Modern technology is not standing still, and there are more instruments and apparatus made at the level of the future. But in some areas of our lives preference is given no advanced technology, and comfortable use of what has already been created. In this niche are and refrigerators Atlant 2K. Instructions for operation and maintenance of the refrigerator is set out here. The main power plant of the refrigerator - a compressor, it devoted a separate section.
When buying a refrigerator is necessary to pay attention to the warranty card - there should not be mistaken information should be marked date of sale, stand Printing Trade Organization and the signature of the manager, to issue purchase.
- Description and function of the unit
- Terms of care refrigerator
- Safety and Troubleshooting
- Compressors on refrigerators Atlant series
Description and function of the unit
Appointment - operation at home or desk environment. refrigerators Atlant well suited to the small interior space - they are compact, practical and versatile.
Read the manual carefully - it will help avoid the waste of nerves on finding some operation issues. About breakages in this case we are not talking, this device is very reliable, and in case of emergencies it contains a protection in the form of fuses and limiters. But to refrigerator and freezer retains its functionality for a longer time than that defined by the passport, you must carry out periodic maintenance.
In the refrigerator is standard for all refrigeration units feature set:
- It operates on 220 V at room temperature of from 5 to 35 degrees;
- two compartments for food storage - the freezer and refrigerator compartment, they both have shelves and drawers, performed of shatterproof glass or plastic, for separate storage of products and the molds to obtain ice cubes;
- Each camera has its own defrost system and prevent the buildup of ice "coat";
- in each compartment thermostats supported mode set separately for each user, there lights in the refrigerating chamber;
the door of the refrigerator, you can reinstall in the other direction for convenience, there is alarm or partial opening of the door (works in half a minute);
- light emitting diodes on the front of the refrigerator allow you to track the parameters of its operation: green - normal red - temperature reached a predetermined value, yellow - comes frozen products;
- it can be rolled from one place to another without much effort and can be set horizontally adjustable supports.
Terms of care refrigerator
For elimination of odors mixing of the products and to maintain their freshness and flavor to keep them should be in closed containers. The shelf life of the products listed on their packaging.
Special personal care product does not require that all the internal and the external parts are made of materials incorrosible and very hygienic, which do not stick pollution. The main thing - to periodically check its contents for storage products, the shelf life of which has expired. This should be done at least once a month. The product must also be defrosted regularly.
Preventive care is a measure of the planned build-up of ice and thawing of frost. The periodicity of this procedure is not strictly set, it must do as icingBut once a year to carry out this procedure is desirable. The sequence of defrosting the refrigerator camera:
- release of the products to remove all the shelves, remove all boxes and containers, and wash them;
- set the control mode to partial or complete thawing of ice, if the latter, then the refrigerator should be disconnected from the mains;
refrigerator door should be open;
- you should not forcibly remove ice and frost, even non-metallic objects;
- after thawing ice wash and wipe dry inside the refrigerator chamber, be sure to wipe the door seal;
- clean exit through the rear wall of the chamber in the condensate drain pipe Yorshik from the accessory;
- reinsert the previously extracted part and turn the refrigerator into the network.
Once the set temperature and set the sleep can upload his products.
Once in three years, thawing of ice in the refrigerator (to disconnect from the network) Must be combined with the cleaning surface and the rear wall of the compressor. Use can be an ordinary household vacuum cleaner for this purpose.
The sequence of operations during defrosting of freezer:
- product disconnect chamber and release the contents;
- in a recess under the freezer to set blade kit of accessories for her to bring a two-liter water tank;
- freezer door must be open during the entire defrosting time;
- After defrosting the freezer chamber to wash with warm water and dry;
- connect the device to the mains and after temperature freezer set to load products.
Safety and Troubleshooting
The refrigerator should be away from metal communications facilities: Pipelines, radiators, shell. The rear wall must be separated from the wall of the room is not less than 2 cm, and should not touch the grille - it may be hot.
It is prohibited to install cameras inside:
- appliances;
- hot products - they require pre-cooled to room temperature.
In older models of Atlanta for the lighting of the refrigerator chambers installed incandescent bulbs, which have their service lifeSmaller than the service life of the refrigerator. To replace the light bulb, it is necessary to disconnect the mains plug and remove the cover. Replace burned out light bulb. Put the bowl in place.
In operation, the refrigerator hear periodically turns on and off the compressor as circulates refrigerant cooling system. This is normal. But sometimes due to improper installation of the product there is a bias, and the noise increases. In this case, the refrigerator must be leveled by means of adjusting screws.
Warranty Card included with the package, contains information on the term of operation, guaranteed by the manufacturerIt is calculated from the date of sale of the product distribution network. During this period, the claim of consumers on the quality of the work granted free of charge. Following the requirements of the guidelines, you can extend the service life for a long time.
Compressors on refrigerators Atlant series
Available three types of compressors used for freon (chlorofluorocarbon): R-12 for early generation apparatus (10 years ago), R-134 modern modelsAre interchangeable with the previous R-12. For freezers Atlas R-600 produced compressors that are used in their work as refrigerants R-12 and R-134a. Compressors R-134a and R-600a production Atlanta interchangeable with compressors Austrian and German production.
Stamps of various types of compressors vary in power.
For R-12 is a brand C-K 100 power 107 W, C-K 120 - is 143 W, C-K 140 - power of 157 W, C-K 160 - Power 179 W, C-K 175 - the value of 203 W, C-K 200 - is 230 watts.
To form R-134 grade P-100 KM power 107 W, C-KO 120, 140, 160, 175, 200, respectively - 143 watts, 157 watts, 179 watts, 203 watts and 230 watts.