Flower arrangements in the garden and in the country: flowers in the landscape design of the garden plot

Creating their own garden at their summer cottage or next to a country cottage, any owners strive to make it beautiful. True, some prefer to allot a large area for a vegetable garden with vegetable beds, others for fruit and berry plantings, and still others for a recreation area. But, as a rule, no one can do without flowers at all.

Multicolored tulips on the shore of an artificial reservoir

Blooming plants are like paints to an artist for a landscape designer.

Features of flower arrangements in the garden in the country


  • Features of flower arrangements in the garden in the country
  • The most popular types of flowers for garden decoration
  • Options for flower arrangements in the garden for a summer residence and at home
  • Variants of using flower arrangements in landscape design
  • Tips and tricks for using flower beds
  • Video: Examples of flower arrangements in summer cottages
  • Photos of beautiful flower beds in suburban areas

Flower arrangements in the garden and in the country can be different. If the garden is large, then in addition to flowers there are probably plantings of trees and shrubs, a lawn, often a pool, gazebos, paths. And in this case, it is important that the flower arrangements are in harmony with all other elements of the landscape in the garden.

Large flowers of daisies in a winding flower bed

Even a beginner can create a flower garden on his site, but it is important that the plants really decorate the garden, and not make it unnecessarily variegated and tasteless

It is good if a landscape designer is involved in the project. But even if the owners are engaged in the design themselves, you can beautifully and competently enter all the garden compositions on the summer cottage. If, instead of a large garden, there is only a small dacha, mainly with vegetable beds, then here it is quite possible to make beautiful islands by placing flowers in the garden near the house. Any flower arrangements in the garden and in the country are designed to be beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Therefore, it is important to choose the right plants, in terms of flowering time, shades, height, so that they form harmonious combinations.

Garden bed with perennial flowers

To make any area lighter and more spacious, you can use herbaceous plants that bloom with white or yellow inflorescences.

Yellow and white flowers near the garden path

A decorative border of flowers can decorate any garden path

The most popular types of flowers for garden decoration

Flowers in the garden are placed in a variety of ways. Popular perennials include delphiniums, lilies, roses (some varieties of these flowers can be grown both at home and in the garden), phlox, tulips, lilies of the valley, peonies, gypsophila, astilba, hydrangea.

Garden bed with tulips and other flowers

Spring tulips are popular among gardeners.

Of the annuals, the most common are marigolds, cosmeas, poppies, calendula, petunias, morning glories, and nasturtium. They do not require special care and even an inexperienced gardener can cope with planting.

Bushes of herbaceous peonies in a flower bed

It is difficult to imagine a summer cottage without delicate peonies

From climbing plants, sweet peas, wisteria, clematis are popular. Irises, loosestrife, marigold are planted near ponds and streams. In the shady garden there are ferns, hostu. For an alpine slide, rejuvenated, alissum, carnations, tulips, hare tail are suitable.

Climbing on a white wooden fence

Luxurious lashes of a climbing rose will decorate the fence, which, in turn, will serve as a support for the plant.

Before planting certain flowers next to each other, you need to carefully consider how they will be combined with each other in color, height and how they will be in harmony with other elements of the landscape. To do this, you need to look at a detailed description of the species.

Blooming clematis on a pergola near a country house

Clematis will be a chic decoration for a pergola or wall of a country house

Options for flower arrangements in the garden for a summer residence and at home

Flower arrangements are of several basic types:

  • Mixborders are a strip planted with different flowers along a fence, house wall or walkway. It can be of arbitrary width and shape and combines plants of different heights and shapes.
    Beautiful mixborder along the wall with vinyl siding

    A mixborder with correctly selected flowers changes its appearance during the season - some bloom in spring, other plants change them in summer

  • Rabatka - is, as a rule, an integral part of a large flower bed in the form of a low bed with ornamental plants.
    Rabatka on a flowerbed in a front garden near the roadway

    Rabatki usually consist of 2-3 types of flowers, planted in a strip no wider than two meters

  • A modular flower bed is not just a flower garden, but a more complex composition with elements of paving and sometimes small architectural forms.
    Modular flower bed in a secluded corner of the garden

    This is a mosaic flower garden, consisting of separate repeating modules - square, rectangular or round

  • Solitaire is a type of flower bed, characterized in that all the plants on it are similar either in color, or in height, or in shape or some other feature.
    Blooming hydrangea panicle solitaire

    A solitary bed can consist of a single plant that blooms for a long time or has attractive foliage.

  • A rose garden is a section of a garden with various types of roses, often acting as a “pearl” of the garden.
    Rose garden on the territory of the summer cottage

    The rose garden is best placed in the most conspicuous place in order to enjoy the beauty of the queen of the garden more often

  • Rockery (stone garden): in addition to flowers, the composition must contain stones of various shapes and sizes.
    Rockery rockery from undemanding plants

    Plants are planted on rockeries that prefer stony soils, mostly stunted and drought-resistant

  • A rock garden is a flower bed based on, as the name suggests, alpine and subalpine plant species.
    Small rock garden in the middle of a green lawn

    A rock garden is a composition of plants and stones that imitates a mountain landscape.

