Zielonka on linoleum is often a serious problem, because in some cases there is a need for a full or partial replacement of the cover. But we can not resort to such measures, if you know what you can wash Zielonka with linoleum. The easiest way to remove the stain is still fresh, in this case, the coating will not be affected. Old solution derive much more difficult because the pigment green fodder absorbed into the structure of the linoleum.
- Removal of fresh stains
- Cleaning chronic pollution
- special funds
- types of linoleum
Removal of fresh stains
If the dye is poured recently and has not yet absorbed deeply into the coating, then all that scrub Zelenka with linoleum It turns quickly - it's just a lot of hot water with ordinary household detergent facilities. But to do it you must immediately:
- First we need to remove the remaining Zielonka with linoleum, otherwise the solution will be absorbed and will get rid of a very difficult spot.
- It is important not to rub Zielonka on the floor and gently promakivat spot, without giving him a spread. You can use cotton pads, gauze, paper napkins.
- Pre-put on your hands, rubber gloves, face - a gauze bandage.
- Add to a container with hot water cap detergent or bleach. The solution can also be prepared from crushed soap.
- Ready solution to soak the sponge or rag. Wash the stain should be as long until it is barely noticeable. Then, a cotton pad or gauze moisten hydrogen peroxide and pressed to the contaminated site. After 15 minutes, again rubbed remaining trace of detergent solution.
This method usually works well, but there are others. What else can be rubbed away with a brilliant green linoleum:
- Alcohol. Soaked cotton pad or paper towel to wipe the stain gently, preventing it from spreading further;
- Acetone. It can damage the surface, so you must use extreme caution;
- Chlorine bleach. You can change the color of the linoleum;
- Household chemicals with an acid or chlorine;
- Means for removing nail polish;
- Vinegar;
- Soda.
Cleaning chronic pollution
In any house you can find something of what can be rubbed away with a brilliant green linoleum. If the dye had absorbed or dry cleaning process would have to approach more thoroughly.
To remove stains chronic The following tools work best:
Vinegar with potassium permanganate. To wash the stain with brilliant green linoleum, it is necessary to vinegar (9%) add potassium permanganate, drench a cotton pad. Treat the stain agent, do not rub. Repeat the action several times, the contamination should be painted in brown. Then it must be rubbed with a cloth and hot water and wet paper towels.
- Vinegar and baking soda. Mix baking soda with vinegar, put the mixture on the dirt, cover with cling film. Withstand five minutes, then re-applied layer. The composition will gradually pulling Zielonka. Repeat the procedure until the desired effect, and then to wipe contamination region cotton pad soaked in vinegar.
- Alcohol. With alcohol, you can clean up a lot of pollution. This is something that can be washed with a brilliant green linoleum. We need to take the gauze, folded it in several layers and moisten in ethanol. The spot should be cleaned carefully with lightening up. Then take a towel, generously wet it with alcohol and apply to the stain for at least two hours.
- Laundry detergent with water.For cooking tools in 50 mg of warm water to pour detergent powder to form a paste. The resulting mass is put on a spot with a thick layer and leave for a long time (10-12 hours). It is better to use a powder to remove stains, the effect will be noticeable. Perhaps only a partial purification, it all depends on the degree of contamination.
- Means chlorine and acid. These may be liquid agents for removing blockages in pipes or cleaning solutions for plumbing. It is necessary to pour any of them on the stain and leave for 2-3 hours, then rinse thoroughly.
- lime chloride. A very efficient means to remove difficult stains from the floor covering. Mixture is prepared according to the instructions, and then applied to the spot. Stand a few minutes, rinse well with warm water. Pollution should retire completely. The disadvantage of the method lies in the sharp smell that most people find it difficult to tolerate. Therefore, you should use a mask and thoroughly ventilate the area after treatment spots.
- strong solvents.To bring Zielonka with linoleum, require relatively strong solvents. These include acetone, gasoline or kerosene. They are able to remove even strongly inveterate stains. Cloth or cotton wool to soak abundantly means and cause pollution. Leave the cloth on the spot with a solvent for at least an hour. well then wash linoleum. Disadvantages of this method is that at the same time with the brilliant green dye can be dissolved (linoleum piece remains colorless), and in the complexity of removing sharp and unpleasant odor of the solvent.
It is important to bear in mind that all these funds They are not specialized for the removal of green fodder with linoleum. For this reason, the result can not be one hundred percent, and the coating may be damaged.
special funds
When the stain has dried, have a good think about what to bring Zielonka with linoleum, without damaging the coating. Here can help fundsSpecifically designed to solve these problems:
special means for removing stains. They can be purchased in the store. Stain removers excellent job with the dirt on all surfaces, while they are not very aggressive. The price of such funds is low, and the choice is wide enough. First, you need a solution to soak the sponge, then apply a thick layer to the stain. Withstand 1-1.5 hours, rinse with warm water. If the effect is not satisfied, it is possible to repeat the procedure.
- Professional Cleaning. Cleaning companies have at their disposal special equipment and tools for removing even the most difficult dirt. The professionals know exactly how to remove linoleum from Zielonka to 100%. This is the most reliable way to get rid of stains, while maintaining the appearance of the floor covering in perfect condition. But this method is the most costly in finance.
types of linoleum
But to know which tool is better to help is not enough. To clean the linoleum with minimal damage, it is necessary to take into account, the type of the coating:
A thin (1.5 mm). It is best to use the funds on the basis of alcohol, vinegar and baking soda. Solvents and chemicals are too aggressive for this linoleum.
- The coating on the foam basis (3.5 mm). Possible to use means containing chlorine.
- The coating on the basis of the felt (5 mm) requires a certain approach. It has a very thin outer layer (of 1.5 mm), which is easily damaged.
- Textured coating. The most effective use cleaners for sanitary ware, they are well washed out Zelenka of irregularities. Can brighten dark coating. More sparing use of soda is mixed with vinegar.
Sometimes it did not manage to find something to wash the green fodder with linoleum. In this case we can only waitWith pollution will be lighter or disappear altogether over time. It is advisable to regularly to mop the floorAdding water to the detergent or citric acid. In an extreme case, it can proceed radically peresteliv coating completely or partially.