Since the main function of the dishwasher - washing dishes, many housewives believe that this technique is able to wash themselves. Such opinion is wrong, because in the cavities of the machine over time, accumulated dirt, grease, food and any debris, and on the walls there is a scum. Equipment to serve a long time, it must be cleaned regularly with the use of special tools.
- The basic rules of care
- Terms of use dishwasher
- Basic procedures for purification
- wash seals
- Cleaning the blades
- Washing of the filter mesh baskets and
- How to wash the drain hole
- Shoe heating element descaled
- How to get rid of mildew and rust
- Special means for dishwashers
The basic rules of care
Cleaned of food debris and garbage dishwasher should be after each use. Care for some modern models of dishwashers facilitate built-in fans. After each cycle, they air the inner surfaces which remain dry all the time. In addition, it is recommended:
- Leave the dishwasher door open so it does not appear within the mold.
- Choose a good agent for washing dishes, after which the application equipment inside will also shine with cleanliness.
Dry the rubber gasket in the door every two months.
- Check and if necessary using toothpicks to clean the water inlet hose.
- Regularly cleaned stockBy pouring on the bottom of the unit, two cups of vinegar. The machine will need to be switched on without cookware on the short program.
- Wipe clean with detergent and the door gasket after each use technology.
Terms of use dishwasher
To dishwasher regularly served for many years, it should be used, subject to the following rules:
- be sure to clean the dishes before placing the machine on the food debris;
- not to get involved in the preliminary rinsing;
- before washing with a clean container labels, or they will come unstuck;
not recommended to put the dishes too close to each other so that water falling on all the surface of the dish;
- fallen to the bottom of the dishwasher should immediately raise the subject;
- utensils should be placed inside the front part and down;
- using a water softener is not recommended to use rinse aid;
- that on the dishes do not form spots every month rinse should be filled by the circular cover on the door.
Basic procedures for purification
Keep clean the dishwasher will work effectively without breakdowns and failures. To do this, from time to time to carry out a set of procedures for cleaning equipment.
wash seals
Installed between the door and the frame seals should be cleaned every six months. Thus it is necessary to use special preparationsWho advise manufacturers of dishwashers. Folk remedies, and especially citric acid, use is not recommended. Otherwise, the gasket will lose its elasticity, and the unit will begin to flow. It was convenient to clean the gaps between the gums, you can use a toothbrush.
Cleaning the blades
Rocker or the impeller during operation can become clogged with scale or residues. Therefore, they are cleaned when dirty. For this purpose, the blade is extracted from detergent washed under running water and cleaned toothpick existing holes in them.
Installed in place of the beam and the impeller should rotate well. Otherwise, they need to examine the axle and free from scale.
Washing of the filter mesh baskets and
Once a week should get well and rinse strainer. Due to food residue, dirt and grease its small cells quickly become clogged, resulting in a leak may occur, and the inside of the dishwasher - an unpleasant smell. The filter is removed after being ejected or the entire length of the pull-out lower basket. If the filter will be washed regularly, it is sufficient to use ordinary detergents. After installing the filter in the machine must not forget to push the cart back. And its pre-positioned at the top basket, too, need to clean means for cleaning dishes and brush.
After all the small and detachable parts are clean, you must not forget to pay attention to the "dead zone", which is at the bottom of the unit. It accumulated debris that just can not see. Wipe the bottom of the machine preferably after each use.
How to wash the drain hole
After virtually all elements of the dishwasher washed, it's time to drain hole. There is always a lot of accumulated food debris, so it can form a bad smell inside the unit.
Shoe drainer must take place as follows:
- Dishwasher is de-energized.
- Since the surface discharge, which is under the carousel, the pieces are cleaned of dirt.
- Removed all parts, and sealed with tape opening from the filter. It is necessary that during cleaning no dirt in it.
- All elements are wiped with a damp sponge or cloth with a cleaning powder, citric acid, vinegar or baking soda.
- Clean parts are put in place.
