Loft bed with a working area for the teenager: selection, production

In organizing the child's room, parents should exercise maximum creativity, combining practicality and comfort in one, sometimes a small space. Loft bed with a working area for a teenager making the best organized area, and a seat, you can install a small complex with exercise equipment or creative workshop. Teen will be interesting to climb on the top floor of the structure on the lower tier of which will accommodate table transformer and lockers. Modern modular systems are going to like the children's designer, interior equipping functional and comfortable items furniture filling. We begin our review.

Loft bed with a working area for teenager
original performance

Read article

  • 1 Loft bed in the nursery: design options and the benefits of choosing
    • 1.1 Pros bunk designs
  • 2 Loft bed with a working area for a teenager - interesting projects
    • 2.1 Features choice of loft beds for girls with a working area
    • 2.2 Differences loft bed with a working area for the boy
    • 2.3 Features a selection of children's loft bed
  • 3 Making a loft bed with his hands
    • 3.1 Performing a sketch and description of the installation process
    • 3.2 Determining the structural nuances
    • 3.3 Step by step process of installation, loft bed for a teenager with a working area
  • 4 Loft bed with a working area for a teenager - a review of prices and manufacturers
  • 5 Photo gallery of finished interiors children's and teen rooms
  • 6 conclusion

Loft bed in the nursery: design options and the benefits of choosing

Interior nursery should please the little man, then he will be a great pleasure to keep order, to receive visitors or to engage sportsIt is possible that some tinkering with his own hands. Before choosing a need to take care of the health of the child, to arrange safe transport to the upper tier.

Furniture made of wood - the best choice in the nursery. Eco-friendly material will fill the room soeplom and comfort. Especially useful pine furniture. In addition to strength and beautiful appearance, pine extracts volatile, which strengthen the immune system and protect against colds.

Pine in the nursery
Pine in the nursery

Metal loft beds with a working area are sufficiently strong base. Lightweight construction is better to buy in the room grown children. In addition, designers offer installation wall bars near one of the sides of the structure. It is sure to please a teenager.

Laconic metal in the teen room
Laconic metal in the teen room

imagination of designers in children's interiors are endless. You can choose accommodation bedHanging from the ceiling surface, a berth to organize work area and near to install lockers. And you can choose a more complex structure, complete with drawers under the stairs, and sport facilities. As an option - selection of a low-loft bed with a working area, disposed on the side.

Under the bunk behind the doors should arrange clothes storage area
Under the bunk behind the doors should arrange clothes storage area

Loft bed in the interior must comply with sanitary norms and safety.

  • Maximum load on the structure shall not exceed 70 kilograms, thus it is necessary to pay special attention to the fasteners;
  • convenient steps and handrails, the child must safely down the stairs;
  • near the bed you must install the flanges of sufficient height, which will not allow the child to fall in a dream on the one hand, and does not create a sense of a closed space with the other;
  • loft bed should have a smooth shape, sharp corners in the children will not be tolerated.
The original organization of space
The original organization of space

Pros bunk designs

Negative aspects of a loft bed is not, but the benefits are many.

  • economy of space, even in small rooms can be correctly place all the necessary for the child. Thus, it will keep itself clean and tidy in a comfortable atmosphere. The unique design will make a lot of shelves, all kinds of boxes that will keep things in their places;
  • Children always love adventure. They are willing to arrange a site on the branches of trees or booths from scrap fabric. The upper tier can arrange interesting games or read a book. In addition, it is a cozy and safe place to sleep;
  • along with the maturation of the child can rebuild the structure. The modular system on the principle of a transformer is rebuilt under the new dimensions. Lockers can grow, sleeper increase. All items are mobile, they can be easily replaced by the customer.

Offers a large selection of designers will create a fantastic atmosphere of the child, to rebuild it later in the teen space.

Alterations in the teenage child's bedroom
Alterations in the teenage child's bedroom

Loft bed with a working area for a teenager - interesting projects

Name-loft bed for the teenager was due to a ladder, with the help of which the child is taken up as the attic. At the same time, the design versatility allows you to arrange the workplace below, filling it with a variety of shelves, Cupboards and drawers. This design model allows you to save space in the nursery at exactly 3 times.

The interests of the grown child's changing. Priority is not the game, and the implementation of lessons, reading and other exciting activities. Sofa bed for a teenager with a comfortable, well-organized work area will be of great help. The vacant space is an opportunity to establish a sports complex with the Swedish wall.

Such planning must take into account some of the nuances, to which should be ready before the installation. Firstly, it is not entirely comfortable bed linen and cleaning the bed. Second, if a child is ill, his bed should be moved to a more accessible place. Installing loft bed for a teenager with sofa bottom completely solve these problems.

Despite the small features, a choice two-tier structure children will appreciate and be happy to be engaged and to keep order in his room. Manufacturers offer interesting options like for boysAnd for girls. Constructions differ not only in color but also filling.

Loft bed with a sofa and a work area
Loft bed with a sofa and a work area

Features choice of loft beds for girls with a working area

When choosing important to consider the age of the girl and design features.

