Which mattress is better - a spring or springless: Selection Criteria

Complete rest is impossible without a properly equipped berth, With a clear emphasis on convenient and well chosen mattress. It will allow to relax at night and in the morning to feel the vitality and energy. In today's article, we try to figure out what kind of mattress is best - spring or springless, consider their differences and types, give recommendations on the selection. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so the choice in favor of a particular product happens to the individual needs.

Which mattress is better - a spring or springless
Creative advertising brand-name promises an unforgettable positive experience of using this product

Read article

  • 1 Forms of spring mattresses
    • 1.1 With dependent springs
    • 1.2 With independent springs
  • 2 Advantages and disadvantages of spring mattresses
  • 3 Species without mattress spring unit
    • 3.1 latex
    • 3.2 polyurethane foam
    • 3.3 Polyurethane memory foam
    • 3.4 coir
    • 3.5 combined models
  • 4 Pros and cons of springless mattresses
  • 5 Spring and springless mattress on the ease of use - it is better
  • 6 How to choose a mattress on an orthopedic properties - spring or springless
  • 7 Which mattress is better for service time - with or without spring
  • 8 What kind of prefer the basis of body weight
  • 9 Rating manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses
  • 10 Comparison of spring and springless mattresses
  • 11 Which mattress is better to choose - reviews and recommendations of experts
  • 12 Which is better to buy a mattress, in the opinion of buyers

Forms of spring mattresses

Modern spring mattresses differ by many parameters, but the main criterion is the type of spring unit - with dependent or independent springs.

Sleep quality and daytime performance is directly dependent on the selected mattress
Sleep quality and daytime performance is directly dependent on the selected mattress

With dependent springs

Dependent spring block called "Bonnel". In it all the springs are fixed in a single structure, often with polyurethane inserts. This traditional model is not included in the category of orthopedic, as a human weight of its surface bend completely. As a result of a sleeping person's body is not in the best position. In fact, such a mattress can be compared with a hammock.

Tip! That the product will last longer, and its surface is not selling too soon, it is recommended every 6 months to turn over to the other side.

Long sleep on this bed is not recommended due to a violation of the spine functions. According to reviews, the spring block "Bonnel", if it is of poor quality, then after about 5 years, the surface begins to sink, and there will be a distinctive creak. The advantage of this unit is that its structure provides a natural air circulation within the article.

Mattress spring unit type "Bonnel" and a polyurethane insert perimeter
Mattress spring unit type "Bonnel" and a polyurethane insert perimeter

With independent springs

The independent spring unit consists of a small spring, as compared with a dependent unit. The number of turns in each spring ahead "Bonnel" system, they are located close to each other, but independently fixed and wrapped in tissue cover with perforation. Due autonomous operation of each spring, a load on the person's weight is distributed evenly over the surface of the article. These are the mattresses are orthopedic. Manufacturers offer models with varying degrees of hardness, with each product specified load capacity.

Important! Qualitative springless mattress on one square meter of the product contains a large number of independent springs - not less than 250.

When deciding how to choose a mattress spring or springless, it should be noted that the latter provides a comfortable body position. If it is necessary to equip the double bed, The independent movement of the spring will not interfere with sleep second person.

The independent spring unit
The independent spring unit

Advantages and disadvantages of spring mattresses

Each of the varieties of spring mattresses has its pros and cons.

Dependent spring unitThe independent spring unit
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
affordableLong service life of modern models (up to 15 years)orthopedic propertiesHigh price
The presence of airThe emergence of a squeakcreaks
Withstand a lot of weightMinor orthopedic effectIt follows the natural contours of the bodyThe service life may be considerably diminished if neraschitannaya spring load is applied, for example, when jumping
The phrase "hammock effect" in the operation of two peopleDurability

Species without mattress spring unit

To determine which mattress is better - with or without spring, it is necessary to consider more particularly springless models. They differ in the inner filler.

Multi-layer combined springless mattress
Multi-layer combined springless mattress


The basis of such a product is a latex layer, which can be synthetic or natural. In this regard there is a fundamental difference between the two products. So, for the production of natural latex used is natural rubber tree sap. For these models are characterized by high elasticity, it is not selling at the time. The surface of the repeated shapes reclining human body, but it does not bend. Different mattresses are high cost and long service life.

natural latex
natural latex

In the manufacture of synthetic latex used compacted waste or foamed polymers. Unlike natural latex, this is not so elastic and durable and is unlikely to their properties superior to foam. Is that a long life and the ability to restore the shape.

polyurethane foam

The basis of these products is finely cellular polyurethane foam having good breathability and orthopedic properties. Of the drawbacks may be mentioned the ability to absorb moisture, thereby requiring drying quality product. These models are classified as budgetary. Sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers may issue ordinary foam for polyurethane foam - in this case should alert too low product cost. The average mattress foam is from 4500 rubles.

polyurethane base
polyurethane base

Video tells about the main differences between latex and polyurethane mattresses:

Polyurethane memory foam

This kind of modified polyurethane foam, which has a lower degree of elasticity, called "the Memory Foam" or "clever foam". The peculiarity of its porous structure is that it is hypersensitive to stress and increase in temperature, so under the influence of the human body it softens and takes it shape. Due to the smooth transformation of the substance load on the spine is eliminated. When the load is removed, the foam totally recovers its original state.

