Shock of hair found in chewing gum can badly impair not only the mood, but also hairstyle. If you suddenly had a chance encounter with such a nuisance, do not panic and run for a pair of scissors with the intention to cut off a lock of hair. Simple manipulation, takes about 10 minutes, will quickly get rid of the gum without prejudice to Hair, for aggressive solvents here are not necessary, and in some cases, and in general you can do water.
- The standard way
- Other popular methods
- radical approach
The standard way
Many are familiar with the well-known method of removing the "bubble gum" with the garments - freezing. Its essence is that spoiled gum thing put in the freezer where the rubber base goodies solidifies, after which it can be easily removed with a tissue. For better or worse, but head into the refrigerator to place is not recommended. But in this situation can help out cold water or ice cubes. This method of removing chewing gum is suitable for those who have gum stuck on the tips of long curls, instead of at the base of hair.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- It is necessary to vigorously rub the gum with ice or simply place tangled strand under a stream of icy water. Wait a moment when gum begins to solidify.
Careful movement to break the frozen product and try to release the hair from the small pieces. If the hair are part of the chewing gum, do not pull them.
- To remove residues must substitute gum under a stream of hot water and try to sculpt the likeness cakes.
- Formed cake you need to chill out and re-break. Whenever a tire is heated and cooled, it is possible to remove more and more of gum from his hair.
- When the gum is completely removed from the hair, and her eyes are visible only small remnants, it is necessary once again to cool the gum. After that you need to spend on hair comb with fine teeth.
These safe method can display gum from the hair as an adult and a child.
Other popular methods
There are many tools to help remove gum from hair without damage to the hair. For example, you can use these:
- alcohol-based substance. If the home medicine cabinet has a bottle of rubbing alcohol, it can be applied as a means for the removal of chewing gum from hair. To do this, moisten a cotton ball in alcohol and applied to the chewing gum. Under the influence of ethyl rubber product component should begin to break down. After that, the remnants of the sweet gum is easily removed from the tresses. If pure alcohol failed to get, you can use the vodka, wine, beer, perfume water.
Silicone drops. They are common cosmetic product, manufactured based on silicone. They are meant to care for dull and brittle hair. So cosmetic product can safely remove gum from hair. For this purpose on the part of the hair, which confused the gum, causing a few drops of silicone. They are able to gently envelop the hair shaft, which favors the painless removal of gum.
- Toothpaste. There are those who manage to remove the "bubble gum" with strands of regular toothpaste like Colgate. To crank such an operation to remove the gum, apply a cleaning paste on a rubber ball and matted hair next. After curing gum it is possible to split on smaller pieces.
- petroleum jelly. The substance is carefully applied to the chewing gum and tangled hair. Then you need to try to comb disobedient locks. Oily structure should help in untangling hair, chewing gum at the same time loses its adhesive properties, and easily eliminated by yourself. After all, do the following repeatedly wash her head to her left traces of Vaseline. The unpleasant aroma relieve rinsing vinegar diluted in water.
Baking soda. Not everybody knows that ordinary soda can destroy the molecular bonds of the rubber base. Slurry of soda, dissolved in a small amount of water applied in place of entanglement. After 15 minutes, the chewing gum should be impregnated with a viscous mixture, after which it can be separated without damage to the hair style.
- Salt. Salt helps when "bubble gum" stuck to the roots and it is very difficult to unstick. Need warm salt water. As she lowered curls and give a sweet gum shall be melted. Salt dissolves the gum, so she goes to the hair.
- cosmetic oils. The well-known women burdock and castor oil will not only help get rid of the gum, but also return the energy of the hair after suffering stress. Any vegetable oil softens the maximum rubber. If it is not completely dried up, this method is one of the most productive. Damaged adhesive elastic strand lubricated with oil, which after a certain period of time will offset the stickiness, and chewing gum will literally slide off the hair. If the house did not have a cosmetic oil - it does not matter. For any procedure useful products with a high concentration of natural fat, such as peanut butter.
Mousse for hair. Another alternative way to remove gum from hair. Mousse is applied to the rubber mass and allowed to stand for five minutes, followed by the comb vychosyvayut plica.
- Mayonnaise. Almost each family in the refrigerator there is a place that high-calorie foods. A thick layer of mayonnaise is applied to a comb and the portion that is damaged. Making comb movement up and down gradually vychosyvayut gum. oily hair effect is eliminated by thorough washing of the head.
- Lemon. A glass of lemon juice mixed with hair conditioner. The resulting mixture was poured into a container for spraying. Further, this means do handling the problem area. After a few minutes the gum should begin to keep up with the strands.
radical approach
If for some reason the previous sparing options did not help, or in the house did not have the necessary funds, it is possible to resort to "heavy artillery." With it, the problem will be solved exactly.
Apply recommended such methods:
- Cosmetic sprays. Many women in their beauty arsenal have nail spray intended for removal of a nail adhesive base. Such aerosol mixture to easily cope with the situation. Sprayed on the affected gum hair means you need to carefully rub. The excess part of the spray should be removed napkins, and the rubber lump - comb. Using this method, we can not forget about the precautions and protect themselves from the fumes getting into the eyes.
- Technical multi-purpose spray WD-40. Use it is necessary to very carefully, protecting the eyes and respiratory system. After some time after applying it on your hair, chewing gum vychosyvaetsya. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo.
If chewing gum stuck on the hair tightly, and next to it was formed coarse hair a mat, the only solution is to cut the tangle. Before you pick up a pair of scissors, you should try as much as possible, to untangle the strands and keep intact even as a hair. To avoid an abrupt transition, because of which the cut will be evident, the hair should be cut off in a few movements.
Once the hair is free from gum should be washed with shampoo and use a head restoring balm.