Mercury hazard: dangerous or not for human mercury vapor

Why mercury is dangerous for peopleMercury - a heavy metal with no color, a compound which in the form of oxides and salts are used in production. In addition, she is a member of some preparations for disinfection and paints. House with mercury may be encountered in the event that there is damage to energy efficient light bulbs or a thermometer. Poison metal vapor from one of the broken bulb unlikely.

But if they are damaged from time to time, you can easily earn chronic poisoning. Some do not know what is dangerous mercury in the thermometer for a man if this thing broke, and what are the consequences of mercury poisoning.


  1. mercury toxicity
  2. symptoms of poisoning
  3. First aid
  4. If broken thermometer

mercury toxicity

The liquid metal mercury - when it is dangerous to humansDangerous if mercury from a broken thermometer, no doubt. If this happens, there is a risk of poisoning mercury vapor, and most often occurs is through the skin. Wherein intoxication development It is slow. Far more dangerous when the metal particles reach the mucous membranes. Toxic shock in this case, the liver tests. The most difficult situation with the poisoning occurs when inhaled, or if they are directly released into the blood because the liver did not participate in their neutralization.

Quite often, human contact with the mercury occurs when broken thermometer. The amount of mercury in a thermometer is about two grams. A lethal dose of mercury in humans - entering the body half this dose.

Also important the size of the room where the broken thermometer. Also, much depends on the sex, age and body weight, which is in contact with a dangerous poison. All these Factors which may affect on the severity of poisoning. Unless urgent action is taken, the probability of mercury poisoning from the thermometer is 100%, because its average toxic dose is 0.4 mg.

symptoms of poisoning

How dangerous a broken thermometer? He emergence of dangerous poisoning, which occurs acutely, and, for example, by inhalationAnd chronically when the body receives a small amount of metal for a long time.

Acute poisoning is rare, and is usually characteristic of industrial accidents, where mercury is used. Most often, there is a chronic poisoning of metal thermometer, whose development of symptoms is very slow.

If the thermometer broken in the apartment, The mercury vapor poisoning manifested reaction of the nervous system. appear:

  • memory loss;
  • drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • fatigue.

Characterized by the development of mercury tremor (shaking) the language of the fingers and sometimes the entire body, may develop seizures. Furthermore, there is increased body temperature, Reduced blood pressure, sweating occurs. Acute inhibition accompanied with the consequent loss of consciousness. Chances of coma.

If poisoning couples suffering and digestive system. In this case, there is:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • metal taste in the mouth.

How to remove balls of mercury and how they are dangerousWhen mercury is damaged mucosa occurs gingivitis, stomatitis, which It appears excessive salivation, Bleeding gums, pain. When the ulcers in the intestine, stomach, esophagus occur abdominal pain, bleeding can be opened. For mercury poisoning is characterized by the bright red color of the gums, which appears dark patina over time.

how dangerous broken mercury thermometer? The fact that mercury from the thermometer did not smell, and a person can inhale its vapors, without noticing it. Wherein begins to suffer respiratory system. Developing specific acute non-infectious bronchitis, pneumonia. If the airways are damaged seriously, it may be hemoptysis. In case of severe poisoning is not excluded pulmonary edema.

This metal can accumulate in the kidneys and liver, causing a gradual development of renal and liver failure. Acute poisoning is a condition develops very quickly, which is a direct threat to life.

It is not always possible to immediately determine what happened with mercury poisoning. Its symptoms are often nonspecific and may occur as for poisoning by other heavy metalsAs well as in inflammatory diseases of the victims of mercury poisoning. To make an accurate diagnosis, a blood test for the concentration of toxic substances. When mercury poisoning it ranges from 180 g / l and above.

First aid

sign GOST If it is known that the poisoning caused by mercury vapor, it is necessary to go out into the fresh air. First aid begins with flushing of the nasal mucous membranes, mouth, eyes and exposed skin with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or running water. Wherein We need to make that there are no violations of the cardiovascular and respiratory system. If they are, you must first remove the life-threatening condition, having CPR, arresting or slowing bleeding and so forth.

Gastric lavage is performed only by gavage using potassium permanganate dissolved in cold water. It helps reduce the cauterizing action metal. Rinsing is carried out several times a day. Following the procedure further designate sorbents which takes 4 times per day.

When mercury poisoning administered intravenously drip-antidote "Unithiol". Subsequently poison to elute from the body is carried administering diuretics and solutions, as well as intramuscularly "Unithiol". If the need arises, the use and hemodialysis. In ulcerative lesions of different organs symptomatic treatment.

If broken thermometer

If the apartment is broken thermometer, the person must be clearly aware that mercury is very dangerous for everyone who lives in the area. So you need as quickly as possible to collect on the floor of a peal tiny balls. Should be removed from the apartment of all tenants, Close the door and open the window. On the face need to wear a respirator, or simply tie a linen handkerchief, so he covered his mouth and nose. Put your hands on rubber gloves. Bare hands can not take mercury balls because the vapors can permeate through pores in the skin.

Cleaning should take an old towel that When mercury is really dangerousdipped in a solution of potassium permanganateLightly squeeze and put on top of the place where the broken thermometer. After that, the edge bends gently towel and fold it. Usually, most of the mercury beads attached to a wet lint-free cloth.

For safety you need to carefully inspect coating in the place where the thermometer is broken. Particular care is necessary to examine the wooden floor, as the small balls can roll into the gap between the boards. You need to find them and try to get. If mercury is not able to collect in full, you need to call a special service that will open floors and process the entire room with a special compound.

Terry towel with mercury must be packaged in a plastic bag, tie tightly and bury it in the street. You can not throw it in the trash, because the package may be damaged during transport to the landfill.

Thus, the question of whether dangerous mercury from a broken thermometer, you can answer in the affirmative. In this case, easily poisoned metal vapor. It is necessary to collect as much as possible quickly all dangerous balls, to avoid intoxication. If this happens, the timely treatment for medical assistance will help to reduce such effects to a minimum.