"Smart" froth full body contours
"Smart" froth full body contours


A layer of coconut coir can be in a given amount found in all models. Where it prevails, the product turns over hard. In this case, even a small added layer of latex or polyurethane backing. This material is most often found in children's mattresses, as the rigid base does not prevent the correct formation of the spine and posture.

Coir often used as a base material for the manufacture of children's models
Coir often used as a base material for the manufacture of children's models

combined models

By the combined models are those in which the combined coir and latex or polyurethane layer. This technology allows us to create products of different hardness, as well as double-sided model different levels of hardness of each of the parties, unless one of them is used coir, and on the other - latex. In multilayer models for the formation of the upper layer using a material with a high performance prosthetic, and a polyurethane foam is used for the lower layer. For mild varieties are combined model, in which there are a combination of polyurethane and "clever foam" or latex. But the foam and coir in tandem form a fairly rigid framework.

The combined model
The combined model

Pros and cons of springless mattresses

To figure out which mattress is better to buy from the line springless models, we propose to consider the pros and cons in detail.

PictureMain materialproperties
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessPolyurethane foamLow cost, orthopedic properties, except for flexible models, strength, durability, quiet operation.Artificial material is too soft.
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessnatural latexEnvironmentally friendly, flexible, elastic, resilient, retains shape color, does not absorb moisture, breathable, biodegradable passive, does not accumulate static electricity.High cost, some may seem too soft, responsive to temperature changes, can cause an allergic reaction.
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessartificial latexLow cost, does not cause allergies, more rigid in comparison with natural material.It noted a peculiar odor, a short service life.
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessCoirNatural, hypoallergenic, tough, resilient, with good orthopedic qualities, moisture resistant, biologically passive, breathable material.High cost, crumbled over time, a large load can not stand, some will seem very hard.
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessFoam with "memory effect"Anatomichnyj has a slight warming effect, biologically passive material that does not transmit vibrations to the side next to the sleeping person.Nekomforten to use in the hot season, very high cost (40,000 rubles), possible specific smell the first few days, and allergic reactions.

Spring and springless mattress on the ease of use - it is better

Choose which mattress is better - a spring or polyurethane foam should be based on your own preferences, age and anatomical features. So, pocket spring mattress with a type much more comfortable springless models. Products with dependent spring block more rigid, but less convenient. Better select the product on the coconut coir or combination product. Those who have problems with the spine, a model with a block-type "Bonnell" in general are contraindicated. If you want to buy children's spring mattress, it is best to select a block of independent springs. However, experts claim that the independent springs in the mattress - it is more useful for children aged up to 12 years, when there is an active formation of posture.

Independent springs are bent depending on the degree of load in a single point
Independent springs are bent depending on the degree of load in a single point

How to choose a mattress on an orthopedic properties - spring or springless

The main property of high quality products - maintaining the correct position of the spine lying man. They have models with and without springs, with the exception of "Bonnel" block type. The unequivocal answer to the question of what, from the point of view of the orthopedic properties of the mattress is better - foam, latex or spring, no. When buying you should not be ashamed to lie down at the store and "test" the product, listen to your instincts. In many specialized shops-samplers samples presented in the form of the product fragment in section, to be able to estimate its internal filling.

Important! There is a rule - the degree of rigidity of the product depends on the person's weight, the higher it is, the harder the mattress should be.

Properly chosen model supports the spine in the right position and gives the opportunity to relax
Properly chosen model supports the spine in the right position and gives the opportunity to relax

Which mattress is better for service time - with or without spring

Longest service life of the product has a relatively inexpensive mattress with box spring - from 10 to 12 years. Articles made of natural latex most durable - on average are 15 years old. Products made of polyurethane have an average life span - from 7 to 8 years.

What kind of prefer the basis of body weight

By weight of a person depends largely on the choice of the inner filler and the type of products - with or without spring. For very heavy people with a weight exceeding 100 kg, soft spring models are not recommended due to their rapid deterioration and loss of elasticity. It is better to choose the independent spring block high or increased rigidity. From springless models suitable products with latex and coconut coir. For people with normal weight selection is unlimited. As a reference, we present a summary table of the rigidity of products, depending on the proportion of weight / height.