Photodesign feature
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerUp to 5 years will approach the low model. The distance from the floor surface to the bed should be about 100 centimeters. This will protect the child from falling, in addition, the girl will be convenient to own up and down the stairs. Under berth can arrange storage space for clothes or play area. The drawers in the ladder can be folded bedding or toys, significantly saving children's area. The bright colors of the bed-loft like younger girls. The staircase is made in the form of steps-boxes.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerFor school-age girls can choose structures with a height of 150 centimeters. Addition to a loft bed with a games area for girls can serve as a decoration of the first workplace. color solution You can perform in bright colors or pastel tones. The flight of stairs may be implemented as conventional steps or drawers.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerA loft bed for teen girls can be selected more than 150 centimeters. It is important to choose a product with good fastening providing increased structural strength. On the bottom tier must be installed Desktop with good light. A ladder, you can choose a more complex tubular structure.

It is important! Installing security around the rim bed is needed for all age groups. The height of the element should be sufficient that the child fell while turning in his sleep.

When choosing a loft bed is important to take into account the material of manufacture.

  • the best choice - wood structure. Wood has a natural warmth that gives the child's extra comfort and convenience;
  • low-end models are made of polished Particleboard, They possess sufficient strength and reliability. However, formaldehyde is a part of Particleboard may adversely affect the health of the child. Only a bed made of a material chipboard class E1 below, valid for children's furniture;
  • bed of MDF They cost much less wood. In addition, it is environmentally friendly material;
  • metal carcass It has increased strength and durability. It is not recommended for young children because of the increased possibility of injury. In addition, it is quite cool design. In the off-season sleeping on it will be uncomfortable. The main advantage of metal - its low cost.
metal construction
metal construction

in the regeneration rooms for girls it is important to pay attention to the color scheme of the product. On this depends the child's emotional state, his mood. For a girl's interior can be used pastel warm shades, yellow or pink. Tone dark colors can depress the baby. Little girls can arrange a bed of your favorite fairy-tale story. Addition beautiful textile finish composition solution loft beds for girls. Photos of interesting selections will help you choose the perfect room.

Dream of childhood
Dream of childhood

Differences loft bed with a working area for the boy

Requirements for loft beds for boys, no different from girls'. The design features are the same, but the focus is on the color scheme. Light colors are exciting to the boys, here you need to give preference to all shades of blue. Suit and brown or green shades.

An additional bed can serve as decor decoration water issues. It is imperative to provide a convenient arrangement of shelves and drawers for storing toys and garments
An additional bed can serve as decor decoration water issues. It is imperative to provide a convenient arrangement of shelves and drawers for storing toys and garments
For a boy of school age, you must have a working surface with good lighting
For a boy of school age, you must have a working surface with good lighting
Under berth loft bed for a teenage boy 14 years of age must provide a computer installation on the working surface. Lockers should provide a great height for a comfortable stay of school clothes
Under berth loft bed for a teenage boy 14 years of age must provide a computer installation on the working surface. Lockers should provide a great height for a comfortable stay of school clothes

You can opt for a design with free space under the berth. This will allow yourself, as needed, and change the child's interests, to fill the space, loft beds for boys. Photos of practical ideas you can pick up in the gallery interior solutions.

Bed with playground
Bed with playground

Features a selection of children's loft bed

Loft beds for kids should be reasonably compact. Lower space is complemented by a dresser or space left for the placement of the playing area. The upper tier is about one and a half square meters. It is possible to arrange a bed in a tent or cabin. However, in this version there is a small nuance - such a structure can not be made based on the child's growth. Therefore, based on the budget savings is necessary to choose the product with conversion potential.

Game tent city
Game tent city

Children's loft bed having a working zone can be supplemented with a small slide for rapid descent from the upper tier. It is sure to please the child. It is important that the design was maximally flat and coated with good quality. This is necessary to protect the baby from injury.

diverse module
diverse module

When choosing a loft bed for children from 5 years of age should take into account the future school enrollment, and a variety of interests of the child. Desk should be comfortable, it should be a place for the computer in the future. Provision should be made summarizing outlets in easy access. In addition, about a berth should be installed wall lamp and a shelf on which the child before bedtime book or put the alarm clock.

The design of the upper tier
The design of the upper tier

Making a loft bed with his hands

Run the installation of a simple structure under the force of even the novice master. It is important to have the basic skills of a carpenter and accurately perform a step by step build process. Installation of children's bunk bed with a working area easier to implement from a tree. For metal welder important professional skills, besides the design is much heavier than wood.

Teenager bunk bed It can be made from pine, oak or beech. Pine is easier to process, moreover, it has a fairly attractive price. It is necessary to select well-dried material 1 grade.

A simple example of pine
A simple example of pine

Performing a sketch and description of the installation process

So, the decision is made, we perform the installation of a loft bed with his hands. Drawings and diagrams are drawn up taking into account the child's age and needs. To install the design will need the following tools:

  • fretsaw to cut timber;
  • Cordless. Fit and a drill with required attachments;
  • fine-grained sandpaper or grinding machine;
  • hammer;
  • clamp;
  • linear gauges, level;
  • screws, nails, carpenter's glue;
  • transparent or matt lacquer finish. Can be used stain to give the required shade.