  • Single hanging compositions in the form of pots with flowers from various materials, baskets or containers.
    Flower arrangement of wheels from an old cart

    A wide variety of containers are used as hanging pots, and they are placed anywhere - on a pergola, fence, trees or on a specially made stand of an original design

  • Flowerbed-stream. It is usually made of one type of flowers, which are planted in any shape, imitating the flow of a stream. A pot or jug ​​is often placed at the base of such a flower bed.
    Flowerbed-stream from a wooden tub

    The size of the flower stream depends on your desire, and the selection of colors depends on the place where you want to place the composition.

In one garden, as a rule, they combine various flower arrangements - for example, a wall of a house can be decorated hanging pots, along the fence you can place a mixborder, and in the center of the garden - an alpine slide or modular flower bed.

Lilac bells on the arrows of an unknown flower

Add a casual element to your garden to give the site a natural, laid-back feel. For example, like this bright flower, as if accidentally grown on the bend of the path

Variants of using flower arrangements in landscape design

Those who are thinking about how to make a landscape design beautifully plant flowers in the country should consider various options for using flower arrangements. They must be combined with other elements of the landscape - large-sized trees (trees, shrubs), lawns, reservoirs (if any on the site). There are several popular options for placing flowers in the country in landscape design:

  • Eskimo Design. Allows you to visually expand the boundaries of the garden by dividing the space into several small locations with bright colorful spots of flowers. A kind of mosaic effect is created.
    Eskimo design in a garden landscape

    Laying out a large number of different-sized flower beds on the site will visually expand the garden space

  • "Calico Garden". Using this technique, you can hide unwanted objects, such as fences or walls of outbuildings. It consists in the fact that plants with a certain color scheme are planted nearby: the main color (for example, crimson) and nearby are variegated, but containing the first color in their composition. For example, raspberry phlox, and the next row is variegated, white-pink and white-raspberry.
    Calico flower bed in the garden

    If you transfer the "chintz effect" to an ordinary flower bed, you get a very spectacular and sophisticated flower garden

  • "Papuan" design. This technology has several tricks, but the main point is to dilute a dark monochrome background with bright spots. For example, plant flowerbeds with a predominance of bright yellow, bright red and orange flowers and large-sized plants with dark foliage near a house or fence of dark brown color to balance the composition.
    Bright flowers on the background of a dark brown fence

    The photo shows an example of decorating a wooden fence in the "Papuan style"

Independent design solutions. The fashionable trend now is to include in the landscape design such individual elements as an old bicycle with a basket of flowers in front or on the trunk, or "entwined" with curly vines. Some people place a small boat with flowers, or a cart. All this can be interestingly beaten and the site can be decorated in this way.

Pink bike garden flower bed

A bright flower bed made of an old bicycle with petunias blooming from summer to the first frost

There are also various styles of garden decoration - Japanese with a predominance of stones and clear forms, English - slightly "neglected" with a predominance of perennials, "country" with the attributes of a rustic life, sunflowers and zinnias, Chinese, based on the philosophy of "Feng Shui" with separate clear finished compositions, "Provence" with terraces entwined with ivy and lilac lavender panicles, and other.

Flowerbed in country style against the wall of a wooden building

For those looking to minimize plant maintenance, a country-style garden is best.

Tips and tricks for using flower beds

In order for a flower bed to please the eye for a long time, it is necessary, firstly, to take into account the flowering periods of different plant species. Sometimes they are planted in such a way that when some bloom, others immediately bloom, so that no "emptiness" is created. Sometimes long-flowering plants are selected, with the same flowering period, combined in color. Together they create the right accent in the landscape.

Wildflowers on the sides of the stone path

Unpretentious wildflowers will add a special summer romance to the courtyard

It is also necessary to take into account the ecological characteristics of the species: it is not necessary to plant moisture-loving and drought-resistant species on the same flower bed; shade-tolerant and light-loving. In addition, it is worth remembering that the most beautiful and brightest flower beds will look better against the background. plain lawn with lush greenery, or next to dark green conifers, or framed by grassy green plants. Also, any flower bed, even with the most unassuming plant species, requires at least minimal maintenance - periodic weeding, fertilization, harvesting dead stems, flowers and leaves.

Globular thuja in the middle of a flower bed

A simple flower bed with bright flowers around the edges will adequately decorate a lawn in a suburban area

It is not so difficult to create beautiful flower arrangements in the garden at the dacha. There can be a lot of design options depending on the preferences of the owners, the area of ​​the site, the budget, the ecological and geographical features of the territory.

Video: Examples of flower arrangements in summer cottages

Photos of beautiful flower beds in suburban areas