When I first heard about the geotextile, the majority wants to know what it is, where and how to use. We offer to meet more detail with existing types of material, its characteristics and possible area of use.
Geotextile - material having unique properties
Read article
1 Why the need for geotextiles: Main applications
2 What geotextile manufactured: raw materials used
3 As manufactured geotextile: the main ways
4 General characteristics of geotextiles
5 How does the density of geotextile on its application
6 Geotextile: scope and features
6.1 What is a non-woven geotextile and possible fields of application
6.2 knitted geotextiles
6.3 Geotextile - what it is, features and how to use: The main area
7 laying of geotextile technology depending on the application
7.1 Geotextiles in construction of buildings: the main directions of use
7.1.1 Geotextile for foundation: the basic functions
7.1.2 Geotextile for roof
7.2 Geotextile for drainage: important points
7.3 Geotextiles in road construction
7.4 Geotextile for garden paths: increasing service life
7.5 Geotextile for artificial reservoirs
7.6 Geotextile for garden beds
8 Leading manufacturers of geotextiles
9 How much does a geotextile - a review of the price per m²
Why the need for geotextiles: Main applications
Geotextile refers to modern technological materials, and therefore offer a deal for what it is. It is actively used in the implementation landscape design projects, ennobling the territory not only about private homes, but also in public places. Thanks to its performance characteristics, quality geo allows to implement the most sophisticated and exclusive solutions.
Field of application sufficiently large
If we talk about what is most often used geotextile, then resorted to his aid, if necessary:
cover structure against moisture;
divided bulk layers and prevent silting;
provide uniform load distribution on the ground by building structures;
strengthen characteristics drainage;
help reinforcing structures.
Geo separates layers
What geotextile manufactured: raw materials used
The basis of the finished web may comprise different fibers, depending on which geotextiles are divided into:
polyester. It is based on thin polyester fibers. Eco material having low resistance to external aggressive agents;
polypropylene. Durable material capable of withstanding external impact. It does not rot. It has good filtration properties;
multicomponent. For its production uses different recyclables: cotton products, wool and viscose. Cheaper analogues of polyester and polyester and has a lower strength characteristics. Natural components fast enough rot, contributing to the appearance of voids, due to which sometimes the canvas begins to break down.
Used raw material affects its properties
As manufactured geotextile: the main ways
The manufacturing method has a direct influence on the characteristics of the geotextile. The material can be manufactured needlepunched manner. Such a method is used in the production of "Dornit" domestic geotextile. We offer watch a video, which details reveal the subtleties of the production process:
The manufacturing process of the woven fabric also has its own peculiarities. We offer watch a video, which will allow to deal with the technological process features:
General characteristics of geotextiles
Polypropylene and polyester fabrics:
will not rot;
have biological and chemical resistance;
Synthetic woven fabric has high strength
have a long life;
are able to preserve their characteristics over a wide temperature range;
Good filtration properties
do not absorb water, but it is passed freely;
environmentally friendly;
become a barrier to weeds;
They have uniform properties in all directions.
Wide range of use
How does the density of geotextile on its application
Purpose and use of geotextiles in many respects depends on its density. This indicator has a direct influence on the permeability and elasticity of the material. Selection of a suitable embodiment is performed based on the type of soil and the objectives sought.
Density affects the scope of use
The material can have the following weight (g / m²):
17,3. A suitable option for the protection of planted seeds from birds. Good transmits light and water;
42,6. Demand at the device greenhouses and greenhouses. It can be stretched over a frame. After the web passes freely light and water;
60. Laid on the ground material passes water, but it becomes a barrier for sunlight. If any stops weed growth, which is especially important for agriculture. It can be used as a filter of the drainage system;
100. It is used in the design flower beds, Settling ponds, forming decorative slopes;
An indispensable material in the design area
150 – 200. The high density of the material makes it suitable for installation drainage device foundation, basin or formation tracks on the plot;
Geotextiles used when placing Verge
250. Geotextile demand at the device parking lots and walkways;
300. The material can be used in the device for parking trucks;
Parking for cargo transport needs are equally loaded
350. A suitable embodiment for the backbone, the runway with a small workload;
400. Actual device runways at airports in international destination.
Attention! For domestic use enough material with a density of 200 g / m².
For domestic use enough material with a density of 200 g / m²
Geotextile: scope and features
It is important not only to know what geotextiles, but also where it is possible its use. Offer to meet with the main species of the material, the distinctive features of each type and the use of the recommended scope.
Use a large enough area
What is a non-woven geotextile and possible fields of application
The basis of a simple non-woven needle punched geotextile comprise propylene or polyester fibers. It is made with the help of needles, harpoons with the formation of characteristic felt. The material is well extended, and therefore finds application in creating garden paths, drainage system and, if necessary, separation of adjacent soil layers.
Heat set (calendered) and geotextile is needle-punched. However, additional hardening performed by rolling rollers to feed warm air into the treatment zone, can improve the strength characteristics of the material. Forming a thin blade with high filtration properties.
The nonwoven geotextile has a small thickness
knitted geotextiles
The web is made by looping yarns weave. The material has a low cost and low bursting threshold. Web width 1.5-6 m at a length of 100-350 m. Its thickness is 1-3 mm. The density can be up to 600 g / m².
Knitted geotextiles have a large enough density
Geotextile - what it is, features and how to use: The main area
Before we tell you how to use geotextile, it is to understand what it is. The woven fiber cloth tightly interconnected, thereby providing a higher strength characteristics compared to other kinds of geotextile. Used to manufacture geotextile raw material affects its properties.