Materials should be prepared before starting the installation:

  • timber square or rectangular cross section with a size of 80x100 mm or 100x100;
  • Planed boards Ladder 20-30 millimeters thick, rack, rails;
  • to the bottom of the bed fit plywood or boards. You can buy the finished product of the smaller rods.
Ready frame
Ready frame

Determining the structural nuances

Drawing a cot has to be configured with the embodiment of the mounting. It can be installed on four support legs, which can then be moved to any interior space. The second embodiment is mounted to the wall surface on the one hand, and the installation of two support legs on the other. Third Embodiment - fastening to the roof surface. This design is more suited to teenagers and complicated to install.

The easiest way to take the first frame. In this version it is recommended to arrange the vertical ladderThat does not take a lot of living space. For kids must perform it at an angle. Installation stairs can be made from any of the facade side or fixed side.

After selecting the type of installation is necessary to determine the stairs with shelves, drawers and work space, and you can start to install a loft bed. Dimension drawing for a preschool child must perform with a height of 1.2 meters and a perimeter frame 0.7-1.6 m. For pupils height increases of up to 1.8 meters. Dimensions recommended to use 0.9 or 1.4 m wide with a length of about 2 m. When compiling a drawing is necessary to observe the scale is to allow the right to calculate the necessary amount of material and fasteners.

For example, we can offer a number of simple drawings with dimensions for cots.

Option with withdrawable stairs for school-age child
Option with withdrawable stairs for school-age child
Children's bed with side ladder
Children's bed with side ladder
Baby bed for a teenager with an organized work area, locker and shelves to store
Baby bed for a teenager with an organized work area, locker and shelves to store
The dimensions of the design for the baby
The dimensions of the design for the baby

Step by step process of installation, loft bed for a teenager with a working area

According to the scheme developed by the calculated demand for the material, which can be sawed, or the point of sale or at home on their own. Loft bed with his hands made of wood is easy to perform, physical hardship will be compensated joyful gleam in the eyes of a child. Step by step description of the basic design will help to decide on this important step.

PhotoDescription of work
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerAt the initial stage it is necessary to prepare the size of all the main parts of a tree.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerAll elements oshkurivayutsya fine sandpaper.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerFor fastening the frame to the wall through holes drilled in the bars.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerPrepared bars are covered with two layers of varnish.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerTo build the necessary bed 6 corners, drills, metal and concrete.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerOn the bar prepared drill holes for fastening parts
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerThe bars are connected to each other at an angle corners 90 °.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerStructure connected together by means of the screwdriver and corners.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerWith help screws executed mounting boards for bed bases.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerReady frame loft bed.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerTo stiffen the structure, it is necessary to seal the corners of the horizontal structure.
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerDesign ledges, stairs and strips installed similar installation of the main frame
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerReady rim

It is important! During the installation, you need to control the level of implementation of right angles and horizontal lines. Otherwise, the load during operation is not uniform, and it is fraught with the destruction of the carcass.

Before you independently collect loft bed, you need to familiarize yourself with a step by step process. It is better to see once 100 - this will greatly help in the process. A frame addition table and drawers is easy to perform and without instructions.

Simple pattern with your own hands
Simple pattern with your own hands

Loft bed with a working area for a teenager - a review of prices and manufacturers

Buy a bed for a teenager can have many well-known manufacturers. It is important when buying read the certificates of quality for the material. This requirement is enshrined at the legislative level. After all, the health and safety of the child from material security.

The cost of the product will depend on the embodiment of the filling and the material used. Bed Chipboard is the most inexpensive and caring for it well serve his sentence. Metal will be slightly higher, but it is not recommended to use in children's rooms kids. Natural wood - this is the best choice for children's furniture. The high cost to be compensated by high consumer and operational qualities.

Product selection can be done and in online directories, such as the manufacturer, "Ikea". Loft beds with a work area in a wide range of different content and color schemes. Quality of products of this brand is known all over the world.

Photo gallery of finished interiors children's and teen rooms

It is quite interesting to think through the interior of your child. When the competent organization of space kid get in the walls of the house and a comfortable stay, and a tutorial. The color scheme will help to reveal creative abilities.

In the photo gallery are chosen teen loft beds with a work area.

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3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager

The following selection of photos you can see the interiors with a bunk bed with a working area and a wardrobe.

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3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager
3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenager

Related article:

3 in 1: choosing a loft bed with a working area for teenagerA loft bed for adults and children. What does it represent? It is in that we dismantle this article. And of course, along the way we try to understand it is possible to manufacture a similar design with their own hands.


Organization of children's room with loft bed - quite a fascinating process. The room can make even the most creative ideas. In addition to the well-thought-out design, Kids get daily exercise. After all, he will have no time to run the stairs during the day. Simulation children's room in the teen will establish it modern technology and gaming consoles. And it does not have to buy anything! On the savings to better organize departure on vacation the whole family.

Room for teen girls
Room for teen girls

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