Why paving stones lose their appearance after a year: laying tricks

Today, paving stones are the most popular type. sidewalk coverage. And this is understandable: it looks gorgeous, fits easily and reliably, and serves for a very long time. Only here is the problem: for some reason, in some cases, the paving stones quickly lose their appearance. What's the matter? Defects in production or installation errors? It turns out that paving stones can really suffer if they are not laid correctly. And unfortunately, you will not discover this immediately, but only after two or three years. What's the catch and how to avoid this mistake?

Read in the article

  • 1 Paving stones and their popularity
  • 2 What manufacturers say about the features of paving stones
  • 3 What does a waterproof base do to a tile?
  • 4 But what if you need to put tiles on concrete?

Paving stones and their popularity

Paving stones beat all competitors in popularity. Paving slabs, stone and wood paving, and other types of decoration are far behind sidewalks and paths. Now paving stones are produced in such a number of figured compositions that the eyes run up.

Why paving stones lose their appearance after a year
PHOTO: avito.ru
And besides the construction of sidewalks and paths, modern solid paving stones can be safely laid on the roadway

Manufacturers use new technologies that protect paving stones from destruction. Its surface is covered with a durable glaze, and the base is ordinary concrete. The manufacturing technology is quite simple, which makes the paving stones affordable for the average buyer.

What manufacturers say about the features of paving stones

If you look closely at the manufacturer's recommendations for paving stones, you will find similar requirements. Almost everywhere it is said that paving stones should be laid on a backfill layer that allows water to pass through and filter.

This layer can be fine gravel, sand, gravel, screenings or geotextiles.
PHOTO: blizko.kz
This layer can be fine gravel, sand, gravel, screenings or geotextiles.

Waterproof film and deaf concrete are definitely among the prohibitions. Only if these requirements are met will the warranty remain valid. That is, the guarantee is not provided if you have used a surface that does not allow water to pass through. And what, in fact, is the matter?

What does a waterproof base do to a tile?

So what's the deal? Let's take a look at how concrete behaves in long-term contact with water. The structure of concrete is such that it is saturated with water, almost like a sponge. And then the fun begins when the seasons alternate. It got colder, the water in the concrete froze and, as the laws of physics dictate, the crystals expanded and broke the bonds of the concrete. It got warmer - everything thawed out, and water again penetrated into the places of broken connections.

So year after year, harmless rain " eats" the concrete, leaving behind only unsightly scrapsPHOTO: arzik.livejournal.com
So year after year, harmless rain "eats" the concrete, leaving behind only unsightly scraps

Why do hired builders do it anyway? Yes, everything is very simple: putting tiles on a concrete base is simple and easy, for the next couple of seasons it will be look great and then hardly anyone will associate its destruction with the flaws in the installation, because the sidewalk will still be perfectly flat. And why it collapses is a question for the manufacturer. But in fact, the reason is the waterproofing of the base.

But what if you need to put tiles on concrete?

Indeed, such a need may arise, so you can choose one of two options. The first is to make perforations in a monolithic concrete slab, that is, roughly speaking, through holes through which water will go into the ground.

This will help you avoid water saturation, moss and seasonal breaks.PHOTO: arzik.livejournal.com
This will help you avoid water saturation, moss and seasonal breaks.

The second way is to make the concrete base not monolithic, but sectional, with expansion joints, through which excess moisture will also leave.

If you do this, the paving stones will serve you for a long time and will delight you with an ideal appearance. And in continuation of the topic - some more useful information on laying paving slabs:

What do you think causes the paving stones to collapse? Share your opinion in the comments!


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