Gone are the days when the suburban area was used exclusively for growing vegetables and fruits, when they only came there to work. For a modern person, a country house is an opportunity to take a break from the city, daily routine, escape from the hustle and bustle. Therefore, the design of the suburban area is gaining more and more popularity.

Garden gnomes are considered to be the keepers of the garden.
Garden sculptures in the shape of gnomes have become an important element of the decor. They can be very different in style, coloring, materials from which they are made. Can be handmade and manufactured.

Gnomes bring good luck to the house, help to get and keep a rich harvest.
How to correctly place the figures on the site? What are they? How to choose the style of a figurine? These and other questions will be covered in this article.

It is best to place the garden gnome where he can keep an eye on most of the site.
Decorative gnomes in landscape design
- Decorative gnomes in landscape design
- Selection by type of material of manufacture
- Color options and composition selection
- conclusions
- VIDEO: A variety of gnomes for garden decoration.
- Photos of garden design with decorative gnomes:
For our ancestors, the figurine of a mythical hero, an animal in the garden was like a protection from evil spirits, or vice versa, like appeasing light forces. The gnomes, according to legend, helped a person, but only at night, when he did not see it.

They are mentioned in many legends.
In modern landscape design, the gnome garden figure plays the role of a beautiful decorative element. Gnomes will revive any area, complement the composition of flowers or ornamental plants. In order for these cute bearded men to be in harmony with the garden, you must:
- Decide on the style in which the design of the entire site is made.
- Based on this, choose the appropriate style, material for the figurines.

The garden gnome can also be placed near the path, where he will meet guests.
When the style of the future garden is chosen, then it is worth picking up gnomes for it. There are four main types in total. These are classics, romance, country and modern.
Classic - the name speaks for itself. These are gnomes, as if descended from the pages of fairy tales. The design is dominated by two or three colors. Material - ceramics, plaster.

It is important to choose a place from where he can observe everything that happens in the district.
Romance is for lovers of gentle, pink. The figures of the gnomes are painted in the appropriate colors, delicate colors prevail. The lines are gentle. May be in the form of gnome girls.

Garden gnomes are small figurines in the form of gnomes in red caps in various poses, popular in Europe (especially in Germany), as decorations for gardens.
Country is a rustic style. The emphasized rudeness of the performance does not spoil, but on the contrary adds charm to such products. Traditionally, such figures are not painted, they are made of wood or other natural materials.

In German fairy tales, gnomes living next to a person helped him at night in gardening.
Modern - the name already speaks for itself. These are concrete, stone, iron, polymer sculptures. They can be supplemented with the attributes of modernity - mobile phones, modern clothes and the like. They can be either colored or monotonous.

They were often seen as a talisman bringing good luck to gardeners and protecting the garden from evil spirits.
Hint - what styles the gnome garden figurines are combined with:
- Classic gnomes - English (landscape), country, Mediterranean.
- Romance - English, country and, in part, with Mediterranean, eco-design, woodland.
- Country - eco-design, forest, country.
- Modern - minimalism, modern, hi-tech, forest.
These were only tips on the combination of styles, the main thing is your taste and your vision of the future garden.

Gnomes are legendary creatures and have been a part of Western culture for centuries.
Selection by type of material of manufacture
Before equipping the site with such figures, you should figure out which material is preferable. As mentioned above, a gnome statue can be made of ceramics, plaster, stone, wood, metal, polymer. A description of the advantages and disadvantages of these materials is below.

In Austria, Germany, the Scandinavian countries, gnome figurines are very popular; they can be seen in almost any garden.
Many garden decorations, lamps, flower beds are made from ceramics today. The gnomes were no exception. According to their physical characteristics, they are quite strong, wear-resistant (this is more true of the paint with which they are painted). If the paint is damaged, you can not be afraid that the gnome will collapse over time from the water. Dwarf-shaped pottery can be found in any store and on the Internet. The main disadvantage is a rather large weight. The price, at the time of this writing, ranged from 200 rubles. up to 650 rubles The style of ceramic garden gnomes can be classic, romantic and modern.

According to European legends and legends, the gnome had the appearance of an old man with a long white beard who lives underground.
Plaster figures are easy to make and are no less popular than ceramic ones. Painted with special paint and covered with protective glaze or varnish. Their advantage is their relatively light weight (compared to ceramics) and low price. The disadvantage is that gypsum products are rather fragile. Also, if, for some reason, the layer of protective glaze or varnish is broken, moisture will begin to penetrate into the gypsum, which will quickly destroy the figure. The price varies from 100 to 1000 rubles. per piece and depends on the complexity of the product.