Before such a procedure is recommended to get acquainted with the art to the appended instruction manual. Current models are different from the old, and arranged a little differently.
Shoe heating element descaled
If within the technology came a musty odor, it should pay attention to the heating device. Because of hard water on it can be formed limescaleFrom which you want to get rid of. For this purpose, the heating element must be cleaned periodically. The citric acid can be used as a cleaning agent.
application citric acid:
- The detergent compartment is filled with a packet of citric acid, which should be at least 100 grams.
- Blank dishwasher is switched on for the longest cycle with the maximum temperature.
- During the cleaning you need to listen, and if they fall off pieces of limescale, the equipment must be turned off. Fallen piece is removed from the drain, after which the washing program continues.
Cleaning with vinegar:
- At the bottom of the basket is filled with two cups of essences.
- Equipment exposed to heat water.
- In the middle of the cycle the dishwasher will stop. In this state, it is necessary to hold at least twenty minutes, and you can leave at night.
- At the end of the washing cycle the time to finish.
Another good remedy is to scale borax. The powder can be purchased at the pharmacy. First, it is diluted with water to give a solution with a sponge washed surface of the chamber, the seals, the working cavity and all possible elements. Thereafter, the solution of powder and water (1: 5) results in the machine compartment and equipment included in a conventional washer. After completion of the program the dishwasher to be cleaned of scale.
Soda bomb help get rid of the remaining machines in the contaminated site elements. Prepare it the following components:
- soda - 2 cups;
- 3% hydrogen peroxide - 3 tbsp. l .;
- essential oil - 1 hr. l.
Beads formed from a mixture that are placed on the bottom of the unit. On the upper basket is placed a container with two cups of acetic acid. After that equipment is included in the cleaning mode, during which a strong hissing sound may be issued.
For the prevention of the formation of scale is recommended to use gel "descaling". It can be purchased at hardware stores or supermarkets. Use must be strictly according to the instructions.
How to get rid of mildew and rust
Mold can occur due to incorrect use of the dishwasher. If the equipment door is kept closed, and the interior space is not ventilated, that is easy on the elements of the mold can occur. For prevention of mold after each wash the internal surfaces are wiped with a dry cloth, and the door is ajar. Get rid of the mold, you can use bleach. However, if the door and inside the machine are made of stainless steel, the use of bleach is contraindicated.
Water with high content of iron may be the cause of the appearance on the surfaces of the dishwasher rusty spots. Remove some of the iron from the water help softener. Get rid of the rust You can use special equipment that will need to purchase at the store. If baskets Wire cracked and started to fall coat, it is replaced with a coloring sealant.
Special means for dishwashers
Shops household chemicals and supermarkets offer special tools, which can be quickly and easily at home to clean the dishwasher:
"The finish" - an effective and economical tool that can be used for 30 cycles only once, and the technique will net a month in advance. Use "Finish" is very simple. With the vial in a 250 ml sticker is removed, and it is placed in the crockery basket upside down. Dishwasher switched to a mode with a temperature of 60-70 C.
- "Fairy Platinum" - is a convenient-to-use tablets which include detergent powder and salt for water softening and removal from the dishwasher limescale and rust.
- Liquid "Fairy" - detergent for dishes, with which you can clean the dishwasher. For this sponge is wetted in water and using the "Fairey" all the elements are washed and the inner surface of the unit.
- UniPlus - liquid for removing all kinds of dirt and grease with the dishwasher. After its application creates a protective film, whereby molds and bacteria will not multiply. Use UniPlus should be every two months.
- Rinnova Lavastoviglie - means Italian manufacturer cleans and protects the equipment from further formation therein and fatty limescale, mold and bacteria. Apply recommended every three months.
After completion of the cleaning machine by any means necessary to thoroughly clean the insides and parts with a dry cloth.
All of these methods of cleaning the dishwasher and its elements are effective. The regular holding of such procedures in the home will help keep equipment in good condition and to prolong its operation for many years.