How to get rid of the smell on the carpet from the urine of a nursery or cat's cat


  • How to eliminate the smell of baby urine from the carpet
  • How to eliminate the smell of urine from domestic animals from the carpet
  • Techniques to eliminate the smell of chronic urine

The house in which young children or pets live is not easy to maintain in a constant cleanliness andfreshness. Most often, the hostess is interested in how to remove the smell of urine from the carpet. Considering the fact that this product for the most part consists of chemical elements that do not dissolve in water, it is simply not possible to get rid of the problem with the help of usual wet cleaning. Rubbing traces of a child, dog or cat prank will only increase the area of ​​the lesion and aggravate the problem. Remove the stain and smell only with chemical reagents. But they need to be applied correctly, otherwise very soon the carpet or the carpet will have to be changed.

How to eliminate the smell of baby urine from the carpet

The smaller the baby, the weaker the unpleasant odor, so many moms just wash the stain, and then they can not get rid of the consequences for a long time. Even if there is still no smell, it will be necessary to conduct all necessary hygienic procedures, otherwise to a strong aroma to join the notes of mustiness. First of all, you must thoroughly soak a puddle, but do not rub it. Next, you need to clean the trail with one of the proven tools:

  • Vinegar solution. In five parts of the water we take one part of the vinegar. In the resulting composition, we moisten the multilayer gauze cloth, cover it with a stain and squeeze it well. After three minutes, we update the fluid and repeat the manipulation. So repeat a few more times until you can completely eliminate the smell of baby urine.
  • Solution of iodine. This option can only be used when processing dark surfaces. Add 20 drops of iodine to a liter of water. The resulting composition should be carefully cleaned the affected area. Then treat it with foam from any detergent and iron it through a thin cloth.

Tip: Given the fact that it is not always possible to establish that the carpet is a consequence of a child's surprise or water, and you do not want to spoil the coating with chemicals, you can first make sure that you need to clean it. To do this, we prepare a very weak solution of potassium permanganate, literally a pair of crystals in half a glass of water and drip onto the stain. If there is no obvious smell of urine, you can just dry the moisture.

How to eliminate from the carpet the smell of urine from domestic pets

It is very difficult to remove the sharp and persistent smell of cat or cat urine. Especially unlucky for those housewives, in whose house settled too independent cat, which also suffers from obesity. The optimal approach will be a complex approach, consisting of several stages:

  1. If the puddle left the cat, cat or small dog, then first it needs to be slightly diluted with water. Then we process the area with water mixed with vinegar in a proportion of 3 to 1, and we soak all excess moisture with paper napkins.
  2. Next, take baking soda and sprinkle it with the affected area. We wait until the place on which the pet wrote, completely dry.
  3. To completely eliminate all the consequences from the tricks of a cat or dog, prepare an effective mixture. Hydrogen peroxide is diluted with water in half, we add a little dishwashing liquid. This product is distributed over a layer of soda and left for several hours.
  4. When all components are dissolved, the area must be cleaned with a damp cloth. In the end, we soak the carpet with a dry napkin and, if necessary, treat it with a hairdryer.

Cat's and dog's sensitivity to smells is only enviable. Even if it seems that the specific fragrance has been removed by the cavity, there is a risk that the cat or dog will continue to mark the territory. Representatives of the cat family do not tolerate the smell of citrus. Therefore, the owners, who have a cat or cat, should simply treat a specific area with lemon juice or citrus essential oil. Owners of the dog such techniques will not help, will have to be trained by training.

Advice: Before removing the odor from the carpet with the help of specialized compounds offered at pet stores, it is necessary to check whether the animal normally perceives it. Often after such treatment, even the most peaceful and calm cat begins to behave inadequately.

Techniques to eliminate the smell of chronic urine

If you need to remove the already dried stain of cat or dog's urine, you should contact the professionals. If nevertheless it is decided to clean the cover at home, first you will have to conduct some training. The affected zone should be soaked with water, not allowing a significant increase in the area of ​​the puddle. If the surface is so withered that it turned into a stone, prepare a concentrated soap solution, whisk it into a thick foam. In a liquid we soak a gauze napkin, put a thick layer of foam on the stain, cover with gauze and leave for a quarter of an hour.

To get rid of the smell emitted by a spot of cat, dog or child's urine, use one of the following:

  • In a liter of lukewarm water, dissolve a tablespoon of vinegar and wipe off the soap with a solution. Then you need to clean everything with filtered water without additives and dry the carpet.
  • You can use ammonia or vodka in pure form. We plentifully apply the chosen product on the carpet, wait half an hour and rinse with clean water. However, after such treatment, neither the cat nor the child will go to this site for a long time.
  • Trouble-free, but quite aggressive option is chlorine. With its help, you can get rid of even the smell of concentrated secret, which leaves the cat. However, there is a risk of color burnout, so use the product very carefully. Cleaning is best done after preliminary treatment of the area with vinegar or citric acid. The composition is gently rubbed into the area and immediately washed with water.
  • In some cases, the "fragrant" area can be cleaned with soap. After the nap has softened, we clean it with clean water, take a bar of brown soap and begin to rub it into the surface with intensive movements. When the area becomes white with foam, wait 10 minutes. Then the soap should be removed with a weak alcohol solution, made from vodka.

If the method used did not help, it's worth keeping a spot on for a day and it's only after this time that you can start experiments with other means.

After all the manipulations performed, it is recommended to treat the place marked by a cat or a dog. But for this chemical flavors do not fit. It is better to use incense, essential oils or ground coffee powder.

We recommend to read the article: how to remove the smell of cat, dog, children's urine from the sofa