HeightWeight, kg
< 5050−6060−7070− 8080− 9090− 100100− 110110− 120> 120
< 150*******************************************
> 200****************

Notes to Table:

  • Soft - *
  • Average soft - **
  • Average - ***
  • Average hard - ****
  • Hard - *****

Rating manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses

Mattress manufacturers a lot, but there are a few proven grades that are well suited. To understand what firm mattress is better, we suggest ranking of the most popular models. When deciding which mattress is better - Ascona or Ormatek, you should know that the first is the largest Russian plant and the cost of its production higher than the average cost of similar products in competitors. Ormatek has a more democratic prices, while the second largest production. For large manufacturers are DrimLayn, Toris and Consul.

CategoryI placeII placeIII place

soft spring

Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
Askona Smart Balance (900 × 2000 mm)Dream Line Bonnel Combi-3 (800 × 2000mm)Toris Collection (900 × 2000mm)
Pillow medium hardnessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
Light Bonnel Ormatek Optima (800 × 2000 mm)Ormatek Devior Bonnel (800 × 1900 mm)Askona Smart Balance (800 × 2000 mm)
Hard pillowtopReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
Dream Line Eco Strong Bonnel (900 × 2000mm)Palma Askona Balance (1200 × 2000 mm)Line 1 Dream Dream Bonnel (900 × 2000 mm)
Soft orthopedic becpruzhinnyReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
Effect Askona CD (900 × 2000 mm)Classic consul Philo (700 × 1950mm)Classic consul Pegasus (900 × 1900 mm)
Becpruzhinny orthopedic medium hardnessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
Ormatek Eco Flex (900 × 2000 mm)Compact Askona Favorit (900 × 2000 mm)Toris Legant Country (800 × 2000 mm)
Hard becpruzhinny orthopedicReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
Ormatek Standard Flex (800 × 1950mm)Orme Ormatek Flex (800 × 2000 mm)Tori Magic Slip Contrast Fusion (800 × 2000 mm)
Soft latex orthopedicReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessReveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
Dream Line Soft (800 × 2000 mm)Toris Circuit 16 Pham (800 × 2000 mm)

Classic consul Cornelius (800 × 2000 mm)

Comparison of spring and springless mattresses

The cost of products from different manufacturers is different, but each of them have products like high cost, and quite democratic.

IllustrationNameinternal structureThe average price (as of April 2018.), Rubles
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessAscona Balance Formindependent springs7000
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessAscona Balance ExtraDependent spring (Bonnell)6300
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessAscona Trend RollSpringless4 100
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessAscona CD HitSpringless11400
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessOrmatek Optima Classicindependent springs8900
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessOrmatek Millenniumindependent springs9 900
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessOrmatek Flex StandardSpringless5400
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessOrmatek Softy PlusSpringless2400
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessDrimLayn Balance Slip Dreamindependent springs16300
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessDrimLaynKlassik Roll SlimSpringless3200
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessDrimLayn Single Hole Bonneldependent spring7100
Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessDrimLayn Dream 1independent springs8500

Which mattress is better to choose - reviews and recommendations of experts

According to experts, there are several criteria to consider when choosing:

  1. Criterion, which is responsible for the optimal position of the spine during sleep, called support. Regardless of the posture, the spine will be provided an anatomically natural position at a properly chosen stiffness of the product.
  2. Significant role in providing quality sleep plays a comfort level. The ability of the product follows the curve of the human body and evenly distribute the load from it rarely allows to turn in search of a comfortable posture during sleep.
  3. The product shall be manufactured from environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic material.
  4. Quality product has water vapor permeability and is characterized by the ability to maintain optimal temperature parameters. To improve the comfort of operation, many models are equipped with different flooring (winter-summer) - on the one hand - cotton, on the other - wool.
  5. When buying a model at double bed it is recommended to choose a product that will provide a minimum transfer movements.
  6. It is important to purchase a product with high-quality support for the edge, so it does not sag. Usually it is a model with injected polyurethane insulation on the perimeter or metal frame.
Filler with a memory effect
Filler with a memory effect

Related article:

Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springlessHow to choose a mattress for a double bed. In the paper, we consider the variety of mattresses, they differ from each other, the nuances of selecting an orthopedic mattress, a review of models and manufacturers, user reviews, expert advice.

Which is better to buy a mattress, in the opinion of buyers

Get an objective view of the different producers allow reviews of mattresses with independent springs, blocks of type "Bonnell" and springless models.

Review of "Ascona Serta Astoria":

Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2264075.html

Review of "Ascona Comfort Plus":

Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5665617.html

Review of "DrimLayn Roll Dream":

Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_1769642.html

Review of "DrimLayn Balance Hole Hard TPA":

Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_6301899.html

Feedback on "Ormatek Millennium":

Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4341730.html

Feedback on "Ormatek Softy Plus":

Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2309245.html

Review of "Toris Grant Egoist":

Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5031294.html

Review of "The consul Licinius":

Reveals the secret, which mattress is better - a spring or springless
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_2015646.html

By buying a mattress should be approached deliberately, without haste, because the correct choice depends on many things: your health, well-being and performance. Finally, we offer watch a video, which tells about the features of the main types of products and rules of their choice.