surface wiping
Frequent cause of early failure of the washing machine is scum. She appears on the tubular electric heater in operation. Limescale is accumulation of salts contained in the water. The presence of scale leads to the fact that over time, the machine stops working. One method of cleaning deposits from the electric heater is the use of vinegar.
To maintain the equipment clean, most people wipe machine ordinary cloth, while on the small details that it has, do not pay attention. It takes some time, and the hostess began to notice that the cleansing of the machine from scale requires a lot of time and effort. Such a situation arises for the reason that the remnants of the powder and the air conditioner, accumulating on the electric heater form a sufficiently dense layer. As a result, in order to cope with these sediments, we have to use serious money.
Every housewife who regularly use the washing machine should make a habit after every wash wipe tray powder and typewriter. If she does not have the habit, the plaque, which appeared on the electric heater, can be easily removed, if we use the toothbrush and washing up liquid:
- In this formulation for greater effect must add 9% solution of vinegar;
- Dilute means be in a proportion of 5: 1;
- After that, a brush dipped in this composition, it is necessary to remove contamination;
- Using a sponge, wash off the remaining foam;
- Then there will be only a cloth to wipe dry with this element of the washing machine.
cleansing filter
Clogged filters - also a common problem faced by the hostess. Water contaminated with this element begins to circulate poorly, the owner can feel unpleasant odorsEmanating from the washing machine, and as a result may even be a leak.
In order to solve the problem a clogged filter, it is necessary to put the container to drain the bottom and open the valve afterwards. Then you need to drain the remaining water from the hose. Next, you need to unscrew the filter and hold it cleansing the outside and inside. When this is done, you will only have to install this item into place.
drum Handling
When the owner begins to feel the unpleasant odors emanating from the machine, it may indicate that the time has come to cleaning drum.
In order to qualitatively carry out this procedure, you must fill in the drum of the washing machine one cup any bleach, and then start the wash cycle without any laundry, setting a few minutes maximum temperature.
For cleaning the drum You can use vinegar 9%. For this it is necessary to fill a drum tumbler acetic solution, and thereafter washing run idle.
Vinegar anti-lime
Faced with the scale on the electric heater, it is possible to properly clean the washing machine with the help of vinegar.
To clean stiralku descaling is necessary to fill in the compartment for the liquid powder 2 cups 9% vinegar essenceAnd then start the cycle time and the maximum set to boil mode, in which the temperature inside the unit will reach 95 degrees.
Should wait until the washing machine pick up the right amount of water and mix it with vinegar. After this wash cycle, you must stop and 60 minutes to leave the equipment in this condition. During this time, the vinegar will destroy the scum, which originated in the washing machine. When will take place one hour wash cycle, you must run and wait until it is completed.
Cleaning the washing machine with vinegar - not such a difficult task as it might seem at first glance. Anyone who has faced such a problem can lead cleaning of electric heater from scale on their own.
It is important that in the drum during the descaling procedure, in the washing machine no linen was not. When the boiling mode is completed, you need to install a small wash cycle. This will allow the wash from scale and vinegar residues internal parts. If during the purification procedure used as the primary means vinegar essence, the scale quickly descend from the electric heater. In addition, they will be removed detergent residues from the drum and door with a plaque disappears.
Similarly, you can remove the scum in a washing machine and the sealing rubber bands. As a result of the procedure unpleasant smell disappears, and in addition, eliminates germs. By the way, except for the vinegar to clean the machine the machine owner can use any means that in its composition contains chlorine. However, it is understood that chlorine-based compositions They are more aggressive and toxic in comparison with vinegar.
Many interested in whether and how to use the 70% vinegar conduct cleaning washing machine. In order to do the right thing, it is necessary to take 25 ml of vinegar and diluted with the amount of 180 ml of water. The end result is a cup of vinegar 9%.
When cleaning is finished, the machine must wipe pre-moistened cloth in vinegar diluted with water. Clean the machine, special attention should be paid to the drum, sealing gum, since it is in these elements and accumulated balances of water and destroyed the scale. If they are not removed, an unpleasant odor can occur during further operation of the washing machine. When the machine free from scale, everything should be wiped dry with a cloth.
Descaling and smell
Clean the washing machine from scale and vinegar to remove the unpleasant smell can be as little as a single procedure.
vinegar essence It can be used by the owner of the home appliances not only for the purification procedure, but also as a means of preventing scale formation.
For example, when washing kitchen towels can be added glass vinegar. Things it will not cause any harm.
No less can be effectively clean the washing machine with soda and vinegar. For this it is necessary to prevent periodically added when these two component in small quantities.
Experts do not recommend more than once every six months, to carry out such treatment. The important point is that after every cleaning machine You need to wipe dryAnd the door and the compartment for powder to remain open to fluid residues can evaporate. The filter should be periodically cleaned of contaminants appearing in it.
Advantages and disadvantages
In this method, as the Cleaning the washing machine from scale using vinegar, like any other, has its advantages and disadvantages. This is quite normal, and some disadvantages should not scare.
Among the advantages:
- The low cost of the procedure. Vinegar is a common and accessible to everyone.
- Clean washing machine via vinegar can get rid of the unpleasant odor.
- Vinegar effectively remove deposits on the inside of the machine-gun.
Disadvantages of this method of treatment are:
Vinegar characteristic pungent odor, so after the completion of the work necessary to ventilate the room, which houses the washing machine.
- When the procedure is completed, you need to perform additional rinsing, to disappear from the bowl of vinegar smell.
- Clean the machine-machine using vinegar, you must be serious about compliance with dosage because Vinegar may adversely affect the sealing gum, which has lost its elasticity, and after a while will be able to tear.
The use of citric acid
In addition to cleaning the washing machine soda and vinegar, which are effective in removing the scale, the owners of the home appliances can use citric acid. Its application allows you to effectively deal with the scum occurred.
In this regard, no means less effective than powders and liquids that are available in stores. For the cleaning washing machine can be used nutritional citric acid from any store or dedicated. The latter is used in industry for cleaning of complex mechanisms.
Using specialized citric acid, it is necessary to know that the dosage should be taken into account as accurately as possible. The calculation must take the details area to be processed. If the concentration of the substance exceeds 10%, it will not only destroy the scum, but also adversely affect the washing machine parts. Acid simply corrode them. And if you use a substance at a concentration of less than 4%Then The performed cleaning procedure will be ineffective.
To clean the washing machine of citric acid, it is necessary to take food citric acid in an amount of 3 tablespoons and pour into the powder compartment. After that, you must activate the boiling mode. Will be optimal mode of washing cotton things. In order to achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to install additional rinses.
Destroyed scum citric acid It will be washed with waterAnd the internal parts of the machine will stay clean. Spin mode when such a procedure necessarily put as laundry in the machine is missing. When the procedure is complete, check the drain hose, as well as pay attention to the sealing gum, which in During the procedure could get the remains of scale, which should be removed, and then wipe all components dry with a clean cloth.
Washing machine facilitates the life of modern man. Although its lifetime is quite long, it can be damaged by reason of the scale. And that machine worked for a long time, you need to take care of it and regularly cleaned from the solid salt raid. Optionally acquire expensive means to remove deposits. It is possible to use other available means, such as vinegar or baking soda. They help to effectively cope with the scale on the inside of the machine, without damaging them. The procedure does not require much effort and runs quite easily.