The best remedies for colic in newborns

The digestive system of a newborn is not yet fully adapted to food received from outside after being born. For this reason, the baby is often concerned about swelling and colic in the abdomen. Against the background of these symptoms, there may also be an unstable chair, a disorder in which a dysbacteriosis could provoke - infants are often prone to its occurrence. Help in eliminating unpleasant symptoms, depending on the cause that caused them, called the best means of colic in newborns.


Bifiform Baby

Bifiform Baby is designed specifically for toddlers. Its big plus is the possibility of application from the first day of life. The drug is enriched with bifidobacteria, which the newborn's body needs so much. It allows you to make up for the amount of beneficial microorganisms in the digestive system that the baby can miss, since having a baby has a sterile gastrointestinal tract, which is very in need of bifidobacteria. The agent is also often prescribed for dysbacteriosis, which can provoke colic.



Acipol is a tool designed to regulate beneficial microflora in the intestine. It can be used in newborns with chronic colitis, intestinal infections, and after prolonged antibiotic therapy. This is one of the best drugs in its category, suitable for infants. It includes acidophilic lactobacilli, which contribute to the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. The medicine requires a coursework, which should last for one month. To continue the therapy should consult a pediatrician beforehand.


Hilak Forte

Hilak Forte is a drop used in the treatment of neonatal colic, excessive flatulence, food allergies and other intestinal disorders that can be caused by dysbiosis. The agent includes biocomponents that promote the production of gastrointestinal tract of their own beneficial bacteria. This is one of the best drugs designed to eliminate disorders in the baby associated with the digestive system. Get good results in therapy allows long-term use of the drug, which should last at least a month. In some cases, against the background of taking the drug in the baby can develop and side effects in the form of an allergic rash and a violation in the work of the chair.



Espumizan is designed to reduce increased gas production in a newborn, which could have been provoked by colic. This is one of the best products on the basis of simethicone, which acts as the main medicinal substance. The downside of this medication is only the removal of symptoms, so if the colic in the baby is provoked by a deficit of beneficial bacteria, it is more appropriate to take probiotics. In addition, it is not recommended to give the medication regularly. For infants, the pharmaceutical is available as a drop. The use of capsules is contraindicated until six years of age.



Bobotik is an analogue of Espumizan, because at the heart of the best remedy for newborns is the same simethicone. The main active component is designed to eliminate bloating, during which go and colic. However, it should be noted that in therapy in children, the medicine can be used only from one month of life. The drug is prohibited for use in intestinal obstruction and hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient. Usually Bobotik is well tolerated by babies, but in some cases an allergic reaction is possible.


Sub Simplex

The Simplex acts as an effective drug that allows the newborn to cope with increased gas production and colic. The drug is produced in a suspension form having a pleasant taste. The drug can be used from birth, but only after the approval of the pediatrician. If a rash appears after taking the medication, you should immediately consult a doctor. Rashes may well be a sign that the baby has simethicone intolerance.



Infakol is one of the best in its segment of medicines specifically designed for infants. The drug shortly after ingestion removes spasms of the musculature of the intestine, reduces bloating and, as a result, eliminates painful colic. It is recommended to give the medication to the newborn just before feeding. It is also permissible to mix the suspension and the mixture for feeding. Noticeable improvement in the state of the gastrointestinal tract is observed already on the second day after the start of the admission.



Lactazar contains a lactase enzyme that allows breast milk to be better absorbed in the digestive tract of a newborn. The drug also allows you to replenish this important substance in the body, since its deficiency leads to excessive meteorism and colic, because without lactase, milk is not able to fully assimilate. Before the parents decide to use it, you must first contact the pediatrician for advice. With the inherent intolerance of lactase, the drug can provoke allergic reactions.


Baby Bab Calm

Baby Bab Calm is a completely natural product that includes herbal ingredients that have a carminative effect. One of the best remedies for colic is specifically designed for newborns with a sensitive digestive system. It contains dill, anise and mint oil, which are known for their bactericidal, soothing, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. The medicine facilitates the easy removal of gazik and the removal of spasms that provoke discomfort. The instruction states that the remedy is acceptable to use from the first day of life, but some pediatricians do not recommend giving babies even the safest drugs before two weeks of age.



Plantex is on the list of the safest and most effective tools for children just born. The main advantages of the drug are its ability to improve digestion and reduce the formation of gases, as a result of which the appearance of colic in the newborn is prevented. It includes only natural ingredients, including extracts of fennel, anethole and fenghona. The medicine comes in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution that has a pleasant sweet taste, which babies so love.