The tallest women in the world

Size matters especially when it comes to the growth of a girl. Many women dream to be tall, but some of them would give much to be less than they really are.

The top 10 included the highest women in the world ever.


Gamowa Ekaterina Growth 202 cm

Gamowa Ekaterina is the tallest Russian woman with a height of 202 cm. She is a Russian volleyball player and two times world champion. As early as 11 years, Katya's growth was equal to the growth of the average man and was 172 centimeters. It was then that she finally decided on her professional mission. During his entire volleyball career, Gamow was awarded numerous awards. In the spring of 2016, the champion announced that she was leaving the big sport for health reasons.


Amazon Eva Height 205 cm

Amazon Eva ( real name - Erika Erwin, born in 1979) is the tallest American to date, whose growth is 205 centimeters. The native of California( USA) already in fourteen years surpassed on height of all native and acquaintances. The model later told me that it was a very difficult time in her life, since then it was disadvantageous among other girls with normal data. At the age of 32, when Eva had already become famous, she entered the Book of Records as the highest model. About how to make a career model, she dreamed since childhood, and her body proportions and growth helped to realize her dream. The model gained special popularity after it decided to take part in photography for the publishing house Zoo Weekly. For her, a photo session was organized with one of the most shortened photo models growing just over one and a half meters. Amazon Eve jokingly called Babysilla, which stands for "baby" and "godzilla."The model dreamed of trying herself as an actress, but she was not offered a worthy role. Now Eva's career has come to an end, but the woman in this occasion is not at all upset, because she finally found her soul mate and lives happily and safely.


Elisani Silva Height 206 cm

Elisani Silva is the tallest girl living in Brazil. In 2009, she was recognized as the tallest teenager with a height of 206 cm. At that time, the girl was only 14 years old. Now Elisani is 22 years old, and she is happy in marriage with a man who is almost half a meter below her.


Mali Duangdi Growth 208 cm

Mali Duangdi is the highest female representative from Thailand, recorded in 2009 in the Guinness Book of Records. Her growth at the moment is 208 cm. At the age of nine, the girl's doctors found a brain tumor, which was the reason for the development of gigantism. Doctors say that the problem can not be solved surgically. The only way out - expensive injections, inhibiting growth. But the family does not have such money, so the girl has to rely on the will of God.


Ulyana Semenova Growth 218 cm

Ulyana Semenova is one of the tallest women in the world. Litovka by nationality, a former basketball player of the USSR and a three-time world champion, became famous not only for her merits in sport, but also for her growth, which is 218 cm. The athlete has many achievements and awards. For today she is recognized as the best basketball player of Latvia of 20 centuries. This year the legend of the Soviet basketball will celebrate its 65th anniversary.


Malgorzata Dudek Height 218 cm

Malgorzata Dudek is one of the highest female athletes in the world. Professional Polish basketball player had a growth of 218 centimeters. Her career began at the age of twelve and for all time managed to win several awards. Not only professional, but also personal life Dudek developed well. She successfully married and gave birth to two children. Death overtook the woman all at once. On May 11, 2011, Molgorzata lost her consciousness, after which she was hospitalized. For seven days she was in a coma, from which doctors could not get her out. The basketball player died at age 37 on May 19, 2011, being pregnant on the 4th month.


Sandy Allen Height 232 cm

Sandy Allen - the tallest American woman with a height of 232 cm. A woman was born in 1955 in Indianapolis. Her abnormal growth began to manifest itself clearly in the tenth year of her life, when the girl was already almost 2 meters tall. In 1974, she dared and wrote a letter to the Guinness Book of Records with an unusual request - to introduce her to a man suffering from gigantism, like her. After that, Sandley became the object of universal attention. Soon the girl decided on an operation on the brain, which did not give successful results. Sandley Allen became not only the tallest among female representatives, but also a long-liver among people with the same diagnosis. The record holder died at the age of 53 in 2008.Close and friends remember Sandley as a cheerful and optimistic person whose motto was the words: "Life is short, and I'm not."


Yao Defen Height 236 cm

Yao Defen is one of the three highest in the world of women. The Chinese woman was born in 1972 with usual height and weight, but later the girl had a pituitary tumor, as a result of which she began to grow very quickly. Already at the eleventh year of life, its growth was close to the mark of 2 meters. Becoming an adult, Yao began to perform in the circus to somehow earn a living. Subsequently, she decided to undergo surgery on the brain, but the pathological process was never able to stop until the end. Yao Defen died at the age of 40.At that time, her growth was 236 cm.


Jane Banford Growth 241 cm

Jane Banford - the tallest Englishwoman growing at 241 cm at the time of her death. A woman was born in 1895 and during the first 11 years of her life was no different from other children and was a healthy, full-fledged child. But in 1906 a tragedy occurred: after falling from a bicycle, Jane suffered a serious head injury, as a result of which the pituitary gland was damaged. After that, the girl began to grow rapidly, and by the 21st anniversary of her growth was 2 meters 41 centimeters. Banford was included in the Guinness Book of Records due to its non-standard growth. By the age of 26, a woman was diagnosed with a strong curvature of the spine. Jane could not move on her own without a wheelchair. In 1922, she died, which was caused by her illness.


Trentier Keever Growth 254 cm

Trentier Keever is the tallest woman in the world in the history, whose growth was 254 cm. She was born in 1616 in the city of Edam( Netherlands) to the family of the Dutch spiker Cornelis Keever. Her mother was a servant to Cornelis until 1605, after which they were married, and 11 years later they had a daughter, Treintier. After the birth of the girl began to grow rapidly and already at the age of nine could easily reach out to the base of the roof of a one-story house. The girl became the subject of general attention, than the parents and began to use: they showed their child at carnivals and fairs for a fee. Trentier died at the age of seventeen, when her parents brought her to the next fair show. There are versions that the girl suffered from acromegaly. Today in the branch of the Edam Museum there is a portrait of Trentier Keever, written by an unknown artist. Not far from the portrait lie shoes size 54, belonged to the earlier "Big Maiden" - this is the nickname was once the record holder.