Conifers are the decoration of any flower bed or garden. They can be combined with a wide variety of plants, creating original and unique compositions. Conifers in the garden are able to fit into any landscape, and they also emphasize the beauty of the plants adjacent to them. The variety of types allows you to select options for each specific case.

Plants from the "Conifers" department play an important role in landscape design.
Features of garden decoration with conifers
- Features of garden decoration with conifers
- The main types of conifers
- Juniper
- Thuja
- Pine
- Spruce
- Fir
- Larch
- The use of conifers in height
- Where is the best place to plant conifers on the site
- Variants of compositions from conifers in garden landscaping
- Tips and tricks for decorating a garden with conifers
- VIDEO: Conifers and compositions for the garden.
- 50 ideas for decorating a site with coniferous compositions:
The popularity of conifers for decorating a garden or flower beds is due to the fact that they remain green throughout the year, unlike deciduous ones. This allows the space to liven up, giving it a majestic look. The advantage of such green spaces is that they do not require special care, they grow on a variety of soils, many of the types are shade-loving. This allows them to be used to decorate any part of the yard.

The accents made by conifers can make the garden very beautiful and spectacular.
To create an original design in the garden or on the site, you should take into account some design features:
- The size that the plants will reach after a while is taken into account. On a miniature plot, you should not plant large trees, and on a large one, dwarf forms will be visually lost.
- The shape of the plant and the correct ratio of geometric proportions are important. For example, low and voluminous conifers can be planted along straight paths in the garden, and the reservoir can be combined with medium-sized decorative coniferous trees.
- It is necessary to decide whether conifers will act as an independent composition or be a background for flowering plants.
Interesting. Ephedra secrete essential oils and phytoncides, the inhalation of which has a beneficial effect on the human body.
The main types of conifers
In order to choose the right conifers for a summer residence, you need to know and take into account the characteristics of each of the existing species. This will allow you to competently combine them with each other, creating a unique design.

A pleasant feature of conifers is their relatively unpretentious appearance.
It is a shrub that can have a wide variety of shapes (tree-like, bush-like, creeping), differ in the color of needles and fruits. Loves the sun and grows well in well-drained soil. Does not require special care and attention after planting.

Even a person who is not particularly experienced in design can successfully fit them into the landscape.
It is especially popular with gardeners and summer residents due to the possibility of easy crown formation and propagation with the help of cuttings. Thuja saturates the air with a coniferous smell and useful substances. This ephedra for summer cottages easily tolerates frosts, while requiring regular shaking off the snow from the branches. Subject to high-quality drainage, the plant is able to withstand not only cold, but also drought, prolonged rains and other unfavorable conditions.

Evergreen thuja are very attractive and unpretentious to care for.
It can grow in a wide variety of soils, but requires well-lit areas. There are many varieties that differ in size (from 50 centimeters to several meters in height), a variety of seedlings, and the color of needles. The most popular type is mountain pine, which is the most unpretentious and does not require special care.

Pine is highly resistant to drought, so it does not need watering, since it has enough natural precipitation.
It is recommended to plant at some distance from the house and other buildings, since the plant has a branched root system that can harm them. Spruce grows well in areas with sufficient lighting. The blue spruce, which has the original color of the needles, is popular.

Spruce is simply a stunning tree for an ornamental garden.
It has an interesting and attractive appearance, and also differs in its healing properties, which make it popular with gardeners and summer residents. There are more than 50 species, among which preference is given to undersized, dwarf and creeping varieties. The plant grows well on any soil, but does not tolerate the wind well. Fir also reacts to the purity of the air, therefore it is suitable for summer cottages that are located far outside the city.

Fir is a resistant plant that takes root well at any time of the year.
A special species that drops needles with the onset of winter. Larch prefers fertile, drained soils, and is also very demanding for good lighting (with the exception of the Japanese category).

Larch decorates the garden with a variety of colors, starting from the end of April.
The use of conifers in height
Conifers at their summer cottage can have very different heights. This parameter is one of the most important, it should be taken into account when selecting varieties for decorating a garden or plot. There are the following types of conifers:
- Tall. Various types are used to decorate a large area, serve as an excellent backdrop for other plants. On a small plot, you can plant one tree, which in a few years will become its main focus. The most popular tall conifers are plants with the following names: Skyrocket juniper, Hoopsii spruce, Brabant thuja, solid fir, Canadian yew, European pine and others.
- Medium size. They are used to decorate tracks and compose unique compositions. The most commonly used spruce is Konica, mountain pine and Pug pine, as well as eastern thuja, berry yew and others.
- Stunted. They are compact in size and are an indispensable element of garden compositions. Thuja Amber Glow, Thuja Danica, Thuja Hoseri are popular. Ephedra are undersized in the garden and their design photos can be found on the Internet.
- Creeping or creeping. Most often they are used to create a "thorny lawn" or original curbs. Most popular types: Blue Chip Juniper, Green Carpet Juniper, Depressa Aurea Juniper.
Interesting. To form an aesthetic crown in fast-growing trees, pruning, shearing and pinching are used.
It should be borne in mind that when creating any composition in the garden with the use of conifers, they are planted first, and then all other species.

An important advantage of conifers is the invariability of their appearance at different times of the year.
Where is the best place to plant conifers on the site
Each type of conifers has its own characteristics and the best combination options. Dwarf species look great on slides, and medium-sized ones are planted as the main plants in flower beds. There are many photos of the location of conifers in the garden.

A garden or park will be attractive not only in summer, but also in winter.
The location of the conifers on the site depends on its size. In large areas, you can plant plants anywhere, using them as a background. Alpine slides are created with conifers or used in flower beds located in front of the house. Conifers can be planted near the gazebo and along the paths. A small area can also be decorated with conifers by planting several bushes or a short coniferous tree near the house.

The crown of most conifers has the correct shape; it does not require too frequent shaping and pruning procedures.
Variants of compositions from conifers in garden landscaping
Conifers can be used both as independent elements and as part of compositions. A flower bed can be composed of one or more types of conifers. Particularly popular are descriptions and schemes for combining conifers with a spherical and conical shape with deciduous ones.

The root system of most conifers allows them to do without watering for a long time and grow on poor soils.
A sprawling bush or tree, which is planted in the central part, can be used as the main part of the flower bed. Lower plants are distributed around it.

The aroma of conifers is pleasant and beneficial to humans.
It is not recommended to plant bright flowers next to evergreens, as this can distract attention from the main details of the composition.

They can be used for almost all design tasks in gardens or parks.
Tips and tricks for decorating a garden with conifers
To create a stylish landscape in the garden, you should adhere to some recommendations:
- pay attention to the selection of trees and other plants, so as not to violate the compositional style;
- lawn grass or gravel is used as a background design for conifers;
- you can not often water conifers. The older the tree, the less it needs watering;
- do not plant roses next to conifers. Conifers oxidize the soil and the roses die.
Conifers in the country not only look attractive, but also make the air cleaner. With their help, you can make a hedge, divide the site into zones, create original islands and flower beds. Ephedra are combined with many plants, so their uses are endless.

Everlasting conifers radically change the look of the garden, making it brighter and more unforgettable.
VIDEO: Conifers and compositions for the garden.
50 ideas for decorating a site with coniferous compositions: