The most striking examples of how to arrange a trunk circle

A well-groomed garden is very easy to distinguish by the condition of the soil under the trees. It is she who quite obviously speaks of how the owner cares not only about the yield, but also about the beauty of his brainchild. So the design of the trunk circles is a creative process, which has its own directions. Let's take a look at them.

Read in the article

  • 1 Practical design option
  • 2 Bark mulching
  • 3 Laying out various embankments
  • 4 Planting ornamental plants in the trunk circle
  • 5 Mosaics and art layouts
  • 6 Bench around the tree
  • 7 Unusual ways to design near-trunk circles

Practical design option

Let's start with the simplest and most logical. Why are trunks made at all? The roots of the tree need not only food, but also air, and in addition, young trees often suffer from weeds and snails, so the task of the tree trunk circle is to protect the plantings.

The most striking examples of how to arrange a trunk circle
It is for this reason that the near-trunk circles loosen and regularly weed from weeds.

The only drawback of this design is the need for constant digging. Otherwise, weeds instantly take up free space.

Bark mulching

This is the second easiest and most popular option, which is preferred by many gardeners. It will only take a couple of minutes to fill up the trunk circle with bark, especially if you have bark or sawdust on hand after construction work.

The dyed bark looks very aesthetically pleasing. You can also tint it yourself - you just need a basin with dye and a film to dry
The dyed bark looks very aesthetically pleasing. You can also tint it yourself - you just need a basin with dye and a film to dry

The only disadvantage of this choice is that the bark can contain the larvae of carpenter beetles, which will move to a healthy tree.

Laying out various embankments

You can fill the trunk circle with improvised materials, which, in your opinion, will become its decoration.

Small pebbles look good, but remember that these are still stones, they have a lot of weight and tightly cover the ground from moisturePHOTO:
Small pebbles look good, but remember that these are still stones, they have a lot of weight and tightly cover the ground from moisture
An interesting option is to fill the trunk circle with cones. If you don't have a shortage of them, this is a great idea. By the way, cones can also be dyed.PHOTO:
An interesting option is to fill the trunk circle with cones. If you don't have a shortage of them, this is a great idea. By the way, cones can also be dyed.

Planting ornamental plants in the trunk circle

In parks, they often resort to this technique of decorating the trunk circle. Planting plants allows you to emphasize the geometry of the garden and the shape of the tree.

Ornamental deciduous plants, such as hosts, will do well under the shade of a tree.PHOTO:
Ornamental deciduous plants, such as hosts, will do well under the shade of a tree.
Flowering plants need more sun, so only small trees will thrive.PHOTO:
Flowering plants need more sun, so only small trees will thrive.
If you still insist on flowers under the tree, you can plant them out of pots, waiting for the beginning of flowering in the sun.PHOTO: author's
If you still insist on flowers under the tree, you can plant them out of pots, waiting for the beginning of flowering in the sun.

Mosaics and art layouts

It is easy to lay out stones around the trunk, but if some pattern or pattern is included in the layout, it will be much better.

The stones can be tinted and laid out with some intricate ornamentPHOTO:
The stones can be tinted and laid out with some intricate ornament
Labyrinths, a dry stream, a spiral around the trunk - all this also looks very attractive.PHOTO:
Labyrinths, a dry stream, a spiral around the trunk - all this also looks very attractive.
The layout may not even have a strict geometric shape, the natural contours fit perfectly into the concept of the gardenPHOTO:
The layout may not even have a strict geometric shape, the natural contours fit perfectly into the concept of the garden

Bench around the tree

Round benches around the trunk are now in trend in the garden landscape. Of course, the seat should not be attached to the trunk, otherwise the tree will die.

If you combine the design of a bench and a garden path, you get such an interesting effect.PHOTO:
If you combine the design of a bench and a garden path, you get such an interesting effect.

Unusual ways to design near-trunk circles

There are other, more original options for decorating the space under the tree.

See how interesting the wicker basket looks. And if you add a little lawn grass to it as a decoration, it will turn out to be very nontrivialPHOTO:
See how interesting the wicker basket looks. And if you add a little lawn grass to it as a decoration, it will turn out to be very nontrivial
The well around the trunk can be made of bricks. And if you use the backlight, it will seem that the trees are growing from somewhere in the dungeon.PHOTO: Pinterest
The well around the trunk can be made of bricks. And if you use the backlight, it will seem that the trees are growing from somewhere in the dungeon.
Another suitable option for creating a near-barrel well is a gabion. Make a mesh frame and fill it with stonesPHOTO: Pinterest
Another suitable option for creating a near-barrel well is a gabion. Make a mesh frame and fill it with stones

And some more useful information on the near-barrel circles - in this video:

Which of the options did you like the most? How do you decorate the garden? Share your opinion in the comments!


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