Homemade armchairs, sofas and beds: what can they be made of

New residents usually buy for a new apartment new furniture. Fortunately, now you don't need to sign up for a purchase queue a year in advance. walls or a headset - the stores have it all. But at the same time, there are amateur craftsmen who like to build DIY furniture. They create interesting things: armchairs, sofas, bed, often taking as a basis all kinds of objects, from which at first it is not even clear what can be made.

Read in the article

  • 1 Types of homemade furniture
  • 2 Making a sofa bed
  • 3 Other products
  • 4 Conclusion

Types of homemade furniture

There are no impossible tasks for DIYers. You just need to think over what product is to be created, its rational design, select materials and tools, which, of course, you need to know how to use.

The easiest way is to make a box for children's toys, the construction of whatnots and shelves will be a little more difficult, and the pinnacle of carpentry creativity is the creation of armchairs and folding sofas. But with the correct organization of work, this problem can be solved.

There are many different models of sofa beds on sale. But each owner thinks over the purchase of new furniture and its placement, taking into account the savings of every square centimeter of area. And sometimes he decides to build furniture of non-standard sizes, but the optimal one for his apartment.

Homemade armchairs, sofas and beds: what can they be made of
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Homemade sofa

Making a sofa bed

On the example of creating sofa beds it is convenient to consider the technology of making furniture with your own hands. Any design work begins with drawings. Then the necessary materials and tools are selected, and it would be nice to have access to a permanently installed circular saw.

The sofa bed belongs to the class of upholstered frame furniture. The material must be selected for the frame, filler and upholstery, and do not forget about the accessories. The manufacturing process begins with a frame, you can use for it:

  • chipboard plates from pressed shavings and sawdust;
  • fiberboard fiberboard;
  • laminated chipboard panels made of pressed wood, covered with a special film;
  • oriented strand board OSB;
  • plywood boardsobtained by gluing wood sheets;
  • solid wood (solid wood).
Sofa frame
PHOTO: mebel-sovet.ru
Sofa frame

Used as a filler:

  • polyurethane foam - foam rubber,
  • canvas, which includes synthetic fiber - synthetic winterizer;
  • knitted fabric with sparse weaving, filled with technical cotton - batting;
  • an expensive natural material made of sheep wool by felting - felt.

The filler is used as a combination of 2-3 types. The seat thickness of the sofa is approximately 100 mm. This part is usually multi-layered. The layers are glued together with Titan glue. One layer can be harvested to save on scrap.

Foam layers can be laid with felt to increase rigidity. Before upholstery, the upper layer of foam rubber is covered with padding polyester. The workpiece is cut in accordance with the drawing.

Many durable fabrics with a good appearance serve as upholstery: faux suede, leatherette, jacquard, tapestry, matting, etc. It should be chosen taking into account where the sample of furniture will be installed: suede or tapestry can be used in the nursery, leatherette is more suitable for the dacha.

Samples of upholstery materialsPHOTO: mebel-sovet.ru
Samples of upholstery materials

The upholstery begins by cutting out all the details. Along the edges, another 5 cm is added to the fold of the fabric. The cut out parts are applied to the foam blank, smoothed and fixed with a stapler. The corners should be tucked up especially carefully and, if possible, stitched.

There are many designs available for folding and unfolding the sofa. But complex folding structures should be avoided, they can only be done by an experienced craftsman.

Chairs are made using the same technology as a sofa bed, only the parts are much smaller, and their sizes are different.

Homemade folding sofa bedPHOTO: novamett.ru
Homemade folding sofa bed

If the house has an old bed (either metal or wooden), then there will be fewer problems with the basic frame. You just need to cut the legs to size and remove the end backs. Everything else is done using conventional technology.

Related article:

Homemade armchairs, sofas and beds: what can they be made ofPallet bed: varieties, advantages, a master class on manufacturing, types of structures, advantages and disadvantages, calculation and purchase of pallets, preparation of the structure for assembly, storage systems for the bed - read in publications.

Other products

You can build not only beds and seats. From improvised means, interesting pieces of furniture are obtained. For example from construction cargo pallets you can make cute coffee table on wheels.

Construction pallet coffee tablePHOTO: make-self.net
Construction pallet coffee table


Building furniture for your home with your own hands is a very exciting experience. And a skilled person gets satisfaction from the fact that he knows how to work with carpentry tools and can turn simple pieces of wood into a structure that will faithfully serve his family.


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