The Germans presented gnomes as dwarfs and were often depicted as underground inhabitants in pointed red hats.
Advice. Since gypsum can be bought at any hardware store, gnome home improvement can be done with your children. It is enough to purchase a form for the desired statuette, paint, varnish. When the figurine is ready, it will be possible to paint it together with the children.
Country style gnomes are figures made exclusively from natural materials. Of all the species, they are the only ones that will give a suburban area an atmosphere of a fairy tale and comfort. For their manufacture, wood or stone is used. They are not stained, only covered with a protective varnish if necessary. Monolithic, durable, resistant to weather conditions. It is quite difficult to find on free sale, most often they are made to order. This is their advantage, because in this case you can come up with your own unique statue.

It was the German gnomes who became the prototypes of the famous Disney gnomes from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".
Advice. If you have the skills of woodcarving, and there are stumps on the site that spoil the whole design, you should not uproot them. Old stumps can be turned into gnomes yourself or you can invite a master.
Metal, ceramics, plastic, polymer - materials for gnomes in the Art Nouveau style. Metal gnomes cannot be called a universal decor element; they will fit only a certain style of the courtyard. Metal is a reliable material. Figures from it can even be placed from the outside, because it is not afraid of vandalism. Made to order or available in stores. Polystone statues are sold in various stores, and the price varies from 400 to 2000 rubles.

Modern gnomes have attractive features.
Color options and composition selection
There is no universal or uniform color requirement for garden gnomes. It all depends on the imagination and the desired style of arrangement of the suburban area. You can only give examples of garden gnomes with photos, which should become the basis for new ideas.

Gnomes are often depicted for various pursuits such as gardening, fishing, and playing musical instruments.
The classic design of the gnomes. They are familiar and familiar to everyone.

According to popular belief, when the owners go to bed, the gnomes come to life and take on the work of caring for the garden or lawn on which they live.
Dwarf coloring book in traditional German style. They look quite original. Suitable for lovers of vintage style.

The tradition of placing small figures of gnomes in the garden dates back to the 19th century.
And these gnomes are straight out of Disney cartoons.

Traditional garden gnomes are made by casting into molds of liquid terracotta clay and then firing them.
The country gnome is handsome in his own way.

Nowadays, garden gnomes are also cast from polymer resins, made from artificial stone and similar materials.
At the discretion of the author of the design project, there is also a composition with the participation of gnome sculptures. There is no need to get attached only to what has been seen on the Internet. These are just blank ideas, because every country house is unique. And it will not be interesting at all to copy what has already been created. Therefore, the sample compositions in the next section are the basics. Create your own unique design!

Despite the criticism of the "gnomophobes", garden gnomes remain popular, and their patronage continues to bring good luck to gardeners around the world.
Figures in the form of gnomes are now a fairly popular style of decorating a suburban area. They can make up an independent composition or supplement an already created one, for example, from plants.

Kind and cheerful gnomes - musicians and gardeners, dreamers and hard workers - in constant pointed hats continue to delight both children and adults.
In order for the figures to look harmonious with the surrounding garden, it is necessary to choose the right style. It can be classic, romantic, country or modern.

The richest people decorated vineyards and gardens with their sculptures, showing their greatness.
The material from which the figurines are made can be ceramics, gypsum, wood, stone, metal or polystone. Which one to use depends on the style. Each of the materials has its own pros and cons. The price of finished products is also very different. Do not forget that the figures can be made independently from plaster and, accordingly, painted as you want.

Dwarf figurines can not only decorate your garden, but also turn it into a fairy tale.
It is important to correctly, beautifully and harmoniously arrange the figures in the garden. Their number and the place where they will be installed depends on the general design style of the suburban area. Sample compositions are given in the previous section of the article. But these photographs should not be limited to a flight of imagination, it all depends on taste and inspiration.

They, as it is believed in mythology, also guard your home, scare away spirits, and have a good effect on the growth of everything that is on your site.
VIDEO: A variety of gnomes for garden decoration.
Photos of garden design with decorative gnomes:
This section contains examples of how to equip a gnome yard in various styles. Try, create, experiment! Only then will your garden be filled with warmth and comfort.