In order to strengthen the big slopes require geotextile
A material widely used for implementation landscape projects. bearing capacity of the soil increases with it. Relevant when applying drainage systems, and apparatus forming the mound beds.
We offer watch a video, which tells about the geo and where it can be used:
laying of geotextile technology depending on the application
Scope of material may differ significantly. geotextile laying technique depends on the purpose of its use. We offer to meet with the main areas of application geopoloten.
Scope determines the stacking technology
Geotextiles in construction of buildings: the main directions of use
With the construction of buildings for various purposes is widely used geotextile. In the construction of this material finds application in the device roof and forming foundation. We offer to meet with the data lines in more detail.
The material is widely used in the construction industry
Geotextile for foundation: the basic functions
Using geo can improve the strength characteristics of the base of the house, to ensure a more even load distribution, to prevent deformation of the soil. Selection of a suitable foundation for geotextiles made with the characteristics of the ground on which the structure is erected, and the design features of the building. The optimum range - 150-400 g / m². for devices pile-screw base you should choose a material with the lowest density, for small-recessed - with the greatest.
The density of the material used depends on the type of base
Geotextile for roof
In most cases, the geotextile is used in the regeneration of the roof inversion type. On such a roof subsequently possible to equip lawn a recreation area. Installation work is performed in the following sequence:
on a monolithic base or a concrete slab mounted bituminous waterproofing layer;
arranged drainage system through which excess moisture is discharged;
mounted insulating layer;
laid geotextiles;
formed of sand and cement pad, which then fits Pavement or poured layer of earth.
Maintained roof needs proper device
Geotextile for drainage: important points
Excess water in the area can have a negative impact on the foundation of the building, to harm plants, bushes, trees. Prevent the adverse effect can be achieved by a drainage device system comprising storage wells and tubes, Placed in the gravel.
Drainage is necessary to correctly arrange
Prolonged operation of such a system can cause silting of pipes and soil subsidence. Using geotextile for drainage, you can prevent the negative effects due to the high filtration properties of the material. For this:
prepared trench;
poured gravel layer under the geotextile;
It was covered with geotextile;
poured second layer of gravel, inside which the elements of a drainage system;
agrovoloknom free edges are interconnected with an overlap of 30-60 cm;
poured soil layer.
Device for the qualitative drainage system should be selected a synthetic material having a tensile strength of 100-600 kN / m at a density of 100-250 g / m² and a filter coefficient of more than 50 m³ / day.
Drainage system provides timely water outflow
Geotextiles in road construction
The material is used in the construction of highways. Special web structure prevents the mixing of the various layers of sand and gravel. As a result, increases reliability cushions, arranged under the asphalt, and provides more uniform load distribution on the road surface generated by moving vehicles.
The road should consist of certain segments
High filtration characteristics of the material prevent the occurrence of dips and bumps due to premature leaching of components of the cement-sand cushion. Motorway service time increases 1.5 times.
Density geotextile for road depends on its usage. Finds use web 200-350 g / cm². The latter is used more often.
Durable material - ensures a long service road
Geotextile for garden paths: increasing service life
To increase the service life and impart a presentable appearance sidewalks widely used geotextile. If present manages prevent subsidence of soil, the appearance on the surface roughness and hillocks. For this agrovoloknom sandwiched between the gravel pad and the soil. The result will not only be prevented by mixing the layers, growing of various plants, but also to ensure an even distribution of operational load, as well as rapid outflow of water.
The device garden paths - an important stage
Attention! Using the nonwoven fabric at the device tracks on a soft ground stations can improve their strength properties.
Observance of technology - the main requirement
Geotextile for artificial reservoirs
By using geotextiles frequently executed bottom fountain or pond. It allows you to provide a reliable base isolation and improve its strength characteristics. For fixing lined at the bottom of a small pond often used decorative stones.
Attention! Geo helps to strengthen the shoreline, further preventing the growth of unwanted plants.
Geotextile for garden beds
Fairly common use case. Geotextiles can be used in gardening for the cultivation of seedlings, the separation of adjacent bedsForming flower beds, isolation of plant roots. In order to prevent excessive growth of the roots of the trees or bushes planted in the prepared hole spread geotextile. In the winter, young trees are covered with a cloth to prevent them from freezing. Agrovoloknom laid on the ground to prevent excessive growth of weeds and evaporation.
The beds can be protected from weeds
We offer watch a video, which shows you how to style your geotextiles:
Leading manufacturers of geotextiles
The performance characteristics of the material are highly dependent on the technology used by the manufacturer. Choosing a quality geotextiles, pay attention to the production:
"Technonikol". Proposed manufacturer needlepunched polyester materials have a density of 100-200 g / cm². Supplied in rolls 2-6 m;
"Tekspol". geo density may be 150-600 g / cm²;
"Kanvalan" manufactured by needle-punched polypropylene fibers;
"Geotex" offer similar products;
"Polileft" by Austrian concern;
"Nomateks". Density proposed geo reaches 800 g / cm²;
"Pinema" Belarusian manufacturer;
"Taypar". Products from Luxembourg, produced by the original method has high operational loads.
It should also pay attention to the products of other manufacturers, which has earned positive reviews.
Review of geotextile «Megaflex»:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3908036.html
geotextile Megaflex
Review of the geotextile "Komitex":
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4962358.html
geotextile Komitex
How much does a geotextile - a review of the price per m²
Price per m² depends on the density and geotextile manufacturer. The denser the material, the more expensive the cost of its purchase.
Share in the comments, if you understand the features of geo that is and where it can be used, and whether or not you had to use it when you make your infield.