How to get rid of the soot layer - this is a question in the mind of those who had to face a similar problem. In the combustion process, residual products - soot and soot. They occur wherever combust combustible materials, for example, in a traditional chimney or exhaust pipe of the vehicle.
Everyone who at least once in life eliminated the effects of fire in an apartment or engaged cleaning brick furnace from scale, remember that this thing is very time consuming.
Combustion products, being the smallest particles are able to penetrate completely into any surfaces, especially if they are porous structures. Soot can hide in deep layers, and clean it is not always possible.
The chemical composition of the carbon black will depend largely on what materials are burned. Soot is dry or vice versa, can have oily and sticky consistency. remove soot will not be possible using only a damp cloth and a broom in any event. For this purpose you need far more effective methods and means.
- Preparatory stage
- Removal of soot from various surfaces
- Cleaning products
Preparatory stage
Before you start cleaning the apartment of smoke, you need to take care of personal safety precautions. soot molecules freely enter the human respiratory system and settle in the lungs, which, of course, not the best way affects the health. To work need a pair of gloves, goggles and a respirator. Chosen such clothing, you do not mind dirty and discarded.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Bear carpeting, linoleum, small home furnishings. Heavy furniture that is not possible to make out of the room, covered with a protective film.
- Be sure to remove the curtains and drapes.
- After that, you must remove the soot from the surface of the walls and the ceiling, using a vacuum cleaner. The remaining soot particles swept away with a broom, a lot of effort when pressed. Movement is necessary to try to make so that the smoke and soot do not rub across the surface and not clogged deeper.
The next step is to wet cleaning. To work, any suitable container for liquid, towels, sponges, rags, and various detergents. It can be useful any liquid dishwashing detergent solution or by baking soda. Wash soot smooth movements downwards, are periodically changed to a new water. The procedure must be performed several times. The remaining mud is washed with a brush with stiff bristles, soaked in a special solution. Wet cleaning is completed by treating the walls of a sealant to eliminate stubborn soot, and then applying to the primer surface.
Removal of soot from various surfaces
Penetrated into deeper layers plastic laminate or soot can be easily removed with a sponge wetted with which an alcohol solvent or gasoline. To clean plastic moldings using a special paste, prepared from sodium hydrogen carbonate and detergent. This paste will help cope with heavy pollution. Inveterate stains are often amenable to ordinary bleach. Before bleaching agent applied to the surface zakopchonnuyu desirable to test the chemical agent on a small area. If bleach changes the color of the coating, it is necessary to abandon this method.
- slight pollution on the ceiling whitewashing It can be removed using ethyl alcohol. Alcohol mixture is designed to degrease the ceiling, covered with latex paint. Also to launder whitewashed ceiling using various degreasers. But, as practice shows, the ceiling is necessary to put a new whitewash.
When combustion products fall on the carpet, To the aid of special tools for cleaning. After processing the carpet is dried and then vacuumed.
- With brick remove soot can be vinegar. First you need to moisten a brick wall with vinegar, and then carefully craft vinegar solution. After some time the wall Clean the brush. Besides vinegar, ammonia is used. It is mixed with warm water and wipe them a wall, and then rinse the surface. It is necessary to make a cross-ventilation to the pungent aroma of ammonia could evaporate.
- clean glass soot can be plain paper or papers, crumpled and soaked in water.
- In rural areas, for the removal of soot wood and metal coatings popular method of using river sand, or grated brick. Remove the products from the combustion of wood and metal can scraper or grinder. Liberally sprinkled with salt stains of soot disappear completely in three days.
Cleaning products
In specialty stores, you can find a wide range of chemical agents to remove the products of combustion with absolutely any surface.
Soot can be removed using the following chemicals:
- Mazbit +. A popular means specifically designed for cleaning surfaces after fires. The drug is water-based. The present composition reinforced alkaline substances and organic detergents as a liquid concentrate. Means is not explosive and does not pose a threat to human health. Mazbit + perfectly cleans the surface of any material. With it you can easily remove soot from hard to reach places to clean the tiny details and small units, to remove soot and tar deposits.
Cleaner facade №2. It is intended to eliminate the negative effects of fires. With the success of coping with the removal of soot on all surfaces. Significantly reduces the presence of carcinogens formed in the combustion process on the surface of construction materials. Recommend to apply by spraying, because the manual handling of material consumption increases significantly. Before using the cleaner is diluted in water. The concentration of the drug should be at least 25%.
- BZ-20. It refers to the group of alkaline cleaners. Used for purification of organic substances from waste combustion and removal of significant concentrations of oily smoke.
- Clean-desault. means to the odor of burning. Active substance destroys the molecules of the combustion products, but does not mask them. Spreading in a proportion of 1-15% in water, the mixture is sprayed by spray or sponge is applied to the wall surface. It should be noted that the drug does not destroy the finishing materials.
The basis of most of these concentrated formulations comprise alkaline composite and organic detergent additive. Using these tools can be effectively and promptly remove soot effortlessly.